The Batmobile Thread

I maintain that the best Batmobile design is actually the B:TAS Batmobile.
If you mean this one


I almost agree with you. But I really love the Arkham Asylum batmobile. It's like a combo of the first BTAS batmobile, that batmobile and the 89 batmobile, with the tough armor look of the tumbler.
If you mean this one


I almost agree with you. But I really love the Arkham Asylum batmobile. It's like a combo of the first BTAS batmobile, that batmobile and the 89 batmobile, with the tough armor look of the tumbler.

Agreed both TNBAS and Arkham Asylum batmobiles are great, BTAS is great too, but too large to IMO...
I like the one I posted better. It looks more like a "batmobile"
Actually, I think he was referring to this one:


I was referring to this one. The other one never had enough detail in the show for me to give it much thought. It was a cool idea, but it just never popped. It takes a toy to make it look cool and functional.
I was referring to this one. The other one never had enough detail in the show for me to give it much thought. It was a cool idea, but it just never popped. It takes a toy to make it look cool and functional.
I agree. The show nor justice league never made it look as cool as the toy. But I still love it more than the first BTAS batmobile. It just looks more intimidating to me.
More posts containing pictures of terrifyingly ugly vehicles and people begging and pleading for them to be the new Batmobile please.
I want this to be the new batmobile. Simply because thats the car I own. Seems like a valid enough reason, right?

Not realistic enough :down
Sorry, but the Goddamn Batman only drives American. :awesome:
Not for a Batmobile please.

Everytime I think about what I want to see in a new batmobile, I cant decide whether I want it to be more like a tank, or more sleek.
I think for batman's character him cruising around in an urban assualt vehicle would make more sense than a skinny race car. So I think the tumbler is a good fit.
Left over tumbler made with a sleeker bat motif :up:
You know what's funny about the whole "bat motif" thing?

The tumbler HAS a bat motif. The Tumbler is basically a BAT.

Think about a bat that has it's wings folded(not wrapped around it's body) in to its arms. And think about it crawling around on the ground with its arms tight to its body and longer than its head.

That's the tumbler.
I would like them to go with something a little sleeker and less militaristic this time around, but I doubt it.
You know what's funny about the whole "bat motif" thing?

The tumbler HAS a bat motif. The Tumbler is basically a BAT.

Think about a bat that has it's wings folded(not wrapped around it's body) in to its arms. And think about it crawling around on the ground with its arms tight to its body and longer than its head.

That's the tumbler.
"sleeker" bat motif. A more recognizable "sleeker" bat motif. Pardon me for not stressing that for the noob hangers.
"sleeker" bat motif. A more recognizable "sleeker" bat motif. Pardon me for not stressing that for the noob hangers.

So fins and a bat head on a black sports car. Basically.

And what in the wild blue **** is a noob hanger?
So fins and a bat head on a black sports car. Basically.

And what in the wild blue **** is a noob hanger?
The tumbler is not a sports car. I like how the wheels are on the front and those big monster truck rear wheels. Just less Humvee/Stealth bomber looking. "Sleeker" body. Not change the entire car altogether.
Not for a Batmobile please.

Everytime I think about what I want to see in a new batmobile, I cant decide whether I want it to be more like a tank, or more sleek.

I suggest a compromise...:woot:


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