I'm able to enjoy Teen Titans Go for what it is.. It's not terrible, they throw in DC references all the time, it's just really lighthearted DC stuff geared at kids. I've only seen a few episodes, but I don't hate it.
The time is coming for live action Teen Titans. WB is apparently releasing 3 DC films a year now, and a TT franchise has a lot of potential . Cyborg and Nightwing should be the leaders and the foundation of the franchise. Supergirl could be on the team too, I'd probably throw in Raven as well.
If they decide not to do Teen Titans in the movies, they should be introduced into the CW universe. They can intro Wally on The Flash, Speedy is already introduced, and Nightwing is rumored to be in Arrow s3.. Maybe they don't have to have their own spinoff series, and they could all team up for an episode or three.. kinda like how the Suicide Squad has been handled on Arrow.