I apologize. Your right you never said they were master pieces. I take that back. I was under that impression.
No worries. I know a lot of people 'worship' the Donner stuff. I think Superman: The Movies is the best of the Reeve films, but it's far from perfect. It's great up until Lex steals the missiles, but then it loses a lot.
Overall, I give it an 8.5. By comparison I give Superman II an 7.75 and Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut an 8.0. Superman Returns gets a 3.5 and is only better than Frank Miller's abomination "The Spirit" in terms of comic book films. (Keep in mind there are some stinkers I haven't seen ie. Catwoman, Steel, etc....)
I like personal conflict in the hero. They should not be flawless and sometimes show an uncharacteristic side that allows them to grow. We all learn certain values at an early age and yet sometimes our own needs and wants hurt those we truly love. He gave in to what he wanted. And was willing to sacrifice it all for what he percieved as his own happiness. The4 bottom line is that when he found nothing out there he realized the consequence of his decisions and had to deal with it. In the end he accepted it.
ANd those things are great in a character, I just didn't find the Superman in SR to accurate to any incarnation of the character in those personal conflicts and mistakes. I just don't see him not saying goodbye to Lois, I don't think he would ever be so wrapped up in himself not think that Lois couldn't go on if he were gone for 5 years.
The way to do this story is along the lines of the Elseworld's Graphic Novel "Superman and Son." It has a lot of similarities with SR but keeps Lois and Superman true to their characters.
Bless Singer for doing something different and an outstanding job at it despite it not getting a sequel. To bad the masses don't accept a tragic story filled with depth. Sad really. Dollar signs these days are the driving force for these films. Hopefully Nolan can deliver the same rich depth and character development and be successful. But Singer, you will be missed.
I just can't say SInger did anything better than a mediocre job with SR. It's very uneven and way too underacted. The things that should have jumped out at us in this story like the conflict between Superman and Lois Lane is barely there. Singer spent so much time on nostalgia that he forgot that his story needed some attention.
And I don't think there was any rich deep character development in SR. SUperman was particularly wooden in my opinion and the movie as a whole is very uninteresting as a Superman film- the overall feel is that Superman really shouldn't be in this situation to begin with so it doesn't really work as a Superman story. It's better as a film than a Superman film. You come into this film knowing who the character is supposed to be, so you have to stick to that. It would have worked much better as a new character rather than as Superman who would not act this way.
I know I won't change your opinion, but this is the way I feel about the film and Singer's job on the film.
I don't think it's about $ either. Batman Begins didn't make much different domestically but the two films were received completely differently. BB was loved by nearly all critics and fans, SR split the fan base and the general audience walked away with eh, it was OK. THat's the problem not $. The potential for a great sequel to SR is handcuffed by the 'baby daddy' status quo and the fact that no one really cares what comes next. In many ways it feels like the end instead of the beginning of a franchise. It would even have been better if he'd died at the end.