Supergirl returns?

Hunter Rider

Staff member
Oct 24, 2004
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Source: JoBlo

While Marvel characters make it to theaters on a regular basis, most of the DC Comics superheroes haven't quite been faster than a speeding bullet to film production -- aside from Bats and Supes, most of them have been fitted for new tights only to wind up in the Phantom Zone.

Is SUPERGIRL getting ready to bust out? According to a tip from 'Lip', it could be so -- apparently Warner Bros. has already commissioned a script for the younger, blonder and breastier Supercharacter. They've supposedly even started contacting managers and agents about possible ladies for the curve-hugging blue bodysock, and we hear BATTLESTAR GALACTICA's slinky Cylon stunner Tricia Helfer was on the list of possibilites.

Of course, Helfer (however hot) is around 33 years old, so I'm not sure she qualifies for SUPERGIRL (I believe the current comic book incarnation is college age), but it does sound like the character herself is once again on the 'To Do' list at WB -- that is, unless our source is somehow confusing it with WONDER WOMAN, rendering this entire rumor moot. It is probable that this theoretical new version would completely ignore the cheesy 1984 movie featuring Helen Slater, and also not be related to the current film manifestation of SUPERMAN.

For all you BSG fans, Helfer will be back in the brain of Baltar for a fourth season, which will likely be the show's last.

Thanks again to 'Lip' for the tip!

Extra Tidbit: There have been murmurs over the past few years about the possibility of a SUPERGIRL movie, with names like Melissa George and *heehee* Mischa Barton tenuously linked to the part.
I know there would be a lot of kids and teens that would like to see this type of movie. I myself personally would like to see it done with Superman in it (more like a father figure) and with a plot line similar to the current comic. Although the title ("Supergirl Returns") implies that an older actress could be cast in the role, I would like to see a teenager (16-17-years-old) in the role and the storyline parallel the current one in the comic (a somewhat rebellious teen and reluctant hero trying to find herself and her niche in society). Think of films like "The Prince and Me", "Ella Enchanted", "First Daughter", or "Chasing Liberty".
I know there would be a lot of kids and teens that would like to see this type of movie. I myself personally would like to see it done with Superman in it (more like a father figure) and with a plot line similar to the current comic. Although the title ("Supergirl Returns") implies that an older actress could be cast in the role, I would like to see a teenager (16-17-years-old) in the role and the storyline parallel the current one in the comic (a somewhat rebellious teen and reluctant hero trying to find herself and her niche in society). Think of films like "The Prince and Me", "Ella Enchanted", "First Daughter", or "Chasing Liberty".

That's not the actual title, it's just something the author of the article made up.
I would love to see a Supergirl movie similar to the current comics storyline...

...except, y'know... without all the crap.

I think it'd be a great PG-13 romp with some heart kicked into it. And Jimmy Olsen could finally get some starring time. Teenager please! Thanks.
Maybe they want to do a Power Girl film with Helfer.

If they do a Supergirl film someday, I hope Routh and Huntington appear in it..
I kind of hope this isn't true. Why waste time giving Supergirl another movie when there are plenty of other female superheroes who deserve a chance in the spotlight (Wonder Woman, anyone?)

Also, Supergirl being older than SuperMAN gets a thumbs down from me.
After I saw the old Supergirl movie (sorry to bring it up), I concluded that it's impossible to do a good Supergirl origin movie without having Superman actually there! So I say, do a superman sequel with Supergirl, and then she can spin-off into her own film.
i'd welcome a Supergirl movie.

although if they're gonna go with Helfer i think it would be better off being a Powergirl movie. it could have all the indications of being Powergirl except that they ride on the name "Supergirl" for easier marketability.


Tricia Helfer


(art by Ian Churchill & Norm Rapmund)

I could see some possibilities if you wanted to go dark with the character, but I just can't get over the age thing here.
I personally think that a Supergirl movie wouldnt be such a bad idea, but i dont think it would be a success as a solo film., instead wait for the Justice League movie to be successfull, and then put Supergirl as the center of a Supergirl and Legion of Superheroes Movie. featuring the core team at first with the Legion going back for help, and they get her instead???
I'm sorry you guys, Supergirl's been a compelling solo character for a very long time. If you guys think she "needs" Superman's presence to be successful, then you need to go read comics.

I'm tired of people looking at cartoons and thinking they know what these characters can and can't do.
I assume its kara and not linda. The actress in mind is completely stupid she's too old. I wouldn't even see her for powergirl. We have never seen supergirl in her 30's have we? i can't recall anyway.
i still think looks wise- mischa barton would be alright- acting however is a different story.
I'm sorry you guys, Supergirl's been a compelling solo character for a very long time. If you guys think she "needs" Superman's presence to be successful, then you need to go read comics.

