Sticky hands, sticky feet.

Mister Gone

Master of His Toaster!
Jun 7, 2005
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I would really like to see them demonstrate that Spidey can actually cling to a surface with any part of his body. I'd love to see him stuck to a wall fighting with both hands and both legs, that would be a really cool way to have him defend against multiple villains, or a villain with multiple limbs (I.E. Sandman going nuts.)

P.S. I pedict that this thread turns dirty way too fast :(
hmmmmm, i could say something that would go along with your "p.s" statement, but i won't...but what your saying is something i too would like to see.
Call me crazy, but I never liked the idea that Spidey could cling with any part of his body. It makes him seem less like a spider and more like one of those gel toys you get out of the prize machines at Walmart. Ya know, the ones you throw against the wall and they stick? Well anyway... I mean, real spiders can't cling like that, so why should Spider-Man be able to? I say keep it localized to his hands and feet. It's more believable and it gives more of a sense of limitation to his powers.
In the movie continuity, he can probably only cling with his hands and feet. What I'd like is for them to explain how the little hairs work with his gloves on.
Saint said:
In the movie continuity, he can probably only cling with his hands and feet. What I'd like is for them to explain how the little hairs work with his gloves on.

That's one the questions everyone wants to avoid trying to answer. :up:
Porous gloves? The barbs on his hairs also seem sharp enough to stick through.

And I don't want them to show spidey sticking to walls with his elbows or anything like that, and I don't think they will.
SpiderB said:
Call me crazy, but I never liked the idea that Spidey could cling with any part of his body. It makes him seem less like a spider and more like one of those gel toys you get out of the prize machines at Walmart. Ya know, the ones you throw against the wall and they stick? Well anyway... I mean, real spiders can't cling like that, so why should Spider-Man be able to? I say keep it localized to his hands and feet. It's more believable and it gives more of a sense of limitation to his powers.

My sentiments exactly! Plus I think it would look silly!
I'd like to see him show MJ how he does it while he's just got his shorts and a t-shirt on - that would be cool to see if he did it really easily and she was like 'wow' :)
Mister Gone said:
I would really like to see them demonstrate that Spidey can actually cling to a surface with any part of his body. I'd love to see him stuck to a wall fighting with both hands and both legs, that would be a really cool way to have him defend against multiple villains, or a villain with multiple limbs (I.E. Sandman going nuts.)

P.S. I pedict that this thread turns dirty way too fast :(
the only time i think would be best suited for showing he can stick with all his body was if he was to stick to a ceiling upside down inthe crossed feet position as if he's comtemplating something.

i think in a battle situation, removing yourself from the danger zone is a better idea than constant parrying.
Odin's Lapdog said:
the only time i think would be best suited for showing he can stick with all his body was if he was to stick to a ceiling upside down inthe crossed feet position as if he's comtemplating something.

i think in a battle situation, removing yourself from the danger zone is a better idea than constant parrying.

:) YEP!
Saint said:
In the movie continuity, he can probably only cling with his hands and feet. What I'd like is for them to explain how the little hairs work with his gloves on.

the cardinal rule of watching a movie is to suspend your disbeilief, sometimes you just have to let things go and not dwell on them to enjoy it.
Yeah that's one of those little things you just accept. If you want to get technical, the comics explained that the fabric of his costume was thin enough that it didn't interfere with his powers. But of course they didn't use the "microscopic barbs" explanation in the comics. I imagaine the barbs on his hands just poke through his gloves (hey if they can dig into concrete walls, they shouldn't have a problem going through spandex), and he simply uses his feet as support. Then again... I think we've seen him sticking with just his feet before I guess the mystery is still up in the air.
SpiderB said:
Yeah that's one of those little things you just accept. If you want to get technical, the comics explained that the fabric of his costume was thin enough that it didn't interfere with his powers. But of course they didn't use the "microscopic barbs" explanation in the comics. I imagaine the barbs on his hands just poke through his gloves (hey if they can dig into concrete walls, they shouldn't have a problem going through spandex), and he simply uses his feet as support. Then again... I think we've seen him sticking with just his feet before I guess the mystery is still up in the air.

