The Atheist Page


Apr 17, 2006
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This is the page for the superhero hype Athiest Community.

This page is not intendid to persuade anyone to the Athiest Religion it is only an outlet for fellow Athiest to express their opinoins on current events.

I am not in anyway saying that Atheist are better then any other person.

If you disagree with Atheism then that is fine don't spam in this thread

Common Atheist Beliefs

Atheism is the dibelief in any god or gods.

Religion has been used for a long time as a way to control the public. For instance British kings say I am your leader. Then the peasent says why are u our leader. The King simply responds God made me King you ignorant peasent. He will kill you

News Articles
This is my point Democrats are loosing religous voters because Bush said that Jesus wants him to be President

This is a disturbing article on about how America feels about Atheists

Atheist Links

Emrys said:
One thing is for sure, I'd rather trust an Atheist than a religious person.

Atheism to me means someone who's abandoned silly religious doctrine in favor of true morality. Morality expressed by people like for example Kant, Schopenhauer or Voltaire the great philosophers and fathers of modern western civilization.

Addendum said:
I'm atheist for the simple fact that I have no reason to believe in any god-claim, since I've yet to hear a convincing argument for having a belief in one

Other Atheist Views

Most Atheist don't have a problem with immagration. I personaly believe that this country was founded on one single purpose "no taxation without representation" so you can't make immagrants pay taxes yet not allow them to vote. Most Atheist agree with this belief

Christmas is a christian holiday, but many Atheist are open to celebrating the commercial holiday of christmas or X-mas. Atheist can celebrate this holiday and not be christian. It is important to keep ties with your familys and many Atheist have religous familys but arn't religous them selves. Santa is the symbol of X-mas not Jesus
God=BS in the title? Yeah, this thread will be closed in a few hours. :down
This would have stood a chance w/o the whole BS thing
hey God=Bs is for all those people who don't understand what Atheism is. Give it a shot
Government forcing religion into schools? Um, no.
giggs11uk said:
hey God=Bs is for all those people who don't understand what Atheism is. Give it a shot

If people don't understand what atheism is, I'm reasonably sure that they're unable to type on a keyboard. You're just trying to start a flame war here.
This isn't the "Official Superherohype!" anything thread.

They Hype! is open to people of all beliefs.
giggs11uk said:
hey God=Bs is for all those people who don't understand what Atheism is. Give it a shot

Are you telling people to convert to athieism, because as a fellow athiest, even I say, that is not cool. :o
cass said:
If people don't understand what atheism is, I'm reasonably sure that they're unable to type on a keyboard. You're just trying to start a flame war here.

All right you got me but atleast it sparked some intrest now lets get to the real point of this thread
It's not much of a discussion if everyone is just saying, "Hey, we're cool because we don't believe in God!"

Not that I have to worry about this happening.* The religious will come in and it'll turn into a flame war within a few pages (if it's not closed).

*Not that I would worry about an SHH! thread.
hippie_hunter said:
Are you telling people to convert to athieism, because as a fellow athiest, even I say, that is not cool. :o

I'm not converting people at all this is not a persuasive page. THis is a page for atheist to discuss politics and other issues were atheist arn't being fairly represented. I am not trying to convert anyone.
It's not much of a discussion if everyone is just saying said:
I've always wondered if thats what American Atheists meetings are like.
Are you so uncomfortable in your belief that you have to have a page for support?
This page should be closed like your atheist mouth.
Daisy said:
This isn't the "Official Superherohype!" anything thread.

They Hype! is open to people of all beliefs.
That's got to be one of the more embarrassing phenomena I've encountered since I've been using the internet...People making "Official" threads that aren't official.:o
Especially when they blatantly break a rule, like "Welcome to the OFFICIAL SPAM THREAD! This is where you can post nonsense to get your post-count up. Go ahead and post anything that pops into your mind! Enjoy!"

haha, I saw one like that once, for...a few seconds.
Convert to Chaos, where I am the God.
cass said:
Are you so uncomfortable in your belief that you have to have a page for support?

No i am not asking for reinsurance in my own religion im just tired of hearing all this "under God" stuff and im sure alot of other people are too.
Atheists Are Distrusted

May 3, 2006
Johanna Olexy or Lee Herring
(202) 247-9871
[email protected]

Atheists Identified as America’s Most Distrusted Minority,
According Sociological Study

Washington, DC—American’s increasing acceptance of religious diversity does not extend to those who don’t believe in a god, according to a national survey by researchers in the University of Minnesota’s department of sociology. The study will appear in the April issue of the American Sociological Review.

From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households, university researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and other minority groups in “sharing their vision of American society.” Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are least willing to allow their children to marry.

Even though atheists are few in number, not formally organized and relatively hard to publicly identify, they are seen as a threat to the American way of life by a large portion of the American public. “Atheists, who account for about 3 percent of the U.S. population, offer a glaring exception to the rule of increasing social tolerance over the last 30 years,” says Penny Edgell, associate sociology professor and the study’s lead researcher.

Edgell also argues that today’s atheists play the role that Catholics, Jews and communists have played in the past—they offer a symbolic moral boundary to membership in American society. “It seems most Americans believe that diversity is fine, as long as every one shares a common ‘core’ of values that make them trustworthy—and in America, that ‘core’ has historically been religious,” says Edgell. Many of the study’s respondents associated atheism with an array of moral indiscretions ranging from criminal behavior to rampant materialism and cultural elitism.

Edgell believes a fear of moral decline and resulting social disorder is behind the findings. “Americans believe they share more than rules and procedures with their fellow citizens—they share an understanding of right and wrong,” she said. “Our findings seem to rest on a view of atheists as self-interested individuals who are not concerned with the common good.”

The researchers also found acceptance or rejection of atheists is related not only to personal religiosity, but also to one’s exposure to diversity, education and political orientation—with more educated, East and West Coast Americans more accepting of atheists than their Midwestern counterparts.

The study is co-authored by assistant professor Joseph Gerteis and associate professor Doug Hartmann. It’s the first in a series of national studies conducted the American Mosaic Project, a three-year project funded by the Minneapolis-based David Edelstein Family Foundation that looks at race, religion and cultural diversity in the contemporary United States.

# # #

The American Sociological Review, edited by Jerry A. Jacobs (University of Pennsylvania), is the flagship journal of the American Sociological Association.

The American Sociological Association, established in 1905, is a non-profit membership association dedicated to serving sociologists in their work, advancing sociology as a science and profession, and promoting the contributions and use of sociology to society.

I think this is true. I live in Texas and attitudes are bad enough here I don't come out in public about being Atheist. I just say I'm "non-religious" which leaves the possibility in their minds I believe in a higher power. Its sad I have to do that, but I really am concerned that if I was open about it I'd become a target for discrimination or worse, physical harm.
giggs11uk said:
No i am not asking for reinsurance in my own religion im just tired of hearing all this "under God" stuff and im sure alot of other people are too.

Ummm, atheism isn't a religion.
Statistcly I hear athiests are less likely to suffer from depresion. Most likely for those who don't believe in the afterlife. We make the best out of this, our one and only life.
so atheists don't believe in any form of god? I'm very curious . . .

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