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The Create-A-Hero RPG Season II IC Thread

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Kensei watches as the angel goes airborne and the water elemental chases after him.
The samurai's gaze falls to the other female, the one called Singe, as she launches fiery bursts at the flying hero.

Summoning the power of the Kusanagi, the Swordsman takes a page from the angel's book and creates a swirling tempest around the villain. With each passing second, the whirlwind gains speed, and soon becomes a powerful tornado.
Singe, unable to maintain her control, get's yanked off of her feet by the funnel of wind and is blown about like a leaf. Kensei moves the tornado towards a nearby building, all the while making sure he times it just right.

Izanagi's Chosen waited until the last second and then quashes the tornado, letting Singe shoot out and smash through the building like a living missile. The alien villain smashes right through the building and out the other side, crashing down into the road where she lay unmoving.
Two Days Ago

To catch a thief

Home was a condo overlooking the water in the Hancock region of Lost Haven Maine. His place was of modest means atleast compared to the type of housing that Dexter was brought up into. The area was a gated community slightly secluded on a hilltop with fencing and a guard. Still, in these days there had been some burglaries within the past couple of months and the people were uneasy. James slept on the couch most nights, he said he wanted to make sure things were safe but Dex knew he was the one looking to feel secure. Dex didn’t mind.

Maybe it was because of his condition or maybe he was just obsessive compulsive but Dexter averaged about three hours of sleep a night. He was currently working on two books, a newsletter publication and other assorted “hobbies”. Besides the bed area, which was always kept immaculate his room consisted of stockpiles of papers and notes posted about his wall. It was like out of the movie a Beautiful Mind, actually one of his guests remarked on this, except all these things made sense. His most important documents however he kept on him at all times in the form of a palm pilot. That is what it would seem on the surface but in reality the device was much more advanced. Given to him by his father on his fourteenth birthday it was something SIS types carried to protect data. Not that he held data that was a matter of national security, still, when you constantly need an update on who you are it’s best that no one can fiddle with your files. Dexter kept it close the way holy men kept their bibles.

The creaky floor catches Dexter’s attention as he lay there trying to stop his mind long enough to actually go to sleep. James is normally the type of person that could sleep through a hurricane so it was only safe to assume he was getting ready for a pillow session. Dexter got to his feet to hopefully have enough time to tell Jimmy to keep it down without seeing anything he’d rather not. “Jim.” Dexter flicked on the light to find James on the couch passed out when he notices at the last moment a kick hitting him directly in the chest. The impact has Dexter back pedaling down the hall until he is able to finally stop himself holding his chest as his body is hunched over.

Looking back down at him is a man covered in a red cloak. His face covered in a black mask with bright red goggles with the hood just over the gloggles. Then the man moved his arms slowly away from his body and turned his arm so Dexter could get a glimpse at his prize. The reflection of the jewels sparkled so slightly as Dexter could notice it to be none other than his family ring. “My Ring!” Red cloaked bolted at the sound and Dexter was quickly in pursuit. He ran down the hall and out the side door, which apparently the thief had come into. Left. Right. Nothing. The kick came from behind striking him in the back of the head with the momentum sending him head first into the asphalt. Whoever they are they were quick, too quick, Dexter realized it must have been a Meta but the idea didn’t deter him the slightest. Still on the floor Dexter could feel the vibrations of the man and turned kicking him in the stomach as he rushed forward.

Back on his feet they stood in front of each other. Red Cloak turned his head to the side either inquisitively or mockingly and Dexter rushed. Aiming for the face Red took a step back and in a spin move came with a backhand that Dexter could not avoid. Off balance the man leaps toward Dexter with a kick but this time Rothguard with a slight turn of his body avoided the kick and they were off. Over fences, through neighbors yards the chase continued but more and more Dexter found himself losing the thief. Hopping a fence again he lost sight of the man until he heard the deep raspy voice of Red Cloak coming out of the shadows of a building to the open. “Save yourself the trouble and I wont have to kill you.” His build, the padded feeling when Dexter hit him, the cloak itself, even without a face clues could be found.

“That is not just some expensive ring that you can make some quick money on. It is my family ring passed on from my forefathers. One way or the other I will have my ring back and I will make sure your locked away unless you give it back now!” The adrenaline kicked in as Dexter stood face to face on the grass part of his neighbor’s front yard. In one fluid movement Red Cloak moved in, things had slowed, Dexter had his timing down and with a side step hit the man once in the neck and then the face. The fight continued with neither giving ground they stood in battle, with no one gaining leverage over the other. “Come on.” Dexter taunted as Red Cloak moved in with another flurry of punches. He blocked one and then the next but as he moved his hand the thief’s fist got there first. His face jerked back from the impact and then Dexter felt a strange feeling on his face. The hidden blade from his cloak came forth slicing Dexter across the chin. Tired, bloodied and beaten Dex picks his head from the grass to find the man gone without a trace.
Fontaine surveys the scene from cover after coming down to Earth on the Archangels chunk of terra firma.

Let's see... who could use the most help, and more to the point, who could I actually help? He thought to himself. The kid's over there with that massive man-mountain... I back myself normally, but I don't know if my right cross could even bother him enough to stop hiccups... The samurai's over there duking it out with that fiery girl... hup... there she goes, through that building. Fontaine hoped to himself that the shot would be enough so that they could both double team. The not-an-Angel's gone too far for that to really be an option, with that wet gal in pursuit...

Throwing a second glance at the samurai, since his opponent was no longer in his sightline his mind was pretty quickly made up.

Well... even if she is still up, the kid's going to be needing help some time soon. I wouldn't back myself alone, but the two of us should at least keep him busy...

Pulling the grappling hook from the gun and hanging it from the nub he reached into his pocket for some bolts, pulling out an odd pair. One mushroom "concussive bolt" and one designed to "seal the deal", so to speak.

This would be his easiest decision of the day...

There's no rehabilitation here, this is a war. No "fear to set folk right"... Only "fear to demonstrate that humanity's a force not to be trifled with"...

Fontaine pocketed the mushroom shaped bolt and loaded his shredder, running towards the behemoth and his new yellow and white costumed ally.
As he soars toward the battle that is now just beginning to rage anew, Icon fights to keep focused on the task at hand...Stopping the Arlaaekans from bringing about the end of the world. However, he finds his thoughts racing back to Lisa...and what he has lost.

He torments himself with the thought that he is the one responsible for her death, that if he hadn't sent her away...

