Still Scared


Not lactose, it's milk!
Oct 23, 2002
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Is there something that scared you or freaked you out as a kid that you haven't completely gotten over as an adult?
JAWS, but I got over it.
Jumping spiders. I absolutely hate those things. Apparently, I tried to touch one as a toddler with my finger--it bit me.

The worst thing about them is because of the shape of their head and the positions of their eyes, they always look like they're looking right at me, as if to say, "Give me a reason, son . . ."
Jumping spiders. I absolutely hate those things. Apparently, I tried to touch one as a toddler with my finger--it bit me.

The worst thing about them is because of the shape of their head and the positions of their eyes, they always look like they're looking right at me, as if to say, "Give me a reason, son . . ."

LOL, yeah those jumping spiders are silly. I was laughing my ass off watching a show about spiders and it showed close ups of them.

They have a silly pointy kind of cone head. Reminds me of Donkey Kongs head(not original but recent Donkey Kong).
Jumping spiders. I absolutely hate those things. Apparently, I tried to touch one as a toddler with my finger--it bit me.

The worst thing about them is because of the shape of their head and the positions of their eyes, they always look like they're looking right at me, as if to say, "Give me a reason, son . . ."
IT's kinda cute sorta with it's little wee eyes
mmmm....i'm not really an adult but Great White almost bit me in half at a local water park near me. I was 5 though....
I hate snakes, they just freak me out, even if they are on TV
mmmm....i'm not really an adult but Great White almost bit me in half at a local water park near me. I was 5 though....
I'm somewhat afraid of the Dark. Not really the dark but stubbing my toe on something.
I'm still afraid of little bugs. I can't stand looking at pictures of them in a book. It's so hard for me to turn the page cause I don't even want to touch that. I'm afraid they'll jump out at me.
story time! how does that happen?:boba::boba::boba::brucebat:

Ok..I got 6 min to spare. My dad and I went to a new exbit at a local waterpark/fish place I dont know its long gone now, and they cought a great white at the time and put it into the tank and people could feed it because it was in training to become one of the first "Un-man eating sharks" and I threw some salmon in the tank with a local lifequard/fish expert/I dont know a scooba diver and all I see is a friggan great whites head f'n pop outta nowhere and fell off the platform and the friggan thing bit the salmon outta my hand and I almost had a heart attack. I still dont know if it was after me or the salmon....
Dead bodies ........ I accidently walked into a morgue when i was younger and saw a kid on the table. I went to a few wakes for relatives and that made me uneasy. I was also In Iraq for 15 months and watched people die. There is just something about a dead body that really freaks me out.

Satan's Animal :down
I used to get freaked out going up the stairs from the basement. The basement itself doesn't make me feel weird or scared, but going back up the stairs to get out of the basement it always feels like there is someone watching me or is behind me.
Heights, especially high, open stairwells. In my old house we had a flight of stairs and it looked down in the entry way. Back when I was little it seemed really big. When my dad would carry me up or down, I'd be afraid because of how high I was. I am really afraid of going on those folding ladders but I'm ok on ladders like the one going into my attic.
I used to get freaked out going up the stairs from the basement. The basement itself doesn't make me feel weird or scared, but going back up the stairs to get out of the basement it always feels like there is someone watching me or is behind me.

I did get that same feeling when I lived with my parents I would go downstairs to do the laundry and then come running back up.
So much of that story smells of ********. It's great. :up:

FINE I DID NOT GET ATTACKED OR ANYTHING..I thought I would put it there though. I did feed a great white though...I was 10 feet above a tank on a platform with a marine expert and I droped some fish into the water and the GHS ate it. It still creeps me out to what could of happened if I lived in a town called amity and the sharks name was bruce.


The Boogieman from "The Real Ghostbusters" always scared the **** out of me.

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