The Catwoman Appreciation Thread.


Sorry; couldn't resist.
When CINO came out (and actually still to this day) I enjoy it for what it is, but obviously hate the fact that it reminds me of the opportunity wasted.

If Catwoman appears in BB3 or even if she doesn't, I would kill for a new spin off film.
hmm.. is the film available in an unrated version?'re saying that it wasn't a box office success.....and that's okay? Cute. Really Cute.

Now we're going to pretend that the DVD rentals/sales have made 55 million dollars (the amount the film lost in the box office). Fine. However, you do know that DVDs don't grow on trees, right? They cost money to produce, distribute and promote, just like the film itself. On top of that, the rental profits belogn more to the rental store than to the studio.

In the year 2099, Catwoman may FINALLY break even... maybe.

As for the thing about female superhero flicks, Catwoman, Elektra, Aeon Flux, Red Sonja and Ultraviolet didn't fail because they starred female heroes....they faled because they were awful films.

When Hollywood stops treating female leads as sex objects, and they start writing them as strong, interesting characters (something CINO failed to do), then we'll see some success for the ladies. Until then, we're left with whatever Hollywood decides to throw at us.

Kill Bill :up: Although the over the top violence was ridiculous.
If they ever put catwoman in a movie again(which I hope they do) I'd like her to just wear the costume she wears in the comics. its a very practical costume for sneaky thief character in films... aside from it having cat ears.
People actually like this movie?

My God....
"The Catwoman appreciatioin thread"????......:whatever:

O.K-i'll bite.

I'm appreciative for two reasons, basically.

1.) The film came and went five years ago.

2.) I'm also appreciative that the film was a total failure for all concerned, that WB still hasnt made their money back, Berry's and Stone's careers were burnt to dust, ect., ect.

I'd hardly say that Berry's career "burnt to dust"
If they decided to do another Catwoman film I suggest they should hire Loeb as writer then hire Shawnee Smith as Catwoman. If you don't believe me, see for yourself:






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I'd hardly say that Berry's career "burnt to dust"

Then, Dont say it then...

She's made, what, one film since CINO, the Willis flick, and it flopped too.

Yeah, it's safe to say Berry's time in the limelight is done. It's her own fault, she was making poor choices long before the cino travesty....baps, gothicka, ect.
If they decided to do another Catwoman film I suggest they should hire Loeb as writer then hire Shawnee Smith as Catwoman. If you don't believe me, see for yourself:







hey, jack

Loeb is a pretty good choice. He's already got the screen-writing credits (teen wolf, commando) and he's wrote some pretty good catwoman (When in rome, the long halloween)

I'm pretty sure smith could do the role justice too. Maybe Nolan will include catwoman in Batman 3 , and WB will greenlight a spinoff catwoman movie from the nolan series. I think Nolan could do the character of Catwoman justice easily.

Btw, i was just scrolling the back pages of this thread, and saw my old buddy shinlyle making short work of that stiff dunn1 AKA Act of Insanity, and it brought back some great memories of two years back when this terd was released in theaters....

How's good ol Shin doing?
She also did Things We Lost in the Fire, which I hear was decent.
By the way, are either of you being sarcastic when you say Loeb should be hired to write Catwoman?
lol. Okay, the movie in my opinion wasn't very good (at all). I mean, the storyline...a little....rediculous? Like a woman decides to investigate a cosmetic plant and ends up falling out of a tunnel thing, off a cliff, gets licked by some cats (horrible cgi by the way) and decides, what the heck I think I'll fight bad guys. I'll start by beating up my neighbors who won't turn their music down. So bad story-line, they forgot to make her white (as in the comics [ I'm not racist] ), the special effects were horrible, and the costume was nothing like it should be as was here secret identity. So, I really don't like it too much. I prefer michelle pfieffer's catwoman. : ) But, if you like it that your opinion/problem. Lol
This thread is still Here? It's been five years since this movie epic failed at the box office taking everyone except for Alex Borstien and Benjamin Bratt to career hades. Halle hasn't had a hit since, Sharon Stone can't get arrested, and Pitof, well, Mr. Jean Christopher Comar is probably going down to the check cash place on Crenshaw to collect his county check right about now.

