Jessica Alba For Catwoman Thread


May 1, 2005
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Ok, my wish for is for a new Catwoman film to portray Selina Kyle in the truest sense. I want it to be dark, serious, real, and gritty. I wouldn't mind it being R-rated, but thats just me. I think Jessica Alba would be a great choice. I am currently working on an illustration of this idea. But I want to hear your ideas. Jessica Alba, or someone else? what do you want to see in a new Catwoman film? Style? Tone? Story? Lets hear it.
Story definitely. First of all, why did they made a Cat-Woman movie outside the Batman movies? I've always thought she was a Batman character.

Anyway Batman Begins already proved it, a good story can make up for other things, like Scarecrow's look, or Rachel Dawes character.

I don't think Jessica Alba is the right one to play Selina, i still think of Burton's films like very good classic ones, so i'd go with Pfeifer, it was Pfifer right? I don't remember her name, but i'd go with Burton's Cat-Woman.
Michelle Pfeifer was an awesome Catwoman, better than every other. But she still wasn't the Catwoman from the comics. The comic version is much more interesting of a character than any that has been seen before.
But it depends on the story they write for the movie right? So if we have a good story i think Michelle will be a great Catwoman, Alba seems too ... ummm, inocent? I don't think she has the type for Catwoman, while Micehlle looks sexier, wich i think is an important part of the Catwoman character, and she looked like a bad girl on Batman Returns.
Your very correct, good movies do depend on good stories. Catwomans origin in the comics is an extremely interesting story and would make for a great film. What with her mother killing herself, growing up on the streets, her sister joining a convent, living with a teenage runaway, being a career jewel thief, never been dead, and doesnt have any powers. I just think that Michelle Pfeifer is too far rooted in peoples minds as the Catwoman from Batman Returns, people will think its a sequel and get confused. I mean people got confused and still get confused over Batman Begins having nothing to do with the previous films. Its a restart not a prequel, PERIOD!!! So if you have the same actress playing Catwoman in a completely different and seperate story, it would just confuse the public.
Without trying to sound like a pig; Jessica Alba is very sexy. She also has experience with fight choreography from her television series and films. I really think that if given the chance she could be an incredible Catwoman.
Motown Marvel said:
maybe....if only she knew how to act....

Hehehehe....right on!

Also, Michelle Pfifer is too old to be Catwoman again.
I don;t think we'll see Catwoman in the nexty sequel. It's going to be all Joker.
noooooo... it's bad enough that she ruined Sue Storm for me, but Selina... no, thanks. won't give her that chance.

I remember something someone here said, don't remember who,but it's very fitting. "she's like the female Paul Walker". perfect.
She's already been in two comic movies, I do like her, but give somebody else a chance.
I think Catwoman might be best played by an actress who hasn't done any action roles yet. The problem is, almost all the movies I watch are action movies, so I don't know of any! :(
Timstuff said:
I think Catwoman might be best played by an actress who hasn't done any action roles yet.
What....would be the point in that? :confused:
Because the pool of selections is much larger. You don't really think that all of today's biggest starlettes have been doing action roles since day one, do you?
Ok, but by doing want to discount actresses that been in action roles??? Why not just look at the whole field? :confused:
Yes, Alba is a better choice than Halle Berry. But she's no Angelina Jolie.
BK said:
Ok, but by doing want to discount actresses that been in action roles??? Why not just look at the whole field? :confused:

No, I'm saying we should look at ALL the avalible actresses, and not just the ones who have been in summer blockbusters.
blind_fury said:
Yes, Alba is a better choice than Halle Berry. But she's no Angelina Jolie.
You know I think Angelina is #1 in my book for Catwoman. :up:
it'll never happen in a million years! she is not a very good actress in this point of her career. :down
I think most of the A list actresses are going to have management that tells them it would be against their better judgement to pursue the role in a Catwoman sequel. As bad as Catwoman was, it could really hurt a potential acturess who takes on the next role. I think a Catwoman sequel or introduction into the Batman franchise is going to have to be put on the back burner for a while to take out the foul taste that was left from the Catwoman travesty.
me want jolie for catwoman,

i thought of alba as catwoman right now but she's just not catwoman for me for a lot of reasons
dpm07 said:
I think most of the A list actresses are going to have management that tells them it would be against their better judgement to pursue the role in a Catwoman sequel. As bad as Catwoman was, it could really hurt a potential acturess who takes on the next role. I think a Catwoman sequel or introduction into the Batman franchise is going to have to be put on the back burner for a while to take out the foul taste that was left from the Catwoman travesty.

I don't think it's too early to introduce her in a Batman sequel. It's certainly too early for a second attempt at a stand alone move, but not an appearance in a Batman sequel. If there aren't any A-List actor's who aren't afraid of it damaging their careers like it did Halle Berry's, then I'd have no problem with a lesser-known "fresh" actress in the role. I'm sure if Nolan and crew want Catwoman in one if their movies, they will be able to get the actress they want for the role.

An Agent is more likely to look at Batman Begins' BO numbers and say "Go for it!" than they are to say "Look at CINO and how it wrecked Halle's carreer". To them, it wouldn't be about the character, but the movie she's in. Everyone knows that Batman 2 is gonna be a big hit, and that's what's important to an agent. Not wether or not the character the actress would be playing might have a "soiled reputation".
Jessica Alba as Catwoman... hmm... I say no. No. No. NO.
Our Father who art in heaven,...PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP,...never, EVER let Jessica Alba do another Comic Book movie in my life time, or any lifetime there after. I pray this in Jesus' name,...Amen.
Y'know I think there should be a law passed that says only people who've played superheroes in previous film should be allowed to play superheroes in new films.

Some geeks have no imagination.

Imagine a world where Jessica Alba plays every female comic character to hit the big screen & plays opposite Hugh Jackman, who plays all the male rolls.

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