Supergirl Supergirl Season 1 Episode 11 - "Strange Visitor From Another Planet" MAJOR SPOILERS

I'm almost always impressed with the visual effects on this show.
I know Melissa Benoist and Blake Jenner are married in real life, but I'm annoyed that Kara has shifted her affections from one tall jacked good looking man (Olsen) to another tall jacked good looking man (Foster). Short nerds never get the girl (on TV) :(

Cat and son segments were only tolerable because Flockhart is an awesome actor. She's literally carrying Jenner through these scenes like Billy Bob carried Halle Berry to her one and only Oscar in 'Monster's Ball.'

David Harewood gets his chance to shine, and boy, does he do a fantastic job. A bit heavy on the Holocaust allegory with his Martian origin story, but his performance gave Chyler a lot of meat to work with.
Yeah, fantastic work by David. Great television VFX work on this ep, also.

A bit bummed they didn't go with J'onn's brother causing the Martians' extinction. Could have been a nice subplot story for him with the potential return of the White Martians.
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Loved this episode. The SFX were very good for TV. Gave it a 9 in the poll.
I know Melissa Benoist and Blake Jenner are married in real life, but I'm annoyed that Kara has shifted her affections from one tall jacked good looking man (Olsen) to another tall jacked good looking man (Foster). Short nerds never get the girl (on TV) :(

Cat and son segments were only tolerable because Flockhart is an awesome actor. She's literally carrying Jenner through these scenes like Billy Bob carried Halle Berry to her one and only Oscar in 'Monster's Ball.'

David Harewood gets his chance to shine, and boy, does he do a fantastic job. A bit heavy on the Holocaust allegory with his Martian origin story, but his performance gave Chyler a lot of meat to work with.

Pretty much how I felt as well . It was Harewood's episode as far as i'm concerned, with Flockheart really bringing it. Other than that , I felt mixed on everything else. Jenner was basically another version of Wally West on the Flash who's basically dealing with the same storyline. Like Wally, the actor wasn't all that impressive for me. Apparently he's up for Han Solo . I really didn't see it from this episode.

I was disappointed that Winn had zero role in today's episode especially after last week.
I know Melissa Benoist and Blake Jenner are married in real life, but I'm annoyed that Kara has shifted her affections from one tall jacked good looking man (Olsen) to another tall jacked good looking man (Foster). Short nerds never get the girl (on TV) :(

The Moral of the story is...Guys, unless you're tall, jacked, and a good looking guy, don't expect your attractive female friend to ever return your feelings.:o:oldrazz:
Pretty much how I felt as well . It was Harewood's episode as far as i'm concerned, with Flockheart really bringing it. Other than that , I felt mixed on everything else. Jenner was basically another version of Wally West on the Flash who's basically dealing with the same storyline. Like Wally, the actor wasn't all that impressive for me. Apparently he's up for Han Solo . I really didn't see it from this episode.

I was disappointed that Winn had zero role in today's episode especially after last week.

I would've expected him to go AWOL after what happened nothing surprising there at all he has to get over this seeing her every day being right next to her at her desk is not gonna help that ... So of course she would put some distance between them not surprising at all .
I would've expected him to go AWOL after what happened nothing surprising there at all he has to get over this seeing her every day being right next to her at her desk is not gonna help that ... So of course she would put some distance between them not surprising at all .

Its not that I was surprised that he wasn't around Kara . His motivations were pretty clear. I was interested in seeing what the writers would do with it or himI given last weeks bombshell . Then again they had alot going on in this episode and Childish Things was Winn centered, so I could see them putting him on the backburner for this one.
Still sucks how Kara totally dissed him by not at least allowing him the pleasure of a date and now she's seeing this other new guy. That's twice she's done this...

But, other than that, I can say that she's grown a lot as evidenced by this episode, which is probably my favorite of the season thus far. The idea to include Martian Manhunter in this manner was so, so brilliant & it's made me love this show leagues more than if I would've been right & he was actually going to become Cyborg Superman.

It was great seeing him in Smallville too but I like that here they actually go the distance in showing him in his true martian form in a satisfying amount. Definitely my favorite character of the show & this episode further solidified that fact. :D
Still sucks how Kara totally dissed him by not at least allowing him the pleasure of a date and now she's seeing this other new guy. That's twice she's done this...

But, other than that, I can say that she's grown a lot as evidenced by this episode, which is probably my favorite of the season thus far. The idea to include Martian Manhunter in this manner was so, so brilliant & it's made me love this show leagues more than if I would've been right & he was actually going to become Cyborg Superman.

