Tank Girl (1995) Vs Super Girl (1984)


Nov 14, 2011
Reaction score


Which movie is better? Or which sucked more? Which character is better? Which actress is better? etc, etc..

Tank Girl isn't a great movie, but it's streets ahead of Supergirl in almost every way.
Supergirl has little- to know story, and the main character is an airhead that just bumbles her way through the movie. So many big unanswered questions, like- Krypton exploded, how are you guys around?
Tankgirl had wicked art direction, and Kangaroo People.
Supergirl. Sure it's cheesy and campy and makes little sense and is incredibly stupid(still better than Superman IV though)but at least Helen Slater was a good fit for the role and easy to watch. She should have had a better film behind her. Where as Tank Girl I found to be utterly unwatchable trash. And Lori Petty only knows how to do one thing: be annoying.
Wow. It's like asking me if I'd rather eat vomit or ****.
I think they're both underrated. Supergirl is a solid 80's fantasy flick with a strong central performance by Helen Slater. Tank Girl is edgy, punk and offbeat with great one-liners plus Lori Petty was born to play the role.
Supergirl hands down. I love this movie. It's something I can't explain. IT'S a cult favorite of mine. Love the cast. Helen Slater is just awesome as Supergirl.
Supergirl. Sure it's cheesy and campy and makes little sense and is incredibly stupid(still better than Superman IV though)but at least Helen Slater was a good fit for the role and easy to watch. She should have had a better film behind her. Where as Tank Girl I found to be utterly unwatchable trash. And Lori Petty only knows how to do one thing: be annoying.

This :up:

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