The Amazing Spider-Man The Amazing Spider-Man: The Unresolved Story

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Picard Sisko

Prepare to be Assimilated
May 28, 2012
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One topic that has been discusses on these forums is that The Amazing Spider-Man is filled with unresolved stories. Let's make a list of everything that was left unresolved in the movie.

  1. Why did Richard & Mary Parker leave Peter, and who broke into their home prior to this?
  2. What else were Richard Parker and Dr. Connors working on to cure Norman Osborn? Was it a symbiote to cure his possible cancer?
  3. What is Norman Osborn sick with that is killing him?
  4. How did Peter survive the Spider bite and not turn him into a giant spider-monster?
  5. What happened to Dr. Ratha and the formula after the bridge scene?
    -We know that there is a deleted scene of him telling Peter that what happened to him was not an accident, but let's not count that since it was scrapped.
  6. Will Peter ever find his Uncle Ben's killer?
    -Perhaps this criminal is more significant than we thought, and has connections to Kingpin or some other crime group.
  7. Dr. Connors has a wedding ring, so will we ever be introduced to his wife? How about his son?
    -Maybe they can visit him while behind bars?
  8. What will happen to Dr. Connors after the events of the movie? Will he go back to his normal life?
    -Not counting the events of the video game.
  9. Who is the man in the shadows, and how can he just appear and disappear? What is the truth about Peter's father that he and Dr. Connors are hiding?
  10. Now that Uncle Ben is dead, who will support Aunt May financially?
    -This could push Peter to get a job at the Daily Bugle as a freelance Photographer, and also introduce J. Jonah Jameson.
  11. Will Peter and Gwen still see each other? Would an introduction to Mary Jane get in the way and create a love triangle?
  12. Captain Stacey told Peter that people close to him will get hurt, and then says to keep Gwen out of it.
    -This is more of a foreshadowing rather than an unresolved storyline.

Now just to compare to SM1, here are unresolved stories in that movie:

  1. Harry Osborn swears revenge on Peter Parker
    -This was more of a foreshadowing rather than an unresolved story, but still.
  2. Did MJ figure out who Peter is, and what will happen to their relationship?

That's about it for Spider-Man 1.
The unresolved story will be the tag line for the sequel commercials!
Where did Flash get the Spidey shirt?
©KAW;24055381 said:
The Gray Ghost is in the shadows.
If you mean the man in the shadows visiting Dr. Connors, I already have that in my list.
They might actually bring Ratha back even if he died in the original cut
Ratha and Cap Stacy were complete wastes. Captain Stacy's only legacy to protect Gwen was undone 5 minutes later in a classroom. Gwen holds no resentment for Peter allowing her dad to die. So...what was the point of having Captain Stacy in this movie?
Ratha and Cap Stacy were complete wastes. Captain Stacy's only legacy to protect Gwen was undone 5 minutes later in a classroom. Gwen holds no resentment for Peter allowing her dad to die. So...what was the point of having Captain Stacy in this movie?

But that's what makes it good, it's going to teach Peter to be more careful. The point of that scene is that Peter is making the wrong choice and that combined with what he said was pure foreshadowing.
But that's what makes it good, it's going to teach Peter to be more careful. The point of that scene is that Peter is making the wrong choice and that combined with what he said was pure foreshadowing.

You mean like the death of his uncle? :huh:
But that's what makes it good, it's going to teach Peter to be more careful. The point of that scene is that Peter is making the wrong choice and that combined with what he said was pure foreshadowing.

They should have waited for the sequel for that. It literally undoes the heartfelt death and breakup scene just minutes before...nullifying Captain Stacy's role in the movie. They should have waited for the sequel for Peter to make that mistake and then pay for it. It makes the movies more self contained. This may have been the most ****ish sequel bait movie since PotC: DMC....that movie at least had the excuse of being filmed back to back.
I think they should have ended the movie with them "breaking up" and just leaving it at that. But instead they had Peter practically tell Gwen he was going to break that promise he made to her father. Hopefully in the next movie, they don't make it so simple where they are continuing their relationship like nothing happened. It should be complicated, especially with an introduction to Mary Jane coming into the picture.
I think they should have ended the movie with them "breaking up" and just leaving it at that. But instead they had Peter practically tell Gwen he was going to break that promise he made to her father. Hopefully in the next movie, they don't make it so simple where they are continuing their relationship like nothing happened. It should be complicated, especially with an introduction to Mary Jane coming into the picture.

