The Big Bang Theory - Part 2

I like it, & so I am making a thread about it. Join me people in enjoying this show. It isn't the best show on the planet, but it is pretty damn funny. Plus Couco is HAWT!:o
I'm seeing Jim Parsons in Harvey on Broadway tomorrow. Can't wait! :up:

I saw this in previews with my girlfriend since she works for Roundabout, it was really good. Jim was fantastic, got his autograph after the show. Nice guy.
I like it, & so I am making a thread about it. Join me people in enjoying this show. It isn't the best show on the planet, but it is pretty damn funny. Plus Couco is HAWT!:o
Melissa Rauch's character "Bernadette" is MUCH hotter, not that Couco is a dog lol
Melissa Rauch's character "Bernadette" is MUCH hotter, not that Couco is a dog lol

I think we can all agree none of us would turn down either of them if they wanted to fool around :woot:
I think Cuoco is hotter but you are probably right.
I've seen episodes here and there over the past couple of years, but I got season 1-4 for my birthday. Couple of episodes into season 2.
I saw this in previews with my girlfriend since she works for Roundabout, it was really good. Jim was fantastic, got his autograph after the show. Nice guy.

Nice! I loved the show. Jim was terrific, as was Jessica Hecht and Charles Kimbrough. Just a really sweet and funny show.

Definitely a lot of BBT fans in the audience. One guy was wearing a Babylon 5 t-shirt. :funny:

The Big Bang Theory Fan Group
Started season 3 last night. Must watch more later.
I follow Mayim on Facebook and she has been posting heavily about her car crash. I'm glad she's ok, I love that woman. :)
Glad she's OK and recovering.

After Cuoco broke her leg and now Bialik's car accident, hope no one else from the cast or crew is in an accident coming up. *knock on wood*
She fell off her horse and the horse got spooked. I think it stomped on her leg.

Check past episodes with just Penny serving drinks behind the counter where she works
And episodes with no Penny at all, there's a couple of episodes with different female characters (the FBI one comes to mind)
Oh yea! It's kinda obvious now that you mention it
Me and my family love this show.

Word of warning: don't mention this show in the "Community" forum. I've gotten criticized twice already just for liking it. :rolleyes: I wonder why its so hated over there?
no idea because i love big bang and community.
Me and my family love this show.

Word of warning: don't mention this show in the "Community" forum. I've gotten criticized twice already just for liking it. :rolleyes: I wonder why its so hated over there?

in the community lounge?
About to start season 4. Will the new season this fall be season 6 or 7?

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