As the guilt he feels begins to creep into his consciousness, he is somewhat relieved to see a battallion of Arlaaekan soldiers making there way down 53rd Street, toward the old theater district.

Finally faced with an enemy that he can hit, Icon springs into action. He rips through the battalion of soldiers like violent storm, leaving utter devestation in his wake. When Icon comes to a stop, not a single soldier, battle suit, or vehicle is left standing.

"It's about time you finally cut loose, Blue." A familiar voice rings out from behind him.

Startled, Icon turns to face the voice. He is surprised to see not only Haze, but Synergy and Zen as well.

"Sorry we're late, we ran into alittle trouble in New York."

Icon is about to say something when he is interrupted by the sound of marching....and before they know it they are surrounded by hundreds of Arlaaekan soldiers, most on foot, some in various battle vehicles......and all heavily armed.

"So, uh...I hope you have a plan." Haze asks uncertainly as the Arlaaekans advance on the heroes.

"Yeah. We fight." Icon replies, before hurling himself at the approaching enemies.
The Youngster​

I and Titan’s battle has carried on for sometime or at least it feels like it. As much as I would like to say its going in my favor I can’t. During the course of our battle I found out his name and I must say he is every bit of the word, Titan.

As I begin to slowly get up to my feet he stands just up a head looking down on me. This switching between my powers is really taking its toll but I’m starting to get the hang of it. At first it was hard for me to switch between just my super strength and speed but while fighting Titian I almost got it down between switching between three of my abilities.

“Did you really think you would be all it took to stop me?” Titan asks with a tone that I could tell he was pleased with the outcome so far. I would love to tell him “hell yeah” but in the position I’m in now it really wouldn’t look to good on my behalf.

“I’m not going to lie to you, when we first began I knew I could take you but now I’m not to sure.” I tell him as I finally make it to my feet.

“Why don’t you just make it easy on me and give up?” He asks with a slight smile appearing just after.

“Can’t do that it’s not in the superhero hand book.” After my last words were spoken I took off in Titans direction with my fist ready to strike. Just like always when I’m running in super speed my surrounding looks as if it is in slow motion and my target, a big one at that doesn’t seem to be moving at all. As I’m approaching my main focus of attack is to hit him with everything I got right in his temple. Right before I deliver the blow I look at his eyes to see them locked on me. While he’s staring I also notice a grin on his face, but why? There’s no way he can keep up with my speed. That doesn’t matter I’m already in motion to deliver the blow I can’t ease up now. As I getting in close to make contact with my target I get back hand by Titans fist. The force of the blow sent me soaring through the air.

On the way back down I began to replay the incident in my head. I see it clearly now as I was about to hit him he had already had his fist ready to attack I just didn’t notice it in time. But even so she shouldn’t have been able to hit me unless, when I’m focus on using two powers at the same time it must cut my strength in half. I should have known when I seen the smirk on his face. He must have notice it during the course of our battle.

I finally hit the ground landing right through a park car, my body weight with a little help from gravity rip clean through it as if it was a knife cutting butter. My body is aching all over and after that punch he delivered my jaw feels as if it is ready to shatter. This alien is to strong for me to handle by myself I might be in a little over my head.

“Sam.” A voice says lightly whispering to me.

I look around trying to see if there is anyone in the area but it’s only me and Titan.

“Sam.” The voice calls out once more. Okay now I think that I’ve got hit to many times and I’m beginning to lose it. While getting up I notice that Titan has picked a car up and is getting ready to throw it my way.

“Give me a break.” I say to myself wondering if this massive alien is ever going to let up. He wastes no more time he throws the car at me, I’m to weak to try and catch it so as fast as I can I get back on my feet and as the car approaches I dodge it right in the nick of time by jumping over it but to my surprise Titan must have been counting on me to do so because he had threw another vehicle for counter measures. The second vehicle hit me square in the middle of my chest, the force behind the throw had me soaring in the air a great distance with the car taking me there. I was blown back pass not only my fighting area but also where Kensei and the others where fighting. I was sent a great distance before I hit a wall with the car pinning me into it. He caught me right at the moment when I had my super strength and speed in use. The consequence of that action now leaves me paralyzed from the waist down. As I cough I see blood shot out of my mouth and land on the car’s hood.

“I guess this answers my question if I’m truly invulnerable” My vision begins to fade to black and as it does I begin to hear the voice that was calling to me from earlier. It kind of sound familiar almost like…

“Sam you mustn’t give up.” The first few times the voice cried out to me I could barley hear it but now I can hear it plan as day not only that I can make out who it is, my mother.

“As much as… I don’t… want… to give up… it seems as if… I have no choice.” That one sentence took a lot of effort for me to say. I guess with that being the case and now I’m hearing my dead mother I must really be dieing. Only thing now for me to do is fade to black.
As I reopen my eyes I see that I’m in a patch black room. I’m not a genius but I’m pretty sure heaven is not supposed to look like this.

“That’s because its not.” Said a voice from behind me.

It’s obvious who ever it is they can read minds. I turn around slowly not knowing what or who to expect. As I turn completely I see my mom standing there.

“Mom?” It’s easy to tell with the tone of my voice that I’m delighted to see her once again.

“I guess I must really be died since I’m here with you.”

“You are not dead my son, not yet and I am not who you think.”

Here words didn’t make any sense to me. She calls me her son but yet she tells me that she’s not who I think.

“Then who are you?” My voice somewhat demanding. If this is someone’s way of playing a trick I’ll make them pay if I’m died or not.

“I assure you this is no means of deception. The person you now see before you is your real birth mother. I chose to come to you in this form to put you more at ease.”

My real birth mother? What this person is saying to me can’t be right she must have me confused.

“Believe me my son there is no uncertainty. You are my son and I am your mother. I would like to be more in depth but now is not the time. That is not the reason why I brought you to me.”

“Brought me to you? What are you talking about?”

“My son you are not dead but you are dieing and it’s happening fast. There is one way that you will be able to survive but if you use this means to survive you will pay a great consequence. I myself do not know what that may be.”

A great consequence to pay if I accept?

“I’ll do it.” I say with no hesitation.

“My son, are you sure that you don’t want to take more time to reconsider?”

“There’s no need. I promised myself that I’ll do whatever that needs to be done to bring this world back to how it used to be. If that means that I myself will die once everything is finish than so be it. I won’t fail these people like I did my mother and Blacklight.”

Before she said anything a smile arisen on her face. “My son you have passed the test of valor. There is a great power that dwells within you but to unlock you must be chosen to do so.”

