Spider-Man 3: Beat This Caption




"The Force is strong with you young Parker...
...but you are not a Jedi yet."
Tobey Maguire and Bryce Dallas Howard in... "The Village 2".

Those fanboys will never notice the venom suit under this bathrobe.

"Lord Brock, Riiiise. From this point on, you shall be known as Lord...Venom."

"Aw man, who washed my suit with the darks?!"
KyleDasan said:
spidey" i had to ask mj to try to design i new suit for me maybe i should'd asked tony stark for help"
is that really the black suit from SM3, or is that just one of hte manips from the pics during the SM2 shoot?
Archangel08 "is that really the black suit from SM3, or is that just one of hte manips from the pics during the SM2 shoot?"

spidey-dude "its a manip"

Does it matter? It's just a picture that I found on the net, and immediately thought of Star Wars captions to go under it, although I like the "Shire, Baggins" quote the best.
And speaking of quotes, here's some more.


Spider-Man: "Parker never told you what happened to your father.
Harry Osborn: "He told me enough! He told me you killed him!"
Spider-Man: "No Harry. I am your father..."


Spider-Man 4: Attack of the Clone Saga
KyleDasan said:
Does it matter? It's just a picture that I found on the net, and immediately thought of Star Wars captions to go under it, although I like the "Shire, Baggins" quote the best.

sorry, was just wondering if the black costume was leaked out at all yet...

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