Guardians of the Galaxy The Collector Thread

Dark Raven

It's not about what you deserve...
Apr 2, 2010
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Post your casting ideas for who should play the Collector, Taneleer Tivan, in the Guardians movie.





Ideally he should be an older and distinguished A-list actor in the age range of Anthony Hopkins or maybe older like Ian Mckellan (but obviously not those two).

And should he be the main villain in this movie whom the Guardians misunderstand, thinking that he's merely collecting for his own purposes, only to discover at the end (in some kind of twist) that he's actually trying to protect the universe from Thanos? I think that route could be interesting to explore. It could also allow for cameos of other Marvel characters whom he plucks from the timeline and brings to his collecting room.
Michael Douglas, Dustin Hoffman, Donald Sutherland,or Nick Nolte could be good.

edit: Terrence Stam and Christopher Plummer
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I suggested Malcolm McDowell in another thread. He already looks quite similar to the character and would need little make up facially. He just needs a wig. He's already used to playing villainous characters who are semi-immortal at least, like Tolian Soran in Star Trek Generations.


Don't really want Nick Nolte in another Marvel movie after his turn in Ang Lee's Hulk.

Terrance Stamp or Christopher Plummer, on the other hand, wouldn't be bad, especially Stamp.

Not sure if I could take Dustin Hoffman seriously as the Collector, and Michael Douglas might seem a bit too sleazy.
I would love to see Ian McKellen in this role...but unfortunately lolFox.

Other than McKellen, I think Donald Sutherland would be perfect for this role as well.




Could someone be so kind as too give me a description of who the collector is and what he does. I literally have no idea who this character is.
I like the Malcolm McDowell suggestion.
Could someone be so kind as too give me a description of who the collector is and what he does. I literally have no idea who this character is.
He's an Elder of the Universe who collects valuable items throughout the universe and can foresee major threats in the universe. In the comics he foretold the threat of Thanos and began collecting races throughout the universe to "protect them" from Thanos. He also foretold the threat of Korvac...not sure which route they're going here, but I'm betting Thanos.
Terrence Stamp, Donald Sutherland, Christopher Plummer, and Malcom McDowell are my top choices
Donald Sutherland could be a cool pick.. he's pretty intimidating in Hunger Games
Could someone be so kind as too give me a description of who the collector is and what he does. I literally have no idea who this character is.

He's a powerful immortal elder of the universe who collects people. He's tangled with both the Avengers and the Guardians. At first it was thought he was just collecting for the sake of collecting (like us comic geeks who collect merchandise and action figures), but he has an ulterior, more altruistic purpose apparently - to preserve key specimens in the universe in order to protect against Thanos.

His daughter is Carina (hopefully that's who Ophelia Lovibond is playing) who is married to Korvac, one of the most powerful enemies of both the Avengers and the Guardians.

The Collector was a key figure in the classic Korvac Saga which united the original Guardians and the Avengers in a cosmic battle literally to the death against Korvac.
I'd love to see Christoph Waltz in a MCU film.
I want Christoph Waltz as either a Cap villain or Cosmo
I have to say that I'm really excited about the Collector being in this, having read about him in the "Captives of the Collector" storyline when I was younger. I never thought I'd see the day he'd be in a movie.

I also liked how in that story he totally underestimated Hawkeye and thought he wasn't worth collecting, but then was beaten by him as the only surviving Avenger.

Of course, he was also in that other storyline with Cap's Kooky Quartet, where Hank Pym returned for the first time as Goliath, wasn't he?

BTW I hope they don't go with anyone lightweight like Jonathan Pryce, even though he's in the right age range. He was terrible in Tomorrow Never Dies.
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I have to say that I'm really excited about the Collector being in this, having read about him in the "Captives of the Collector" storyline when I was younger. I never thought I'd see the day he'd be in a movie.

I also liked how in that story he totally underestimated Hawkeye and thought he wasn't worth collecting, but then was beaten by him as the only surviving Avenger.

Of course, he was also in that other storyline with Cap's Kooky Quartet, where Hank Pym returned for the first time as Goliath, wasn't he?

BTW I hope they don't go with anyone lightweight like Jonathan Pryce, even though he's in the right age range. He was terrible in Tomorrow Never Dies.
Do you know where they retconed Collector foretelling Thanos? I know it wasn't that way in the original stories. I can't find it for the life of me.
James Marsters

He seems a bit too young for the role personally. They should save him for something else more suitable.

As for Jeremy Irons, I wonder if he would be better suited to someone like The Grandmaster, whom the Collector did come into conflict with.
THR has taken all of the Collector stuff out of the article. Think Marvel asked em to take it down? ;)
He seems a bit too young for the role personally..
Well we really have no idea what direction they'll go with for this character. I was going for a more "Blackout" type angle:

But if they wanna go with someone who's older then that's a different story.
THR has taken all of the Collector stuff out of the article. Think Marvel asked em to take it down? ;)

Now does that mean it's inaccurate, or that Marvel didn't want that surprise spoiled?

I hope the Collector is still in this movie.
THR has taken all of the Collector stuff out of the article. Think Marvel asked em to take it down? ;)

Or it coulda been false info.. but I'm hoping for the Marvel made em take it down route.
Alexis Denisof.

No, really.

There was an earlier rumor this week (LR, compliments of El Maybe IIRC) that "The Controller" (Iron Man villain) was going to be Thanos' right-hand man in GOTG. I now chalk that up to El Maybe being his usual half-assed self and not bothering to research: it's actually "The Collector."

And Thanos' Right Hand Man = The Collector = ......."The Other." As played already by Alexis Denisof in The Avengers.

This makes The Collector actually an ally of Thanos; and in all honesty, this sounds more like it's pointing towards the Korvac Saga. I think Korvac will be our big bad in GOTG (and possibly TA2), with Thanos and The Collector deviously manipulating the heroes into a supposed alliance against Korvac --- only to have the heroes discover that Thanos is the real problem.
I have a hard time believing THR would have posted something that obscure without a good source on it. Marvel probably asked them to take it down.

Alexis Denisof.

No, really.

There was an earlier rumor this week (LR, compliments of El Maybe IIRC) that "The Controller" (Iron Man villain) was going to be Thanos' right-hand man in GOTG. I now chalk that up to El Maybe being his usual half-assed self and not bothering to research: it's actually "The Collector."

And Thanos' Right Hand Man = The Collector = ......."The Other." As played already by Alexis Denisof in The Avengers. For one thing, that was posted several weeks back (just nitpicking).

Second, the Collector would not be Thanos' henchman, right hand man, or whatever else. In all likelihood Mayimbe meant what he posted. Third, the Other is nothing like the Collector.

I dunno, not sure if your post is serious.
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I have a hard time believing THR would have posted something that obscure without a good source on it. Marvel probably asked them to take it down. For one thing, that was posted several weeks back (just nitpicking).

Second, the Collector would not be Thanos' henchman, right hand man, or whatever else. In all likelihood Mayimbe meant what he posted. Third, the Other is nothing like the Collector.

I dunno, not sure if your post is serious.

Mephisto was Thanos' "right hand man" in the comics. Mephisto. ****in' Satan Himself. If Satan can be Thanos' henchy, anybody can.

And yes, I'm dead serious about The Other = The Collector.

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