yea he has stuck with just his feet. i just accept the fact the the hairs are just so strong and super sticky, that they go through the thin fabric gloves, and the souls of the shows, which aren't probably too thick, but i accept it...questioning it only ruins it for yourself.
SpiderB said:
Yeah that's one of those little things you just accept. If you want to get technical, the comics explained that the fabric of his costume was thin enough that it didn't interfere with his powers. But of course they didn't use the "microscopic barbs" explanation in the comics. I imagaine the barbs on his hands just poke through his gloves (hey if they can dig into concrete walls, they shouldn't have a problem going through spandex), and he simply uses his feet as support. Then again... I think we've seen him sticking with just his feet before I guess the mystery is still up in the air.

I grew up on the Ross Andru Spidey issues and it always bothered me when he drew Spidey running up a building using only his feet, even SIDEWAYS sometimes. Even at 10 years old, I'd think to myself that gravity just wouldn't allow that. I remember when the first film came out and I saw the clip where the big whatever-it-is is about to fall on the kid at the World Unity Festival and it shows Spidey running along the wall, how relieved I was when I saw the full scene that revealed he actually fired a webline first.

As far as the gloves and boots, in the comics, the fabric (even on the boots) was supposed to be so thin that his 'sticking' powers worked even thru it. Inthe movies, the boots are obviously too think so you just have to believe that he climbs using his hands and just uses his feet for leverage. Or suspend you disbelief!
in the first movie when he is in the wrestling ring and first jumps up on to the bars to escape bonesaw, isn't he holding himself up with his feet? i would also think the feet helped him stick to the train to do those matrix moves when fighting doc oc but maybe i need to watch the movies again...
i wish they'd show a shot of spidey clinging upside down on the ceiling above an unsuspecting thug while the camera looks upwards. Thats a shot they should really do cuz that's classic spidey. And more wallcrawling damnit!
Jubba said:
in the first movie when he is in the wrestling ring and first jumps up on to the bars to escape bonesaw, isn't he holding himself up with his feet? i would also think the feet helped him stick to the train to do those matrix moves when fighting doc oc but maybe i need to watch the movies again...

no, his feet definitely stick.
for all we know, he could be coating his costume with a thin layer of fluid from his web shooting hands...also, he may be secreting stickiness from his pores which would saturatue his suit and make him super sticky-man
maybe they'll use my ideas! hire me sony! seriously.
Sean Adisano said:
no, his feet definitely stick.
Yuppers, who knows how though :O must have stepped on gum or somthing
black_dust said:
Yuppers, who knows how though :O must have stepped on gum or somthing

it would make no sense for his feet not to be able to stick. but remember spidey 2 in the bank scene, when spidey jumps on the wall and goes to shoot a web at ock, and his web fails on him. he say's "oh, come on" and he switches from one hand to the other. while switching both hands are off the wall and the feet are attached holding him on the wall.
Sean Adisano said:
it would make no sense for his feet not to be able to stick. but remember spidey 2 in the bank scene, when spidey jumps on the wall and goes to shoot a web at ock, and his web fails on him. he say's "oh, come on" and he switches from one hand to the other. while switching both hands are off the wall and the feet are attached holding him on the wall.
You could say his feet were working after he wakes up when he got bit, because he came down stairs and walked across the wall, aint no way you could do that normaly. and if i were Aurnt may i would have kicked his ass for that, walking across the wallpaper!
black_dust said:
You could say his feet were working after he wakes up when he got bit, because he came down stairs and walked across the wall, aint no way you could do that normaly. and if i were Aurnt may i would have kicked his ass for that, walking across the wallpaper!

LOL! very true :)
:) Raimi has done a great job IMO to make sure Spidey has a hand or foot always touching a surface - I think it makes more sense for only his hands and feet to stick :)

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