It was great seeing him in Smallville too but I like that here they actually go the distance in showing him in his true martian form in a satisfying amount. Definitely my favorite character of the show & this episode further solidified that fact. :D

Yo, well we have to remember he confessed his love for her and reaffirmed it. which was brave and it's good he didn't even if she never ever can recepricate it . he told her how he felt. he didn't say he'd like a date yet and she's acting weird around him.

So space is needed til she's ready to talk to him . if the come back say she still doesn't see him that way, well then it's time to move on. it's just life and people have experienced this in place's like high school and college it's just she's not right for him and in her mind he's not her type. or the writers may have she she should date any one but him (lets hope that latter part is not what they are pushing)

it's very possible she'll miss out on great guy. As I said I just hope his life doesn't fall to villainy over it much less death or what ever , Xander from buffy got where he ended crippled and alone .

Well xander did get some action too bad from women turned psycho, like faith (well she was hot)or demons the latter one he almost married, when she turn human and lost a his good chance with happiness.

Let's hope winn get's someone that will accept him and it's not plain painful to watch.
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Still sucks how Kara totally dissed him by not at least allowing him the pleasure of a date and now she's seeing this other new guy. That's twice she's done this...

What the hell? If she doesn't want to go out with him, she doesn't have to go out with him. Dates aren't done as a favor. It's not an insult if someone doesn't want to date you because it's not about you. If she doesn't feel the same way about Winn, that's the end of the story.
Kara doesn't owe Winn anything. The idea that she would is pretty much the basis for the whole entitled "Nice Guy" trope.

Not liking Jenner.

Otherwise, good episode. I love how much Martian stuff they're delving into. Really was not expecting that with this show.
I'm almost always impressed with the visual effects on this show.

Agreed. I can only imagine on what the CW-DCTV shows would look like if they were given the same level of production value and type of budget that this show has to work with.

I never thought that I'd see visuals like this on a comic book TV Show...




What the hell? If she doesn't want to go out with him, she doesn't have to go out with him. Dates aren't done as a favor

Exactly! Not to mention that would be leading him on. She never has had feelings in that way for him only seeing him as a friend. She was totally clueless as to how he felt for her.
This was one of the best episodes. Man the SFX were awesome, and it was a really emotional episode. I could do w/o yet another love interest but whatever.

Also the Kira thing from Cat really bugged me. I'm glad they addressed it. Some people still pronounce her name as Care-ra though.
Still sucks how Kara totally dissed him by not at least allowing him the pleasure of a date and now she's seeing this other new guy. That's twice she's done this...

But, other than that, I can say that she's grown a lot as evidenced by this episode, which is probably my favorite of the season thus far. The idea to include Martian Manhunter in this manner was so, so brilliant & it's made me love this show leagues more than if I would've been right & he was actually going to become Cyborg Superman.

It was great seeing him in Smallville too but I like that here they actually go the distance in showing him in his true martian form in a satisfying amount. Definitely my favorite character of the show & this episode further solidified that fact. :D

How is that a diss? If she doesn't want to go out with him, she doesn't have to.

I'm actually blown away at the "poor Winn, he deserves...." stuff being said.

Seriously? They started out as friends, she simply is not attracted to him, and the fact that people are saying she is only attracted to tall, dark, handsome, really is a diss to Winn. He is a very handsome man, but I guess guys that are 5'9" and below, we should feel sorry for them because they are never going to get the pretty girl? But, should at least be given a complimentary date? That is RIDICULOUS....
How is that a diss? If she doesn't want to go out with him, she doesn't have to.

I'm actually blown away at the "poor Winn, he deserves...." stuff being said.

Seriously? They started out as friends, she simply is not attracted to him, and the fact that people are saying she is only attracted to tall, dark, handsome, really is a diss to Winn. He is a very handsome man, but I guess guys that are 5'9" and below, we should feel sorry for them because they are never going to get the pretty girl? But, should at least be given a complimentary date? That is RIDICULOUS....

Hate to go there Kel...but...some people seem to have sexual frustration. And I guess though last night's ep exposed another little secret, our sweet Kara is a...dare I waiting for the right person to come along and perhaps Adam might be that person, until if the comics ring true he faces his demise.
She was totally clueless as to how he felt for her.

I don't think she was totally clueless about Winn's feelings for her. She'd have to have the sensitivity of stone not to have known after the kiss on the cheek at the end of 'Livewire.' I do believe she was totally clueless about what to do about it. She basically ignored it hoping it would go away or resolve itself.

I'm actually blown away at the "poor Winn, he deserves...." stuff being said.

Seriously? They started out as friends, she simply is not attracted to him, and the fact that people are saying she is only attracted to tall, dark, handsome, really is a diss to Winn. He is a very handsome man, but I guess guys that are 5'9" and below, we should feel sorry for them because they are never going to get the pretty girl? But, should at least be given a complimentary date? That is RIDICULOUS....