“A great power?” I said out loud.

“Wait I know I these power I felt it before when my mother laid died in my arms.”

“Yes the time you speak of was never post to happened. Through your own will power you forced the power but even then it was only a sample of the true power you possess.”

“What must I do?”

“It’s simple, the last test is wisdom. You must say your true birth name out aloud.”

“That is simple, okay what is it?”

“You must figure it out on your own.”

I should have known that it wasn’t going to be that simple but how am I post to know my given name?


I cry out but it had no effect. It didn’t hurt to try. But seriously how am I post to know my real name? My mother never said anything about me not being her real son and why would she there are pictures around the house when she was pregnant with me. How am I post to find something out if I don’t even remember knowing it? Wait… remember knowing it. How could I have forgotten my ability to access any moment in my mind that I have witnessed or even heard? But I never had to go so far back before I’m not even sure if it’s going to work but I have to try. I close my eyes and then begin to focus. At first I start off slow replaying everything in my head as if I’m rewinding it. Looking at the end of me and Titan’s fight to the beginning. Then watching as Blacklight body lays motionless to him just entering the fighting field. I concentrate even harder going back as fast as I could seeing glimpse of my life here and there. I go back so far to the point were there is nothing or it seems to be nothing, this is when I stop. I don’t know where I am I can’t see or feel anything but I know for some reason I am safe. Where ever I am I know there is nothing to be scared of. Wait I hear something…a voice… a man’s voice speaking to a woman.

“Xon my love what must we do?” Her voice is so terrified it’s obvious she is scared of something.

“Fear not my love I shall not let the king or his men harm a single hair on your head or that of our child’s.”

Our child? The child they are speaking of is me, meaning that man is my father.

“But the king he will not stop till he knows that I’m dead along with our son.”

“I won’t let it come to that. I have already planned an escape for you two.”

“Just the two?”

“Yes I must stay behind and make sure that you both make it safely off the planet.”

The conversation goes on a little bit more before they are interrupted.

“They are here you must go now.”

“Xon promise me you will fallow us when you can.”

“Do not worry I will find you.”

At that moment I can feel something pressed up against me but I do not know what it is.

“Listen to me my son.” It’s my father once again but this time his voice is clear to the point it seems as if he is talking to me in my ear.

“They fear what you are and what you will become. But I your father Xon am telling you there is nothing for you to fear. When you arrive into this world you will be born of great power, strength, speed, wisdom, and you will have your father’s courage. With this power you must protect those who are less fortunate than you. Always put the needs of other before your own my son it will only make you that much of a better person. There is so much more I’d like to say but there is no time but I’ll leave you with this. I chose to keep your name that of what our people fear so they will know that no son of mine will hide from anyone or any challenge. You will be known as Sincraft bringer of destruction. Farewell my son.”

My eyes then open and I see that am still pinned between the wall and the car. I can feel myself fading and fading quick, I’m still at a lost at what had just took place. Maybe it was a dream or something else. They say your life always flashes before your eyes before you die. But if it wasn’t a dream and if it really did happened that means that I still have a chance at help saving the planet.

“If you know the answer the only thing left for you to do is say your name my son.”

That voice again, it wasn’t a dream it was real, that means…

“SINCRAFT!” I shout. I look up and see the clouds part and then a bolt of lightning makes it’s way through the path and strikes me, sending a great deal of energy though my body. I had so much power that everything within a 2 miles radius got destroy from my power exploding. As the smoke began to clear up I could tell right from the start that this transformation was different from the last time I transformed.

“This time I don’t feel like the power is in control, this time I am.” I say as I take off with blinding speed heading back to reengage with Titan.

Titan was on him way back to join the others but it seem that I made it back before he could even get the chance to.

“Another so called hero to try and stop me?” Titan asks. He didn’t recognize me and why should he. What stood in front of him now was not a boy but a grown man.

“I won’t try, I will.” My voice is more powerful and has a tough tone. Just by saying the words I really do feel like I will win this fight.
Icon, Haze, Zen, and Synergy made short work of the Arlaaekan troops. Working together, the four heroes ripped through the invading forces...leaving not a single Arlaaekan warrior standing.

"Well, that was easy." Haze says, a tone of grim satisfaction in her voice.

Before anyone can say anything in response, the ground begins to shake. Within moments, yet another of the battle suits is standing before them, but this one is different. It seems more advanced than the others that the heroes battled before, better armed...and about three stories tall. The battle suit stops in front of the quartet of heroes and levels its weapons at them.

Icon looks to Haze, "You know...you have a bad habit of speaking too soon."
I've been sitting alone in my room, my prison, for hours. It feels like days, but I'm pretty sure it's only been hours. They won't tell me anything. Apparently aliens are real and are invading our planet. It's every B-movie come to life. And they won't give me any clue as to how we're doing.

I don't really know what the fat man's game is. I was confused as to why he kept me in the dark from the day to day world during the last few months. I always told myself it was partly because he didn't want me to be distracted, and mostly because he wanted me to know that he was the one in charge.

But right now, our damned planet is apparently on the line. What does he get from keeping the news from me? I've only come up with two explanations so far. One, it's going well. We're winning, or have already won, but if I know that, then he can't keep me submissive. I'll just go back to trying to break out. And if it's going badly, if we've already lost, then what's the point? If we're lucky, we might be able to stay under the alien's radar for a while. If not, they're probably coming after us right-

The lights suddenly turn red and alarms start blaring. Seeing as how I'm still in my room, I can safely assume that the alarms aren't for me. "No way. No freaking way." Nice one Darren. Your luck just keeps on getting better.

I start banging on the glass. "Hey! Hey in there! What's going on?! Is it the aliens? Nazis? ...Alien Nazis? Hello!!!"

"...And, of course, no one tells me anything. At least some things stay the same."

Through the small window in my door, I see a few men run past, rifles at the ready. Something's going on, that's for sure. And for once, I'm someone's going to tell me what I want to know.

There's a reason I'm a damn good thief...ignoring the fact how I got where I am. No matter how smart the other guy thinks they are, no matter what kind of security they use, there's always a way. Every door has a lock. Every lock can be opened. And I have a knack for opening locks.

And it just so happens, they've given me the key. I just hope it actually works.

I put both my hands on the one-way mirror and focus. The cold-warmth spreads out from my fingers, and I watch the silvery goo spread out over the glass. I step away as the quicksilver (admittedly, I really like that name), solidifies and the window turns dark. Guess it's hard for something to bend light if the light can't get around it.

