The '90's setting


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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Ok, now that I've thought about it a bit I'm keen on the 1990s setting now. What would be a fun way to show it's a period piece?
As many spy and action movies did in the 1990s, there should be a "The Cold War is over, now what" feel to it.

Nick Fury could gripe about having to be friendly with the Russians. If Carol Danvers is a jet pilot, there could be concerns about what the Air Force is going to do.

The "militia movement" was a 1990s concern. What if the crazed survivalists in the woods are worried about "green-skinned aliens who can look human"?
I vote for dial-up sounds. Nothing says The 90's like dial-up sounds, lol.
A casual mention of what Kramer did on last night's Seinfeld.
Depends on what a 90's setting means. 1990-1994? Gonna be a world very different from today. 1995-1999? Certainly I think they will go for highlighting from time to time the the big social/cultural changes for comedy purposes. This is a Marvel film. I guarantee at least one joke about the ridiculousness of Trump being president in the 90's.
As many spy and action movies did in the 1990s, there should be a "The Cold War is over, now what" feel to it.

Nick Fury could gripe about having to be friendly with the Russians. If Carol Danvers is a jet pilot, there could be concerns about what the Air Force is going to do.

The "militia movement" was a 1990s concern. What if the crazed survivalists in the woods are worried about "green-skinned aliens who can look human"?

I wonder if they're going to have her as a Gulf War pilot. Or, if post-Desert Storm, then enforcing the No Fly Zone.

I remember Brian Reed had Carol undercover as an air force spy, but I can't remember which country (I assumed Afghanistan, but I can't recall). Anyone remember?
It's the 90's. It's in California. No excuse to not have California Love on the soundtrack.
It depends highly on how much of the movie is set on Earth. If 80% takes place in space, then there won't be much room for 90s-ifying.
I wonder if they're going to have her as a Gulf War pilot. Or, if post-Desert Storm, then enforcing the No Fly Zone.

I remember Brian Reed had Carol undercover as an air force spy, but I can't remember which country (I assumed Afghanistan, but I can't recall). Anyone remember?

Yeah if it's early 90's then def her being in the Gulf War would be significant.

Though (and this may be ridiculous for me to say) how many top ranked female pilots were there in the Air Force?
Spice Girls! Marvel Spice and the Skrulls shape shifting as the Spice Girls!
Spice Girls! Marvel Spice and the Skrulls shape shifting as the Spice Girls!

Pretty sure Feige said early 90's in which case a lot of these suggestions are (unfortunately?) impossible.
Maybe the skrulls encouraged Geri to leave in order to demoralise the enemy?

They aren't going to change pop history. So I don't think that's possible.

I just want to see the Spice Girls and Captain Marvel as a fan of them! This film couldn't be more nineties with that! Zig ah zig ah!
Not even joking about this... Maybe the movie will have some explanation about how things like Zunes and Duran Duran T-shirts end up in the far reaches of space in the MCU. We know alien contact has to play a part in the plot.
I don't see why it needs an explanation. Interstellar society likes Earth kitsch, seems simple and obvious enough.
Voted for the Bill Clinton option :funny:
I don't see why it needs an explanation. Interstellar society likes Earth kitsch, seems simple and obvious enough.

Doesn't "need" it at all. But I think a funny line or scene could be made out of it.
Maybe the skrulls saw Independence Day and liked the idea so much they decided to try it out? Maybe they thought that's just something you do on earth
I am glad to see Marvel expanding the other decades of the MCU.

I was hoping we would see more of the Golden Age during WWII in Black Panther with Howard Stark visiting Wakanda to get the raw materials for Cap's shield or more of the Silver Age introduced in Ant Man but I'm am happy for this news - I guess this might be considered the Bronze Age of the MCU...
Question about the 90s setting...

I assume Carol will show up in other, present-day Marvel movies at some point. So, for those who know the character well (I certainly don't), does she not age? Or should we expect to see Brie Larson in old makeup?

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