well true but AGAIN it would be too similar to Raimi´s ending don´t you think?
also it shows he is not full responsable yet, i mean maybe that´s what he will learn when you know Gwen....:csad: He doesn´t learn what could happen to his loved ones if he chooses his life as superhero in this movie
well true but AGAIN it would be too similar to Raimi´s ending don´t you think?
also it shows he is not full responsable yet, i mean maybe that´s what he will learn when you know Gwen....:csad: He doesn´t learn what could happen to his loved ones if he chooses his life as superhero in this movie
The way they are making this franchise, I don't think a trilogy is long enough to really have full character and story development. It feels like its going to end a bit short. Gwen will probably die at the end of TASM2, and now suddenly he has Mary Jane in a third movie. Or he will spend the third movie trying to move on and maybe, just maybe get MJ at the very end. I want to see their relationship go further than that.

I also want to see them get married this time. The Raimi trilogy was "all about a girl," yet they don't get married?

4 or 5 movies might do it though for this series.
I also want to see them get married this time. The Raimi trilogy was "all about a girl," yet they don't get married? High School?
i think they were going to get married in SM4 or 5 buuut....

and i want him to meet MJ before Gwen dies maybe when he graduates and then GG attacking him at the dance taking Gwen to a bridge and.... SNAP! High School?
i think they were going to get married in SM4 or 5 buuut....
You do realize that Peter and Gwen are seniors in high school, right? They will probably graduate in the next movie.

And they could have easily gotten married in SM4 for the Raimi trilogy.
I too think Webb missed an golden opportunity to pay homage to the comics by not allowing ample time for Gwen to be angry at Spidey; well really, Peter at least… about the death of her father. Maybe not exactly like the comics; because, that story was a different circumstance. Yet, in the way the film potentially could have ended given what did happen on screen…unfortunately, like was said earlier, it was undone in 5 minutes, in the closing classroom scene.
Gwen, when she confronted Peter at his home, should not have figured out that her father made Peter promise. She simply should not have understood why Peter was avoiding her, which would have made her sad and angry at Peter, after all she has lost and went through. We actually could have seen, in the sequel, their love grow even more, although & regardless of the misunderstanding and anger towards Peter, from her POV, his apparent lack of concern and compassion for her. We could have seem them struggle, trying not to love each other, while all the while, learning to love, trust, and find compassion for each other again….prompting Peter then, by the end of the sequel, break his promise to Captain Stacy and ignore his warning. Which foreseeably, leads to the inevitable “Death of Gwen Stacy” in the third film, making it that much more compelling.
Instead, that opportunity was lost, after the classroom scene at the end; and more importantly, imo, the lack of time for emotional angst towards Peter, because of her own misunderstanding. With that said, I don’t see Gwen being killed off in the second film; and, think it would be a huge mistake if they did. However, the writers, I’m sure, knows how they want to handle and persue her death, and the situation leading up to it. I certainly hope they know what they are doing in that aspect of it.
Finally, I am of the group that says, MJ should not be introduced, until the last scene of the final film(which I hope is the fourth). Look, this series of films should be totally dedicated to Peter & Gwen, and their trials & tribulations together. I did not like how Raimi, in his awkwardness, backwards thinking, bringing Gwen in the final film; when it was suppose to be a story about a girl, a girl name Mary Jane. This series of film should be totally dedicated to Peter & Gwen’s love, and time for Peter to deal with not only his love loss, but the consequence of breaking his promise, especially after being warned of exactly what would happen. That’s one of the back-story, the fourth film could deal with, still casting Stone as Gwen in a series of flashbacks of moments, conversations, and interactions shared; to show his struggles in dealing with his love loss. At the end, when Peter have saved the day, the audience is treated with the introduction, in a closing scene of the series, of MJ in her famous “You just hit the jackpot, Tiger” line...never seeing her face, just her silhouette of her back. Yet Peter’s facial re-action says it all; how lovely & beautiful she is. End the series, with this cast, with people wondering what could have been; and speculating how Webb may have handle that relationship.