I back up to the other side of the room. "Here goes nothing," I say with a gulp.

"One...two......two and a half..........AHHHGGHGHHGHGHH!!!!" I run as fast as I can and jump at the now frozen mirror. It explodes and I fly right through it, landing hard on a chair as I topple over and smash into the floor in a lump.

“Why don’t you just make it easy on me and give up?” He asks with a slight smile appearing just after.

“Can’t do that it’s not in the superhero hand book.” After my last words were spoken I took off in Titans direction with my fist ready to strike. Just like always when I’m running in super speed my surrounding looks as if it is in slow motion and my target, a big one at that doesn’t seem to be moving at all. As I’m approaching my main focus of attack is to hit him with everything I got right in his temple. Right before I deliver the blow I look at his eyes to see them locked on me. While he’s staring I also notice a grin on his face, but why? There’s no way he can keep up with my speed. That doesn’t matter I’m already in motion to deliver the blow I can’t ease up now. As I getting in close to make contact with my target I get back hand by Titans fist. The force of the blow sent me soaring through the air.

On the way back down I began to replay the incident in my head. I see it clearly now as I was about to hit him he had already had his fist ready to attack I just didn’t notice it in time. But even so she shouldn’t have been able to hit me unless, when I’m focus on using two powers at the same time it must cut my strength in half. I should have known when I seen the smirk on his face. He must have notice it during the course of our battle.

I finally hit the ground landing right through a park car, my body weight with a little help from gravity rip clean through it as if it was a knife cutting butter. My body is aching all over and after that punch he delivered my jaw feels as if it is ready to shatter. This alien is to strong for me to handle by myself I might be in a little over my head.

Fontaine continues to run toward the strongman battle with his loaded grapple gun. He speeds up as he sees his new ally swatted away an extraordinary distance courtesy of a monster backhand.

[BLACKOUT]"Do NOT... Get... Caught."[/BLACKOUT] Fontaine muttered to himself as he ran towards the melee.

“Give me a break.”
I say to myself wondering if this massive alien is ever going to let up. He wastes no more time he throws the car at me, I’m to weak to try and catch it so as fast as I can I get back on my feet and as the car approaches I dodge it right in the nick of time by jumping over it but to my surprise Titan must have been counting on me to do so because he had threw another vehicle for counter measures. The second vehicle hit me square in the middle of my chest, the force behind the throw had me soaring in the air a great distance with the car taking me there. I was blown back pass not only my fighting area but also where Kensei and the others where fighting. I was sent a great distance before I hit a wall with the car pinning me into it. He caught me right at the moment when I had my super strength and speed in use. The consequence of that action now leaves me paralyzed from the waist down. As I cough I see blood shot out of my mouth and land on the car’s hood.

“I guess this answers my question if I’m truly invulnerable” My vision begins to fade to black and as it does I begin to hear the voice that was calling to me from earlier. It kind of sound familiar almost like…

“Sam you mustn’t give up.” The first few times the voice cried out to me I could barley hear it but now I can hear it plan as day not only that I can make out who it is, my mother.

“As much as… I don’t… want… to give up… it seems as if… I have no choice.” That one sentence took a lot of effort for me to say. I guess with that being the case and now I’m hearing my dead mother I must really be dieing. Only thing now for me to do is fade to black.

Fontaine was now only 50m away from the supersized scrap when he saw something terrifying. The alien antagonist was picking up cars and throwing them like they were empty garbage cans. His young ally dodged the first, but the second caught him right in the mid-section and sent him sailing overhead before crushing him against a wall...


This was no longer a double-team. Isaac was now all that stood between this titan and the kid who'd saved his own life (though he wouldn't admit it) that same day.

Think. That's all you've got here... the mass between your own two ears. The not-an-angel's off with his own fight, so this kid's going to need the time to heal himself, assuming he has that power like a few of us (some more than others) do.

Stall him. That's the plan. Quick stings, don't let him hit you. Lead him away if possible, that way the winged guy will have time to operate if he finishes his bout...

But first you've got to get his attention...

[BLACKOUT]"HEY! LUMMOX!!!"[/BLACKOUT] A thick Terrarian accent spewed from the balaklava of the dark advancing figure.

[BLACKOUT]"I don't want to have to wade through thousands and thousands of you scum just to get my planet back... So I thought how about I take down one of the biggest like you and then we all agree you lot just f*** off back home... yeah?"[/BLACKOUT]

"Why, you impudent little tick!"

[BLACKOUT]"No? You don't have that kind of pull to withdraw?"[/BLACKOUT]

[BLACKOUT]"...then I guess I'll just have to wreck your s### for practice."[/BLACKOUT] The dark figure growled through a wide grin.

"Grrrrrrahhhhh!" Titan charged angrily.

The behemoth had a long gait due to his vast size and was very fast if given space to get started. "More speed on me as well" Fontaine thought to himself. "but's let's see how agile the big-guy is..." Feinting a half step to the left, Ice stepped and then lunged to the right. Titan looked to apply the brakes but had too much momentum going behind him, especially with a damaged Achilles. Fontaine swung the bolt gun to line it up as the behemoth's back and shoulder slid right in front of his sight...

Wffft! POC!


The bolt pinged off of the extra-terrestrial Everest's shoulder like it hit concrete, with little effect besides pissing him off.

[BLACKOUT]"S###..."[/BLACKOUT] Fontaine looked to run. His first and only visible pre-prepared line of offence against this thing causes little to no physical damage.

Looking for a recognisable alley in an unfamiliar town Fontaine streaked across the road, scrambling in his pocket for another bolt he loaded the gun with the larger Titan in pursuit.

Gotta keep him off balance... He loses his cool easily. Gotta keep him from thinking, keep him on my tail til the kid there can get help...

[BLACKOUT]"How's ya back there, pal? Perhaps your mother could rub it for you after she's finished rubbing my..."[/BLACKOUT]

Fontaine never finished that sentence. Wrong street. This is why you don't go to these lengths in unfamiliar surroundings. The term "Dead End" was never more apt as he realised his own mistake.

Split seconds matter. Fontaine lowered the nozzle of the gun, letting the bolt fall to the pavement as he stuffed the hook in its place before slinging the gun around his shoulder. In full stride he took a step off a garbage can, leaping onto a dumpster, pushing off of the wall to get just a little further and grabbed at the bottom of a fire escape. Pulling himself up with his arms.