I'm tired of people looking at cartoons and thinking they know what these characters can and can't do.

Most people are gonna wonder why Supergirl has the same powers as Superman. Supergirl needs Superman just like any other hero needs a character who's integral to their origin.

And really, why the hell not? It's not like Brandon Routh is this high-demand actor who they'd have to pay a fortune to just for a small role in the first act.
Most people are gonna wonder why Supergirl has the same powers as Superman. Supergirl needs Superman just like any other hero needs a character who's integral to their origin.

And really, why the hell not? It's not like Brandon Routh is this high-demand actor who they'd have to pay a fortune to just for a small role in the first act.

to be honest i would have rather had her start in the superman movies and maybe branch out from that
"Most people are gonna wonder why Supergirl has the same powers as Superman."

Not if Kara's from Krypton.

I could feel a small part in the first act, a cameo really... that makes sense from an origin standpoint, but the idea that Supergirl needs Superman involved in the story to be compelling is ignorant. Supergirl is not a sidekick.
"Most people are gonna wonder why Supergirl has the same powers as Superman."

Not if Kara's from Krypton.

Okay, so she's from Krypton, but why's she here? Why was she sent to Earth, when we all thought it was just Kal-El? What does she do when she's not Supergirl? Where does she live, who are her friends? Where does she learn about the human way of life?

I could feel a small part in the first act, a cameo really... that makes sense from an origin standpoint, but the idea that Supergirl needs Superman involved in the story to be compelling is ignorant. Supergirl is not a sidekick.

She doesn't need him to be compelling, she just needs him to make sense. The audience has to understand her connection to him to get why she exists in the first place, and why she's jacking Superman's name.

Okay, you're right, there's really no other way for Supergirl to get Superman's name (and costume) except from him. And I really like the most recent Kara's Kal-El motivated reason to be sent to Earth, especially as it actually doesn't really involve superman except by mention.

As for what she does when she's not Supergirl or how she learns about humanity, I'm not sure that Clark is an expert on that, I don't see why he would be the goto guy for Kara... wouldn't she want to hang out with ACTUAL humans, since Clark doesn't know what it's like to be raised on Krypton anyway?

So Kara makes sense all by herself, with maybe a mention of Kal-El's name... but to become Supergirl, she really does need Superman. Heh. She wouldn't even have to learn his secret identity...
Why remake crap? As much as it be great to see Helfer running around in a mini skirt, no or maybe.
Okay, so she's from Krypton, but why's she here? Why was she sent to Earth, when we all thought it was just Kal-El? What does she do when she's not Supergirl? Where does she live, who are her friends? Where does she learn about the human way of life?.

that what the whole movie's gonna be about dude ;)
Why remake crap? As much as it be great to see Helfer running around in a mini skirt, no or maybe.

Why remake Spider-Man when we had a crappy 70s live actoin TV show? Or the Hulk?

Why remake Superman or Batman when we had perfectly crappy franchises of the 80s and 90s?

Punisher. Fantastic Four. Crap crap crap. What idiot is remaking these horrible movies? :whatever:
that what the whole movie's gonna be about dude ;)

That's exactly my point. If you skip all that stuff, then Superman can be nowhere near. But in an origin story, where that stuff has to be explained, Superman's gotta show up at least in the beginning.

Of course, I think it'd be even better to do that kind of stuff in an actual Superman movie, then start the Supergirl movie where she's off on her own, no Superman needed.
A Supergirl movie would be great if done right. Reeves was suppose to make a cameo in the original Supergirl movie but plans for that fell through.

But ya I think they should introduce the charecter in Superman movies first then lead to the spinoff movie but Singer most likely doesnt want to ever introduce Kara in his movie. But if they did they should base it off of the Superman/Batman arc that reintroduced Kara, just rewrite it some. And that way we have the introduction to Supergirl and have Darkseid as the big bad.
Here's something they could do:

Have Supergirl's origin (she arrives on Earth, Superman trains her up), then in act 2, Superman has to go off-world for some reason and convinces Kara (or she convinces Supes) to let her hold down the fort for a little while. Then Kara can have her own big adventure and save the day from some big bad guy before Superman gets back.

Which raises another question, Who could be the villain? Supergirl doesn't really have her own rogues gallery. What's a villain she could face that would allow her to shine as a hero different from Superman? :supes:

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