Days of Future Past Classic Professor X: The Patrick Stewart Thread


Anchor of Earth-X
Aug 19, 2004
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I noticed most of the returning actors already have their own thread here but there's still no thread that is dedicated to Magneto, Wolverine and Professor X. So I'm making one for Professor X. :woot:



I think out of everybody in the cast, Patrick Stewart's role is the most intriguing. Simply because we don't know how they are gonna introduce him especially what happened to him in X3. Are they gonna go with the body of his twin-brother? or retcon his death? or will his mind travel to the past? So many questions that needs to be answered! Discuss! :woot:
I've said it before, but I absolutely can't believe they will go with the twin body solution. It was an after credits scene, the presence of Moira causes more problems, it's a lot to ask the audience to accept and still take the movie seriously, and Bryan tweeted that picture of the two wheelchairs, and I doubt the twin body would ALSO have to be in a wheel chair.

They're going to have to find some other way to work around X3, and if they find a solution for this problem, what's stopping them from solving the Jean/Scott death problem?
They're going to have to find some other way to work around X3, and if they find a solution for this problem, what's stopping them from solving the Jean/Scott death problem?

Maybe they are fixing them 1 at a time.
What's with the evil-looking ginger cat in the second pic? Is Professor X a cat person? (all the more reasons to like him if he is :woot:)

Unless he is only appearing in a flashback, I have absolutely no idea how they're going to deal with his death in X3. The brain-dead twin twist (yeah so I just happened to have a never-mentioned twin brother lying around in case my body gets blown to tiny molecules by an uber-powerful being) is so bloody awful it would be laughed off Dallas. And if they actually are going with it they might need to remind the general audience about it in case they never stuck around for after the credits. Which would then make the whole movie a small fraction more lame.

I don't know about the mind travel either. Apart from everything else, it just seems terribly uncinematic. And I think that if it does happen, they'd need to explain why Professor X doesn't just mind-travel into the past to correct bad stuff all the time. Like maybe, travelling back to Oxford and warning himself about that metal-bending guy he's about to pull out of the water :cwink:
What's with the evil-looking ginger cat in the second pic? Is Professor X a cat person? (all the more reasons to like him if he is :woot:)

No but I think he named that cat "Mystique".
That second pic is from Ultimate X-men IIRC so it's not the regular universe. Professor X (the real one) is certainly not a cat person! :cmad::cmad::cmad:


I'm a big fan of Adam Kubert's art! :)
I'm glad Patrick Stewart is coming back that whole death in X3 was utter Bull. I'm glad to see their undoing that.
Since I'm here...I have a question about cerebro. I'm writting a sequel to x2 that should have been but regarding cerebro, did stryker take the one that prof x always used?? Or did he build a second one?
They're going to have to find some other way to work around X3, and if they find a solution for this problem, what's stopping them from solving the Jean/Scott death problem?

If it's an Alt reality nothing. Theres no rules, they can show up very easily. If it's post X3 alot is stopping them from being added during the future scenes, they would need at least 20 min to themselves to have a somewhat legit resurrection for both. Then they would either A. Die or B. Get put in a camp. Makes bringing them back kinda pointless. They gotta wait till the end when the futures fixed or new timelines added if it's a post X3 future.

If they're somewhat faithful the future should be a horrible place for the X-Men, does anyone really want to see Cyclops and Jean get killed again on screen?
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If it's an Alt reality nothing. Theres no rules, they can show up very easily. If it's post X3 alot is stopping them from being added during the future scenes, they would need at least 20 min to themselves to have a somewhat legit resurrection for both. Then they would either A. Die or B. Get put in a camp. Makes bringing them back kinda pointless. They gotta wait till the end when the futures fixed or new timelines added if it's a post X3 future.

If they're somewhat faithful the future should be a horrible place for the X-Men, does anyone really want to see Cyclops and Jean get killed again on screen?

And if a wheelchair is for the future magneto?
I don't think we will see future Magneto in a wheelchair and future Prof X without one. It would be odd.
Unless Singer is actually surprising everyone by doing a X-Men version of Freaky Friday!

Edit: Wait...still wouldn't make sense...
Magneto was in a wheelchair in DOFP though. And if Xavier is in a new body...why not have him walk? It would indeed be freaky friday esq in a sense...but it could also show how different things are between the two times. Magneto could be using Xavier's old wheelchair because time has passed and he's allied himself with the X-Men again?
Magneto was in a wheelchair in DOFP though. And if Xavier is in a new body...why not have him walk? It would indeed be freaky friday esq in a sense...but it could also show how different things are between the two times. Magneto could be using Xavier's old wheelchair because time has passed and he's allied himself with the X-Men again?

As if people remembered that like Magneto moving the chess piece.

Anyway, as long they can pull it off, I don't mind.
I just found out Patrick Stewart lives in my neighborhood in Brooklyn. Must stalk him now.
Don't do that, you might end up in jail like that Hugh Jackman's stalker that got arrested a few weeks ago.
If it is the one I am thinking of, she threatened him with an electric razor.

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