Thank... whoever's in charge that he saw the not-an-angel today, he'd not run that fast in years, needed every split-second and he wasn't done yet...

Running up the stairwells he realised this one didn't go to the roof as Titan had just reached the bottom. With a leap the giant grabbed the ladder, with the intention, not of climbing up to get the black gnat who had shot him and pissed him off, but rather to tear the whole structure off of the side of the building.

Fontaine fired his hook across the alley, sticking over the far side of the roof on the building opposite, he swung across the alley as Titan tore the fire escape down on top of himself, wincing away as the metal and brick came down upon himself. Fontaine scrambled up the rope on the opposite side as Titan dug himself out of his own wreckage. Kicking through the rubble looking for the bothersome pest. Unable to find him and content that he made his point, he began walking back down the alley to look for the others.

One more thing... Isaac thought. There was a large aircon-duct vent on the roof, seconds later he'd slide it off its support, ten seconds later it would be in Fontaine's hands. Twenty seconds later it would not. The large metal frame sailing through the air connecting sweetly with the back of Titan's skull...

"Gah!" The behemoth exclaimed, the object not large enough to knock him down but surprising him enough to stagger him, as he turned and scowled upwards to the surrounding rooftops. Fontaine was hidden behind cover however, and trying hard not to laugh at his own acheivment. For some reason he wasn't able to take this invasion as seriously as his regular vendetta on crime... it just seemed too surreal.

After it was safe Fontaine came back down, returning to check on his injured compatriot... Keeping a safe distance from Titan who was going in a similar direction he headed back before seeing an extraordinary sight...

“SINCRAFT!” I shout. I look up and see the clouds part and then a bolt of lightning makes it’s way through the path and strikes me, sending a great deal of energy though my body. I had so much power that everything within a 2 miles radius got destroy from my power exploding. As the smoke began to clear up I could tell right from the start that this transformation was different from the last time I transformed.

“This time I don’t feel like the power is in control, this time I am.” I say as I take off with blinding speed heading back to reengage with Titan.

Titan was on him way back to join the others but it seem that I made it back before he could even get the chance to.

“Another so called hero to try and stop me?” Titan asks. He didn’t recognize me and why should he. What stood in front of him now was not a boy but a grown man.

“I won’t try, I will.” My voice is more powerful and has a tough tone. Just by saying the words I really do feel like I will win this fight.
[BLACKOUT]"POTTERY BARN!"[/BLACKOUT] Titan turned, one again seeing his previous source of irrtation. Suddenly the behemoth would have both to deal with, and this new one in yellow and white now seemed to really mean business...


"Damn... I've gotta get myself some committed sponsors..."
Goddess was out and in the dirt, even in the midst of the explosions and death and whatnot. And left there. Which, in a way, was good, because what she needed couldn't be found inside. After being left, her cat popped out from under her cloak, and hissed at her two cohorts to come on over.

"You, slave, lay down next to her, and face her."

Obviously, the slave being mostly mindless, and eager to please (as per the spells parameters), he did exactly as told, the kitty with a grin. Goddess' feline companion chanted a few words below his breath, and jumped on top of the slave, his front paws on his face, and the body lit up. Simply put, it was a gigantic flash of light, which was just as quickly there as was gone. And when it was gone, the slaves body was sunken in, burnt around the mouth and eyesockets where eyes used to be.

"Ungh..." a groaning Goddess stirred. "I see better late than never..." she complained.

"I could have left you for dead, you know," the cat chided.

"You know with me, death is never permanent, and I would eventually eat you for it," she threatened, Goddess' strength quickly returning. "Hmmm... I'm barely at where I started before this," her voice thick with dissapointment.

"Well, it was just a-"

"Where are they?"

"Well... that way," the cat pointed.

And wasting no time, Goddess sprung into her flight, rushing in the direction, until they all come into view, where she lands just before combat entry to analyze the situation. A large blue one, obviously strength based, a man, bleeding out with no obvious strength or magic, an actual angel, engaged with some other fluid like creature, and a woman of fire caught in a tornado, blasted through a building, and left down. To this, Goddess grinned. Finally, power.

Goddess floated onward, landing gently next to the woman, who began to stir, and kneeled down, putting her index finger on the woman's head.

"Listen to me now..."

The woman "awoke" in a world of flat reflective silver for a ground, and brilliant red for a sky, the world around her crowded with pests, and skeletons of demons, dragons, and humanoids, a few humanoid shadows zipping between the bones. Trying to flame up, she failed.

"Welcome to my little slice of heaven. To be honest, this is my soul, and I'd like to invite you in." Goddess was standing behind her, sans a mask, wearing a long white dress. "I saw you fighting the swordsman, and you lost. You simply lack the power..."

The woman scowled, and opened her mouth to speak, but as Goddess held up a finger, the woman found herself incapable.

"Here are your choices. Join unto me, become part of my strength, and see what real godhood is like. Become one with she who conquers the world and beyond, and have my strength as I have yours," her words charged, almost violent. "Or... bind as my new slave, and simply walk beside me as a thrall. And die as such. You need only nod or shake your head... Oh, I can give you some time to think, but your soul is here, and very much capable of death if I leave you to them," Goddess motions to the demons. "Your powers won't work here, so let's not try."

The woman nodded vigorously. Obviously scared, obviously witless, and Goddess grinned, holding out her hand, which the woman took. "Good choice..." As the world they stood in erupted into smoke and fire, Goddess' penetrating laugh being the last thing heard as her mind returned back toward the outside world, barely a second or two passing.

Her body shimmered in a deep purple, spreading to Singe, with Singe's body covering with symbols and lines, denoting station and spell, and vanishes with a spark.

Goddess stands up, looking towards the battle, a smirk of disgust.

"She may not be magic, but for now, she will do..."

With my new increase of power I have to make sure to do this right. I look over at my companion and I can tell right away that he must have seen what just occurred.

“For the beginning of this fight I would like for you to make sure you say a good distance. I’m not sure exactly what I can do. Last thing I want is for you to get hurt on accident.” I’m not too worried about Titan getting to him he already proved that he can hold his own against him. I’m more afraid of my powers being a lot for me to handle.

Just by looking at my partner I could tell that he would give me a couple of minutes solo. With the little time I have been around him I can tell he is not the type to sit on the sidelines long. Being so I’m going to have to make the best of the time I’ll have to show my stuff.

