Stewart X3 Surprise


Sep 2, 2005
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I just posted my thoughts on the surprise in the Fear and Loathing board, but i fear and loathe that it will get lost among the quarreling. Here is my post.

You know what ive been throwing around? The idea that Gambit is the great surprise Stewart talked about. Filming his scene could be something done in one filming session. They could bring in a nobody, someone scruffy, who people looking on the set might think is a crew member until he goes inside. Its not an expensive scene, like Sentenels or Danger Room. Something like that would get noticed when the budget went out, yet listing our "mystery man" as an extra would not get noticed. I know it sounds weird, but hey, it would be a surprise.

I dont know if there was already a thread about it. I looked up to the 3rd page of threads, and couldnt find one, so i started a new one. If there was one, Im sorry.
I posted mine in "fear" thread as well about Magneto taking over the Xmen after X dies and how that would be a cool surprise. Another "suprise" that usually happens to X is he gets his legs back and either dies and manages to get them paralyzed again. maybe he gets them back and thats the surprise then he dies. that wouldnt be that cool tho
Or maybe it is something innane, like Jean Grey coming back. I would be so pissed off if that was the surprise.
Nah hes smarter then that to say theres a surprise then it end up being something that was so very obvious in the second one.whatever it is i hope its not lame. Maybe he does a little battling, now that would be a surprise.
But we agree on the fact that it must be something small, something that could be overlooked on the large amount of time spent filming. If its a character, be it new, changed, or changing sides, it must be something quick, so that people who are able to roam the Estate cannot get suspicious.
Well, I don't think thst the "suprise" would have to take place at the mansion, or did he actually say that? Remember that Jean's death was the big suprise and kept under wraps during the X2 shoot and that was NOT small.
HexualCirce said:
Well, I don't think thst the "suprise" would have to take place at the mansion, or did he actually say that? Remember that Jean's death was the big suprise and kept under wraps during the X2 shoot and that was NOT small.

whats your guess then?
Thats true, its just that they decided to show her as the Pheonix when filming was almost over. This is one of the first things they filmed, and since they didnt have it in the script, it must be near the end. This means, hopefully, some sort of continuity for a possible 4th. Also, some of the other surprises brought up include Sentenels, Danger Room, Apocolypse, etc... All of these are too expensive to be covered up, and Apocolypse would just be ruined at this point and time. The thing is, is that Sentenels or DR would cost too much money just to be labeled "Set Design" or something along the nature of that. But, I do agree that it might have been outside. Its possible, but I think for one short scene, it might be more likely that its in the Mansion. I mean, how many scenes were outside in the first 2? I think something like the DR is more likely to be a surprise than Sentenels. For them, you would pretty much have a large amout of people outside, with alot of extras actually acting. I think that the DR could be kept on the dl (heheh), as only a select few of the cast would know about it.
Stewart isn't fan enough to call Gambit a "great surprise". The great surprise will most likely be a major plot twist with enough special effects to cost a ****load. Gambit does not fit this bill.
I presumed the surprises would have been some of the deaths, even though they aren't really surprises at all to many of us.
But it's already been filmed at the "mansion" so...that kinda limits what it could be
The surprise is that Data makes a cameo appearance? Maybe?

*runs off giggling*
you all are forgetting that only a conversation scene is what was filmed at the mansion. If they want to use it to introduce a character or sentinels for instance all it would take in that "unscripted scene" is to have them turn on and be watching something happening on tv, or something coming across a computer screen. Thats all that would be filmed there, and then when the other scene to be shown is filmed it gets edited into that scene. Post production is where ALOT of work takes place, right now they are just filming the setups.
I think Stewarts suprise is...

Jan Irisi said:
The surprise is that Data makes a cameo appearance? Maybe?

*runs off giggling*
Isn't Data's head supposed to be on Earth at this time period anyway? There's your sentinel right there. :p
Demon Within said:
I posted mine in "fear" thread as well about Magneto taking over the Xmen after X dies and how that would be a cool surprise. Another "suprise" that usually happens to X is he gets his legs back and either dies and manages to get them paralyzed again. maybe he gets them back and thats the surprise then he dies. that wouldnt be that cool tho

I always thought that would be an awesome turn of events.I posted this somewhere else,but I'll say it again.To have Xavier die and have Mags lead the X-Men would be awesome.Read the last pages of Uncanny #200,if you want to know how it happened in the comics.It's a real touching moment.

Now if Mags fulfills his dying friend's wish,it would be cool to see Mystique and the rest of the Brotherhood leave Mags.Maybe form the Freedom Force with the gov't perhaps later on?This could be their way of getting back at Magneto for betraying them while having the whole "mutant hunters for the gov't" as a cover for their true intentions.

Let's say Xavier does die.Another way this could play out:phoenix could possibly rejuvenate him to bring him back to life.However,Jean must sacrifice her own life if she goes thru with this.Jean dies.Xavier returns but is physically and mentally weak,so he must stay on Muir Island to recooperate until he becomes well again.
I really don't think that Xavier is going to die in the mansion, and I don't think Magneto will take over the X-Men because he might be the leader of The Brotherhood. I think the nice suprise will be Jugs breaking into the mansion and then we might see the Colossus Jugs fight.
The Apocalypse said:
I really don't think that Xavier is going to die in the mansion, and I don't think Magneto will take over the X-Men because he might be the leader of The Brotherhood. I think the nice suprise will be Jugs breaking into the mansion and then we might see the Colossus Jugs fight.

He already is the Leader of the Brotherhood.No one stated Xavier was going to die at the mansion.
I know both of those things, but I thought I saw it said that the suprise was already flimed, and they did film at the mansion.
Ok, like I said before, it would be idiotic for Ratner to film a "surprise" like Juggernaut vs. Colossus or Sentinels at the mansion. That would be done in a studio, where they could copy parts of the mansion, so they could have things break. The wont tear down walls in the mansion itself for one scene. Secondly, I really like what one poster said awhile ago about watching the Sentinels on TV. They could fight them later, but a big surprise would be the beginning of the movie, to see a Sentinel pop down in front of a camera.
cookiva said:
Ok, like I said before, it would be idiotic for Ratner to film a "surprise" like Juggernaut vs. Colossus or Sentinels at the mansion. That would be done in a studio, where they could copy parts of the mansion, so they could have things break. The wont tear down walls in the mansion itself for one scene. Secondly, I really like what one poster said awhile ago about watching the Sentinels on TV. They could fight them later, but a big surprise would be the beginning of the movie, to see a Sentinel pop down in front of a camera.

Also, bearing in mind that whatever was filmed isn't necessarily at the "beginning" of the movie, yes... I agree. Something like this is closer to what the surprise might be. It's gotta take place at the mansion and it's gotta come through dialogue.

Gambit is a possibility.

Sentinels also.

Even though both have been officially debunked from the film. Hmmm. I'm always a fan of Magneto taking over the X-Men. However, this couldn't be the case because Ian's still at Da Vinci. Magneto HAS to be in that scene. I'm at a loss really. And I'm thankful of that, too. Hopefully this will be something that none of us see coming.

Not everyone is thinking about Gambit. This surprise whatever it is must be something for general viewers, not only for Gambit fans.
But Stewart said it at a convention. Im thinking that not many people that would be considered the general public go to conventions. Its gotta be something like a character appearing, one dying, etc...
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the surprise was something like Jean's return as Phoenix?
I said the same thing, word for word, awhile ago. I know that Stewart isnt that stupid. Enspecially telling it to a CON crowd. They, along with us, will be watching for the surprise.

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