I don't believe Kara's attraction to tall, jacked and handsome guys is a diss to Winn. I just think it sucks for him. And what's the point of a complimentary date other than to hurt Winn even more? Short guys never get to be the romantic lead on teen dramas. It's just how it is. It's guys like Stephen Amell, Grant Gustin, Tom Welling, Justin Hartley etc of the world that get the girl on TV.

As I mention before, the writers could help Winn's character out a bit more by giving him a short term love interest that takes the load off all the weight from Winn's confession of love. No one feels bad for Cisco/Vibe's love life even though Golden Glider breezed in and out of his life with a kiss and he lost out on Hawkgirl's affections to a tall, jacked and handsome Falk Hentschel.
I don't think she was totally clueless about Winn's feelings for her. She'd have to have the sensitivity of stone not to have known after the kiss on the cheek at the end of 'Livewire.' I do believe she was totally clueless about what to do about it. She basically ignored it hoping it would go away or resolve itself.

I don't believe Kara's attraction to tall, jacked and handsome guys is a diss to Winn. I just think it sucks for him. And what's the point of a complimentary date other than to hurt Winn even more? Short guys never get to be the romantic lead on teen dramas. It's just how it is. It's guys like Stephen Amell, Grant Gustin, Tom Welling, Justin Hartley etc of the world that get the girl on TV.

As I mention before, the writers could help Winn's character out a bit more by giving him a short term love interest that takes the load off all the weight from Winn's confession of love. No one feels bad for Cisco/Vibe's love life even though Golden Glider breezed in and out of his life with a kiss and he lost out on Hawkgirl's affections to a tall, jacked and handsome Falk Hentschel.

Because she shouldn't have to give him a complimentary date, and how would that help him get over her, it would make it worse. She didn't kiss him, she didn't lead him on in any way, she doesn't owe him a thing EXCEPT her friendship which she is still holding strong to, if he doesn't want to keep that, that is on him, that is his decision, it has nothing to do with her actions.

She lived for 12 years very sheltered, and then even the next 12 years were even more sheltered. I can totally see her not realizing that Winn "loved" her. His attempts at asking her out sounded like he was asking a friend to go to the movies. Everyone of his comments about ANYTHING where she was concerned romantically was made under his breath.

He was/is her best friend, heck even with people that SHE is attracted to, she had problems keeping them in the "friend zone"...of course she would keep someone that she was not "romantically attracted" to in the "friend zone". Winn said it in the first episode...."wapow", she simply did not fell that "wapow" with Winn, that he himself said she would feel. She did with James, but I think has realized that that is not going to happen.

I understand what you are saying, but I then look at actors like Colton Haynes, who DO get the girl, and he is actually shorter than Jeremy Jordan, so it does happen. I think it this case, it was more a "personality" (very childish in nature) thing, "lack of confidence" on Winn's part that kept the attraction from manifesting itself.

Kara is in no way at fault, though I understand why she blames herself. I would as well, it's just human nature.

And I didn't say that it was Kara dissing Winn, I was saying that those thinking that is why she isn't attracted to him, or even just the main reason among others were the ones dissing Winn. I don't think ANYTHING Kara has done INCLUDING THE HUG WITH JAMES was a diss to Winn.
Because she shouldn't have to give him a complimentary date, and how would that help him get over her, it would make it worse.

I agree with you. A complimentary date would be unnecessary and unrealistic (it's not the Winn show).

I'm also glad that the confession and subsequent rejection came earlier in the season (as opposed to dragging it out till the end) and also that Winn had a normal reaction to it, instead of turning him evil or some other result of lazy writing. I'm curious to see what the writers do with it. I hope it doesn't get swept under the rug and forgotten once a certain amount of "space and time" has past. Kara and Winn rebuilding their friendship gives both characters the opportunity to grow if carefully handled.

but I then look at actors like Colton Haynes, who DO get the girl, and he is actually shorter than Jeremy Jordan, so it does happen.

Well it helps that Colton Haynes is a former A&F model who looks like this:


And I'm pretty sure that they had Haynes in heel lifts in every scene with Willa Holland because she's 166cm tall barefoot. So, he may be 175cm IRL, he's made to look taller on screen. In Jeremy Jordan's case, he's either sitting down or standing next to Mehcad Brooks, looking like Martin Short next to Danny Glover from 'Pure Luck.'


The producers have done everything they could to make Winn look like the "hobbit" Cat describes him as.

Anyway, in 'Arrow,' Roy Harper leaves for lands beyond, and Speedy has moved on with tall, jacked and handsome Alex Davis (Parker Young from Suburgatory).

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