I then direct my attention back to Titan. This time I’m going to confront him the right way, I can’t afford any mistakes and the best way to make sure that doesn’t happen is to learn from them. Within an instant I rethink I and Titan’s battle when I was the Youngster. With the experience I gain from it should be enough. Now the only thing left now is to hope I’m powerful enough.

“Wait.” A voice said as I was just seconds away from attacking Titan. I know right away that the voice that just called to me is my birth mother, knowing this I do as she asked. Once again I appear in front of her in a black room that I now know to be my mind. From our first encounter just moments ago I understand that the reason why she can do this is because she is a telepath.

“Why do you stop me right before I engage in battle? Is it to tell me of another warning?” I must say after this transformation that my voice is very cool now. It has a more demanding tone to it and it makes me feel powerful.

“Not a warning but a lesson. To understand you new powers you must first know what they are and what they can do.” She explains.

“As much as I would like to have this history lesson there is a big gargantuan of an alien I must first deal with.”

“At what cost? If you use your powers now without truly understanding what they can do then you might end up doing more bad than good my son.”

“Don’t you think you should have given me a run down of my abilities before you gave a access to them?” I say with my voice a tad bit higher than before.

“At that point my only goal was to save your life there was no time for anything else. I’m truly sorry my son but this is the way it must be.”

“I have to get back before Titan gets a chance to continue.” I try to argue my case but it doesn’t seem like its working in the slightest way.

“The longer you talk the longer you will be held in your own mind.”

“Very well.” I say giving up to her will so that I can quickly get back to reality.

“You already know of your invulnerability, super strength and speed. But what you don’t know is that it’s not truly super speed in the sense you believe it to be. The power is referred to as accelerated probability. Time slows down as you already known but what you didn’t know is that this power allows you to see what choice you should make when confronted with a situation. Also to predict the outcomes of certain situations and then fallow that path of causality immediately in accelerated state. You witnessed an illustration of this when you were fighting Titan. At the moment when you were about to hit him, you yourself also felt as if you was going in slow motion and for a split second you noticed he was going to do something but you pushed away the warning. At the moment you tap into the true essence of your power but you denied it. By doing so the result was you getting hit. If you had just heed the warning the outcome would have been totally different. If you would have let sure self go the that urge then a path of choices would have been displayed in your mind giving you the best possible outcome.”

“Sweet, what else is there?” I say wanting her to hurry along.

“As you already now you have the power to defy gravity. You also have electric manipulation. This allows you to generate and propel charges of electricity either from your hands or from your eyes.”

“Walking car charger fantastic what else is there?” Even though this is all good to know I would rather be doing something else. I just hope that Fontaine is doing well without me for the moment.

Icon, Haze, Zen, and Synergy made short work of the Arlaaekan troops. Working together, the four heroes ripped through the invading forces...leaving not a single Arlaaekan warrior standing.

"Well, that was easy." Haze says, a tone of grim satisfaction in her voice.

Before anyone can say anything in response, the ground begins to shake. Within moments, yet another of the battle suits is standing before them, but this one is different. It seems more advanced than the others that the heroes battled before, better armed...and about three stories tall. The battle suit stops in front of the quartet of heroes and levels its weapons at them.

Icon looks to Haze, "You know...you have a bad habit of speaking too soon."

Icon immediately takes to the sky to engage the giant battle suit, dodging as it unleashes its arsenal at him. Having dodged the suit's attack, Icon lowers his head and accelerates into the suit, hitting it with a thunderous uppercut.

But it has no effect.

The suit was barely knocked backwards by the punch that seemed hard enough to cave in a mountain. Icon is surprised, but continues the attack, hitting it with punch after punch, following up with a kinetic heat blast from his fists.

"This isn't working Icon, what else've you got?" Icon is startled by the voice suddenly intruding in his mind. He had almost forgotten that Zen is a telepath.

"I've got-" He starts to respond, but his sudden destraction gives the giant battle suit the opening it needed. Icon is hit by one of the battle suit's massive arms, sending him crashing through the outter wall of a nearby building, causing the cowering inhabitants to scatter as Icon carreens into what was the living room of one of the apartments inside.

Icon lays in the debris for only a moment, but to him it feels like an eternity. The power of the battle suit surprises him. He isn't one to regularly underestimate an opponent, however the relative ease in which he took out the smaller, more agile battle suits may have contributed to this mistake.

Icon gets to his feet and makes his way to the gaping hole in the wall. As he looks down on the continuing fight a sudden sense of horror surges through him. Down on the street Zen bombards the suit with psychic energy, with no effect. The battle suit simply turns to him, lowers its massive energy cannon at him, and fires.

The attack only took a fraction of a second, but it seemed to take forever...and when the cannon finally fell silent, Zen lay in the street unmoving. Icon didn't need his super senses to know that he was dead. Icon hadn't known Zen very well, but over the short time that he had known him, Zen had proven to be a true hero...time after time putting the needs of others above his own. And tonight he did it again, sacrificing his very life in order to ensure that the Earth survived.

Icon stands there for a moment in shock that yet another comrade has fallen before he sees Haze and Synergy. Haze stands down on the street with a look of utter defeat on her face as she consoles Zen's lover Synergy. They are both in shock at the sudden loss of their friend, so much so that they don't see the battle suit lower its cannon yet again...directly at them.
As the weapon of the massive battlesuit buzzed to glowing life, the most epic of battle cries echoed through the air:


Just as the alien's main energy cannon was about to fire on the heroes, a city bus was thrown through the air, hitting the barrel of the weapon and knocking off its aim and causing the energy blast to strike the ground only spitting distance away from the heroes.

Looking at the source of the thrown bus liner and the aggravated outcry, the alien and the heroes looked over to see the Survivor standing on the edge of a building, his costume covered in his own blood and in tatters, but slowly mending itself, and one of his shoulders on fire. "Sorry it took me so long to catch up, Icon. I ran into a bit of trouble on the way here. These bastards went and pissed me off."
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As the weapon of the massive battlesuit buzzed to glowing life, the most epic of battle cries echoed through the air:


Just as the alien's main energy cannon was about to fire on the heroes, a city bus was thrown through the air, hitting the barrel of the weapon and knocking off its aim and causing the energy blast to strike the ground only spitting distance away from the heroes.

Looking at the source of the thrown bus liner and the aggravated outcry, the alien and the heroes looked over to see the Survivor standing on the edge of a building, his costume covered in his own blood and in tatters, but slowly mending itself, and one of his shoulders on fire. "Sorry it took me so long to catch up, Icon. I ran into a bit of trouble on the way here. These bastards went and pissed me off."

