1. Communism doesn't work.
that's not true. a stupid communist plan wouldn't work. NASA works. Public schools work. Social Security works
. Medicare works. Garbage pick up works. public roads work. Public transportation works. The public option in health care would work. Universal health care does work in other countries. Publicly owned colleges work. The recycling center down the block works. The bail out worked.
yeah you can point to short comings in these but that is just like you said, the result of imperfect humans. NO corporation gets everything perfect all the time either.
2. The way to make the economy very efficient cannot by definition involve heavy regulation. If you believe otherwise, I suspect you've never worked in a business environment in any sort of white collar capacity.
hmmm, My economics professor disagrees. He believes it all comes down to whether it's good regulation or bad regulation.
To say you suspect I've never done this or that is stupid. There are plenty of people who have worked in business environments who agree with me. Many of them don't want the regulations because they are aimed at helping the overall economy and most investors only want to help themselves.
3. Universal health care is not cost-effective.
tell that to all the people who have better, yet cheaper health care than we do. I don't really want a specific debate on universal health care at the moment, but it has been proven in other countries that if doen right it can work. If done wrong? Then yeah it wont work.
1. Those parts of humanity (the desire to make money and the desire to do better to make more money) do not die . . . well, they do die, but only in the communist's mental fantasy-world. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" falls apart when people realize that there's no reason for them to work hard in a communist system. As a result, everyone suffers. That's reality.
I somewhat agree with this, which is why technology and social reforms have to come a long way before we could ever have a completely communist world. We have to reform our "public schools
" so that we install the values of hard work into future generations. and we have to get technology up to par to take care of all the meaningless and unfullfilling work.
If you eliminate money, then you eliminate the desire for more money. If wealth is unlimited than it becomes worthless. The acumulation of wealth is worthless if you don't need wealth to get what you want. It is possible that this could be what the world is like a hundred or two hunrdred years from now. Hell if automated machines are building the roads and the houses and we all got replicators built by other replicators and free health care and things like slavery are illegal, than what are people going to need money for?
I'm not guranteeing that money would be obsolete, but it is possible. It will be determined by future generations really. I'm just saying the possiblities are endless when it comes to just about anything. Whether it's technology, phychology, economics, space travel ect. The possiblities are really endless as far as me and you are concerned and if future economists can figure out details that me and you can't, than they might be able to create a utopian economy.
. See what I said above about heavy regulation. Hey, there's even an article in the Wall Street Journal today about the oppressive costs that Sarbanes-Oxley has put on business . . . so much so that Congress may pass a law exempting smaller corporations from having to deal with all of it. And do you know what SarbOx is? Moar regulation!
so... even if Sarbox sucks that doesn't mean all regulation sucks. Hell I'm pretty damn grateful for that rescent minimum wage hike. You know what sucks about my insurance I get through work though? They are legally allowed to deny you based on pre existing conditions!
We need some regulation right about now!! How about some energy efficency standards? I'm no expert on cap and trade so I dont' want to try and debate it because I don't like talking out of my ass, but obviously some heavy regulation could help us get off of oil, assuming the regulation is well thought out with the help of economists.
you know what else is funny about my job? We work together as a group to make the group as efficent as possible. Imgaine if we all worked alone on being as independently efficent as we could be? Overall my company would be a lot less efficent! That's the benefit of working together as a group under guided direction.
3. There is a lot to complain about when it comes to our roads systems. Good teachers like I'm sure Kel is aside, our public school students are behind those of a lot of other countries.
Is china one of them? Are you suggesting that we close our public schools? Do you think we should have publicly run schools? I understand there is much room for improvement, but them being run by the government is not the problem. Out of all those countries who's students are doing better than ours how many come from schools run by the government?
Our Medicare is running at an unbelievable deficit--in the trillions and trillions of dollars.
because of capitalists charging more and more for medications and procedures. The costs are sky rocketing. we need regulations telling them you just can't do it! You can't charge an arm and a leg to fix a toe nail anymore. Good example!
As for NASA . . . well, they do a lot of contracting with (evil!) corporations to build their equipment.
As I was saying we have a balance between communism and capitalism in the U.S. and that is how it should be for the time being.
I oppose communism. I know exactly what it is (that's why I oppose it!).
At the moment I'm not denying that you know what communism is. In my ideology class I did learn that according to rescent polls the vast majority of those who oppose communism can not define it. I don't know the exact number.
Part of this is because of the almost faith guided religous hatred for it that has risen in america during the last century. Remember what Raegen said about medicare decades ago? Isn't my grandpa supposed to be telling me about the good old days when men were free by now? Oh wait, my grandpa would be either dead or homeless if not for that evil medicare. yeah Marx was an atheist. so what? that doesn't justify opposing communism. I'm not saying that's why you oppose it, but it was a big factor in Americans becoming so anti-communism. Most even consider communism an atheist ideology, even though it's not.
I'm not opposed to communism or capitalism. Why do we care which "ism" something falls into? All that matter is results! I don't care what you call it. I'm not going to judge a program with preconceived notions about big government or small government. I will independently judge each program by itself without bias in favor of or against communism or capitalism. I will approach it with an open mind. There are those with a natural built in biased against the "c" word as well as for it. Those are called partisan hacks
And seeing as the stock market went real sour during this recession, it's a pretty good thing for
social security. Imagine if we had Bush's plan for privatization in place. All those people would have had nothing to live off. communism once again saved the day.