I had the displeasure of watching CINO on YouTube a few months ago to see how bad it was. I didn't pay anything and I STILL want my money back. This movie blows like Ravioli farts. If the words Epic Fail had a definition, a picture of the CINO movie poster would be right next to it.

Outside of MST3K parties, with its brother movie Batman & Robin there's no need to even think about this movie.

The black hole on this disaster finished imploding when Batman Began in 2005 and The Dark Knight went on the run in Gotham in 2008. I can't wait for the third installment of the Nolan Goyer Franchise.
Seeing as Christopher Nolan and Anne Hathaway are promising to FINALLY do justice to the character of Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises, I thought it might be time to go down memory lane with Superhero Rewind's review of CINO:

Good grief was this movie a piece of dreck. I'd rather watch BATMAN AND ROBIN than this movie! Batman and Robin is so bad it's good, whereas CINO is so bad that it's unwatchable. If CINO were on the below chart, the Star Wars Holiday Special would slap it for invading its personal space.


It's so hard to believe that way back when, this movie actually had defenders. Oh, what strange times those were, when no matter how bad or unrecognizeable an "adaptation" was, someone was still bound to defend it as long as the name of the movie was the same as the source material. It's great that we can finally look back and laugh at this movie knowing that the real Catwoman's future is safe. :awesome:
It's so hard to believe that way back when, this movie actually had defenders. Oh, what strange times those were, when no matter how bad or unrecognizeable an "adaptation" was, someone was still bound to defend it as long as the name of the movie was the same as the source material. It's great that we can finally look back and laugh at this movie knowing that the real Catwoman's future is safe. :awesome:

Based on what were they defending the film? The previous form of the director or writer? You are just making that up man, no-one was defending that Cw movie, you are blowing bubbles out of your backside bubble machinary.
Cause I am saying the WW show could be good due to the fact the guy made a good tv before with good strong female characters. That, and folk seem to be hung up on the term 'vigilante', what do they think superheroes are?! If they don't have a badge and the approval of Gordon and O'Hara, they are vigilantes, yes, even if they are v pretty and dress in sexy clothes and are magical.
No-one has yet said her arch villan will be Sharon Stone who has the superpower of adamantium facecream that makes her hard to punch. Very little has been revealed about the WW show, it has potential.
Actually there were. You just have to look back about 5 years. In truth althoug critics may rub the film, it made more money than any other female superheroine film to that date.
Actually there were. You just have to look back about 5 years. In truth althoug critics may rub the film, it made more money than any other female superheroine film to that date.
Actually there were. You just have to look back about 5 years. In truth althoug critics may rub the film, it made more money than any other female superheroine film to that date.

Ok, I was half joking back there with Timstuff, but I bet they were just hoping for the best with the movie, rather than placing some trust with the writer/director for their previous work, like i was doing with the WW tv show.
I still can't believe I made a thread to appreciate CINO. :( Oh, what a tragically misguided person I was.
I actually did not read through the thread until you said that(well i read page 1), I just assumed it was an appreciation thread for Catwoman in general, comics, tv shows, BR and CW, it would not have occured to me at all that someone would do an appreciation thread for that movie, that is honestly the first time I have read of anyone liking it, lol.
Sorry Timstuff!
I watched this movie yesterday, it isn't really that bad. In fact, it's quite a good movie. It doesn't really have anything to do with the Catwoman character or Batman, though.

It's a black female superhero movie, basically.. and that's why I think many people hate it. Although Halle Berry is quite good in the role and didn't deserve a razzie for the performance.

It's unjustly maligned/hated. It nowhere near deserves its bad reputation.
It's a black female superhero movie, basically.. and that's why I think many people hate it.

Oh right.

So it's not because it has terrible writing, terrible acting, awful cartoony CGI, action scenes that are laughable, and Halle Berry in a ludicrous costume.

It's not because it's a campy, ridiculous mess of a movie with Sharon Stone as a cosmetics model supervillain. It's not the embarassing basketball scene, or lines like, 'It's overtime!'

It's not that it calls itself Catwoman but has nothing to do with the DC comics character.

No, it's because we're all racist and sexist.

Including Halle Berry, who called Catwoman, "A piece of s*** movie."

Thanks for explaining.

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