"Better late than never. What do you say we put this big boy down, then end this war?" Icon says as he launches himself through the hole in the side of the ruined building toward the giant battle suit.
Kensei pushes himself up to his hands and knees, shaking his head vigorously to snap back to reality. No sooner had he disposed of Singe then a massive explosion gone off, blowing over trees and buildings, and knocking everyone in his area to their backside.
It seemed even the alien ship was not immune as it became riddled with smaller explosions, and was now nothing but a large piece of junk.

Kensei was about to go see what caused that blast when a piece of steel wrapped itself around him like a rope. Kensei struggled against his bonds, but couldn't break free. Turning around he saw Magnus, the Dreadnaught he thought he had killed earlier, sitting up and clutching at his bleeding chest wound.
He should have been dead, but it seemed his anger was giving him new-found strength and spirit.

"We're not done yet, alien."

With a flick of his wrist, Kensei was sent flying into a building, smashing through it and out the other side. Magnus flung Kensei back the other way, shearing a school bus in half as he blasted right into it's side.

Kensei was rocketed up into the air, and came crashing down into the concrete, the force of the blow shaking the ground.

Magnus slowly rose to his feet, grimacing as he did so. With obvious effort and pain, the Dreadnaught began to hobble over towards the crater where Kensei lay, unmoving and still bound.

Looking over to the two halves of the school bus, Magnus took control of it and formed the two parts together, creating a giant metallic samurai, complete with a large, sharp blade.

"Poetic justice, I'd think", Magnus stated as the metal samurai towered over Kensei, raising his blade to lop off his head.
The winds began to pick up with frightening speed, and the samurai executioner began to falter. Magnus was blown head over heels, crying out in pain as he landed hard to the ground. His agonizing moment broke his concentration enough that the winds were able to blow the metal samurai over onto it's back.
With a precise maneuvering of the Kusanagi, Kensei was able to free himself in a handful of strokes. The Swordsman stood up and cracked his neck as the metal samurai got back up and swung it's blade at him.

Kensei's narrow eyes were locked on Magnus the entire time as he raised his sword out to his side, to block the blow. The metal samurai's sword came crashing down, and as it connected with the Kusanagi, the divine blade sliced it neatly in two.

As the top half whizzed by over Kensei's head, the Celestial Samurai leaped up into the air and chopped down with the blade as he descended, cleaving the metal monster in half.

As Kensei landed, a flurry of metal darts zoomed towards him. Showing off his skill and technique, Izanagi's Chosen deftly deflected every single projectile.
The Swordsman waded in on Magnus, and the alien sneered and reached out his hand.
Kensei continued to stalk in towards the down alien, and Magnus' eyes went wide is shocked horror.

"What is this? I can't grab it! Why can't I control the sword!?"

"The Kusanagi is a weapon of divine power. The heavenly sword has only one master", Kensei replied as he stood tall before the defeated Dreadnaught.


And, with a single, precise swipe, Magnus' head fell to the ground and rolled away as his body slumped to the ground.

Admiral Keelan

From the safety of his protective shield, Admiral Keelan watches the battle between his Dreadnaughts and the Earth's defenders rage. Things do not appear to be going well...not at all.

The swordsman had singlehandedly slain Magnus as well as dispatching Singe.

The young hero who was battling Titan is gone, yet another hero, one far more powerful has arrived on the scene to take his place, and he seems to be faring much better than his younger counterpart.

Although the tide of the battle seems to be going against them, Keelan still feels as confident as ever that his warriors will be victorious. Afterall, he has never known defeat. For most of his life he has seen world after world, culture after culture fall before him. Although most fell without much resistance, some did fight back. But eventually they all fell. He sees no reason that this campaign should end any differently.

Suddenly, his attention is drawn to the sky where his lovely Dreadnaught Dew is engaged in battle with the Angel. In his many travels through the deepest regions of the galaxy, he has encountered beings that were described by scholars and spiritualists alike as "angels." He had to admit, the beings that he had encountered were some of the most beautiful and graceful creatures he had ever seen....but they were fragile. They were easily broken...they died without much of a fight. But this being who was such an intrigal part of the Irradicator's destruction, who now battles one of his most deadly Dreadnaughts is a different sort of creature altogether.
He is not so easily broken, he fights with a determination that the Admiral hasn't seen in a foe in quite some time...And it gives him a strange sense of satisfaction...finally a worthy foe.

"What a curious creature..." Keelan says with a smile as he watches The Archangel continue his battle with his Dreadnaught.

Things seem like they are going to get better for me when it appears that Singe is taken out of the picture, but honestly if I said that I'd be lying. This chick Dew is just as crazy if not more crazy than Singe. I dodge here, swoop down just in time there, but she is as relentless as the tide man.

"Is all you can do is run away with those pretty little wings of yours, darling?"

See, I was going to turn around and react to her, making my stand and showing that I'm not just some dude flying with his tail between his wings...but that before she lashed out with another water attack that could've easily sliced my head off the wave turned to ice so quick. I veer upward, making a backflip which catches her off guard. Next thing she knows I'm the one chasing her.

"Nah, I can do a lot more than that!!"

Summoning up harsh and fierce winds out of the sky, everything gets turbulent as I knock her off her tidal wave. She splashes down to the rooftop, not taking a single amount of damage at all. I proceed to take the very roofing around her, creating a tomb to emprison her but that does me no good either: she simply slips right through it like water. So naturally I go for fire, right? I mean...ain't it obvious? Make things hot enough and who knows she will evaporate or something.

Suddenly, his attention is drawn to the sky where his lovely Dreadnaught Dew is engaged in battle with the Angel. In his many travels through the deepest regions of the galaxy, he has encountered beings that were described by scholars and spiritualists alike as "angels." He had to admit, the beings that he had encountered were some of the most beautiful and graceful creatures he had ever seen....but they were fragile. They were easily broken...they died without much of a fight. But this being who was such an intrigal part of the Irradicator's destruction, who now battles one of his most deadly Dreadnaughts is a different sort of creature altogether.
He is not so easily broken, he fights with a determination that the Admiral hasn't seen in a foe in quite some time...And it gives him a strange sense of satisfaction...finally a worthy foe.

"What a curious creature..." Keelan says with a smile as he watches The Archangel continue his battle with his Dreadnaught.