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I too think Webb missed an golden opportunity to pay homage to the comics by not allowing ample time for Gwen to be angry at Spidey; well really, Peter at least… about the death of her father. Not exactly like the comics; because, that story was a different circumstance. Yet, in the way the film potentially could have ended…unfortunate, like was said earlier, it was undone in 5 minutes, in the closing classroom scene.
Gwen, when she confronted Peter at his home, should not have figure her father made him promise. She simply should not have understood why Peter was avoiding her, which would have made her sadly angry at Peter, after all she has lost. We actually could have seen, in the sequel, their love grow even more, although and regardless of the misunderstanding and anger towards Peter , from her POV, apparent lack of concern and compassion. We could have seem them struggle trying not to love each other, while learning to love, trust, and find compassion for each other again….prompting Peter then, by the end of the sequel, breaking his promise to Captain Stacy. Which foreseeably lead to the inevitable “Death of Gwen Stacy” that much more compelling.
Instead, I do think that opportunity was loss after the classroom scene at the end; and more importantly, imo, the lack of time for emotional angst to Peter, because of her own misunderstanding. With that said, I don’t see Gwen being killed off in the second film; and, think it would be a huge mistake if they did. However, the writers, I’m sure, knows how they want to handle her death and the situation leading up to it. I certainly hope they know what they are doing in that aspect of it.
Finally, I am of the group that says, MJ should not be introduced, until the last scene of the final film(which I hope is the fourth). Look, this series of film should be totally dedicated to Peter & Gwen, and their trials & tribulations together. I did not like how Raimi, in his awkwardness, backwards thinking, bringing Gwen in the final film; when it was suppose to be a story about a girl, a girl name Mary Jane. This series of film should be totally dedicated to Peter & Gwen’s love, and time for Peter to deal with not only his love loss, but the consequence of breaking his promise, especially after being warned of exactly what would happen. That’s one of the back-story, the fourth film could deal with, still casting Stone as Gwen in a series of flashbacks of moments, conversations, and interactions shared; to show his struggles in dealing with his love loss. At the end, when Peter have saved the day, the audience is treated with the introduction, in a closing scene of the series, of MJ in her famous “You just hit the jackpot, Tiger” line...never seeing her face, just her silhouette of the back of her. Yet Peter’s re-action says it all; how lovely & beautiful she is. End the series, with this cast, with people wondering what could have been; and speculating how Webb may have handle that relationship.


I have to disagree I like the way Marc Webb ended the movie. I think it's a real one of those "Oh no" moments for Spider-Man fans. We know Gwen dies in the comics and we see Peter making the wrong choice at the end, and Captain Stacy's words become foreshadowing.

I want MJ to be a big part of the 3rd film, and I think Venom would be a great villain. My image of AMS3 is Peter broken over the death of Gwen and emotionally distraught, and Aunt May sets him up with MJ, she has her famous line, then they go on a date. However Peter should be distant and uninterested, something that would make someone like Mary Jane infatuated with him.

I think the Black suit would also be a great way to end his parents arc (like in ultimate Spider-Man) and also compliment the brooding over Gwen. Through the film he and MJ come closer together but Peter continuously denies he has feelings for her. Eventually she reveals she knows he's Spider-Man and we have an emotional scene where he explains what happened to Gwen and how he let her die. Then at the end he taks off the suit, maybe even trying to quit being Spider-Man and then Eddie becomes Venom. I think a short appearance by Venom could work if Eddie and the suit are fleshed out prior to his transformation. Then Eddy kidnaps MJ and takes her to the bridge and Peter has to redo what happened to Gwen but saves MJ. Ending where Peter decides he can be with her and is more of the Spider-Man we know today. With Eddie being sent to jail, and everything with his parents being resolved.
^ Completely disagree, don't like that idea, and it is blatantly obvious that you are using MJ as a conduit for a Venom story....which is the wrong approach. One should have nothing to do with the introduction or reason for the other.
I don't think MJ should be brought in at the very last scene of the franchise. She should be introduced at some point during TASM2.
^ Completely disagree, don't like that idea, and it is blatantly obvious that you are using MJ as a conduit for a Venom story....which is the wrong approach. One should have nothing to do with the introduction or reason for the other.

No it's not, I don't even like Venom that much, what I'm more interested in seeing is a Peter that deals with the grief of having lost the only person he's ever really loved. Venom would just happen to work in a story like that, having all of Spider-Man's memories and knowing how to hit his emotional weak points. I just think it's a horrible approach to skip ALL of MJ because she is Peter's true love and the one he is ment to be with, not Gwen. Gwen is just first love. You could do the same story with a character like Electro because of his inferior complex.

Plus it's completely wrong not to try to combine stories to get a broader scope of Spider-Man lore, and get quality over quantity. It's a ludicrous suggestion to ask this franchise go beyond 4 films.
You do realize that Peter and Gwen are seniors in high school, right? They will probably graduate in the next movie.

And they could have easily gotten married in SM4 for the Raimi trilogy.

I sure hope so. They look too old for high school now. Garfield looks way too old. There is no way they can pretend he's still in high school 5-6 years from now.
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