Big mistake. Oh...the biggest mistake I could've made. As I concentrated the heat and condensed it into a ball of fire and flung it at her? Oh...it did the job alright; it did the job TOO well. The moment the great big ball of fire struck her she had no where to evade to but, oh I don't know...EVERYWHERE? She controls her very vapor molecules MID-AIR and reforms her body around me. I drop skyward crashing hard onto the rooftop suffocating as her body in a ball-like form drowns me.

Starting to feel dizzy. Can't...breathe. So hard to concentrate. And that's when it hits me...duh...she is like living water. I can manipulate water. Focusing my mind before I slip into unconsciousness I gesture my hands and feet, springing them outward. I tug and pull with all my might.

"AAH!! AHH!!! NO!! ARRGGH!!"

"That's right, darling!"

Instantly she splashes into a million pieces of water molecules, creating several puddles around me. Yea, she ain't reforming from that for a while. My guess is she will knocked out cold long enough for us to get control of the overall situation.

"Haha! That wasn't...so, hard--AHH!!"

I don't know what comes over my body. I just...launch myself at the edge of the building, smacking my head against the bottom of the water tower. Getting my bearings I stand up, and shoot out a gust of wind because I've seen more than enough movies to know that reaction time is everything when someone struck you from behind...but I didn't know what I was up against even though I should have given that nothing really 'struck' me or heck...even touched me. As I launched out the gust of wind the figure I briefly saw vanishes before my eyes and re-appears a mere foot in front of me.


I leap backward, catching myself in mid-air, summoning scraps of rubble and earth to encircle my body in a defensive stance.

Things seem like they are going to get better for me when it appears that Singe is taken out of the picture, but honestly if I said that I'd be lying. This chick Dew is just as crazy if not more crazy than Singe. I dodge here, swoop down just in time there, but she is as relentless as the tide man.

"Is all you can do is run away with those pretty little wings of yours, darling?"

See, I was going to turn around and react to her, making my stand and showing that I'm not just some dude flying with his tail between his wings...but that before she lashed out with another water attack that could've easily sliced my head off the wave turned to ice so quick. I veer upward, making a backflip which catches her off guard. Next thing she knows I'm the one chasing her.

"Nah, I can do a lot more than that!!"

Summoning up harsh and fierce winds out of the sky, everything gets turbulent as I knock her off her tidal wave. She splashes down to the rooftop, not taking a single amount of damage at all. I proceed to take the very roofing around her, creating a tomb to emprison her but that does me no good either: she simply slips right through it like water. So naturally I go for fire, right? I mean...ain't it obvious? Make things hot enough and who knows she will evaporate or something.

Big mistake. Oh...the biggest mistake I could've made. As I concentrated the heat and condensed it into a ball of fire and flung it at her? Oh...it did the job alright; it did the job TOO well. The moment the great big ball of fire struck her she had no where to evade to but, oh I don't know...EVERYWHERE? She controls her very vapor molecules MID-AIR and reforms her body around me. I drop skyward crashing hard onto the rooftop suffocating as her body in a ball-like form drowns me.

Starting to feel dizzy. Can't...breathe. So hard to concentrate. And that's when it hits me...duh...she is like living water. I can manipulate water. Focusing my mind before I slip into unconsciousness I gesture my hands and feet, springing them outward. I tug and pull with all my might.

"AAH!! AHH!!! NO!! ARRGGH!!"

"That's right, darling!"

Instantly she splashes into a million pieces of water molecules, creating several puddles around me. Yea, she ain't reforming from that for a while. My guess is she will knocked out cold long enough for us to get control of the overall situation.

"Haha! That wasn't...so, hard--AHH!!"

I don't know what comes over my body. I just...launch myself at the edge of the building, smacking my head against the bottom of the water tower. Getting my bearings I stand up, and shoot out a gust of wind because I've seen more than enough movies to know that reaction time is everything when someone struck you from behind...but I didn't know what I was up against even though I should have given that nothing really 'struck' me or heck...even touched me. As I launched out the gust of wind the figure I briefly saw vanishes before my eyes and re-appears a mere foot in front of me.


I leap backward, catching myself in mid-air, summoning scraps of rubble and earth to encircle my body in a defensive stance.

Keelan strains slightly to hold the Archangel in his telekinetic grasp as the angel-like figure struggle to get free.

"Very curious indeed, Angel. Why do you continue to fight when you know deep in your soul that you haven't a chance to win?"
Fontaine breathes an internal sigh of relief as he sees not only is the kid back upright, but he's undergone a metamorphosis of sorts and now seems even more physically capable of taking on the behemoth standing between them than before. Brimming with confidence he once again mocks the situation, which Titan again takes personal with another monosyllabic growl. Despite the threat the one in white and yellow poses, what Titan would really like to do is squish that insolent black tick. So frail, yet so arrogant.

“For the beginning of this fight I would like for you to make sure you say a good distance. I’m not sure exactly what I can do. Last thing I want is for you to get hurt on accident.”

Fontaine is more than willing to sit back and let this white and yellow guy dismantle the monster, just play a role of distraction, since his grapple gun seemed all but useless on the beast's hide. Ice nods, stepping backwards and gives a smirk.

[blackout]"You'd better give him your planets coordinates, cos we're going to want to know where to send the matchbox containing your remains when he's done with you..."[/blackout]

Titan scowled at the ever-present source of his irritation.

"The instant he's out of the picture I'm going to smear you halfway across this world! I will teach you new lessons in the world of pain!"

[blackout]"Yeah, good luck with that..."[/blackout] muttered the Man of no pain knowingly. Titan turned to face his main threat and the colour drained from behind a balaklava as the same realisation crossed the minds of both Titan and Isaac Fontaine simultaneously.

The one in white and yellow had entered some kind of a trance.


Fontaine was immersed in shadow as Titan turned and approached the little man in black with an expression of demonic glee and anticipation. Fontaine turned and ran, with only his mind running faster. [blackout]"Alright, we're back to this, lead him away til this guy's ready again, this guy's strong and his huge gait makes him faster than... hup..."[/blackout] with that Fontaine jinked as Titan dived to attempt to get his hands on his diminutive prey. This gave Isaac more time to think, replace the hook in his gun with a fresh bolt and put some distance between them. [blackout]"faster than me but not as quick, and I can't hit him hard enough to hurt him either."[/blackout] thinking back to his boxing days he continued. [blackout]"Well... all you could do in the ring is to pepper him and hope for a win on cuts, but there's no ref in a fight like this to call the fi..."[/blackout] he stopped muttering to himself as he realised that he didn't need a ref, he only need hold him off.

Intending this time to lead the alien-Alp away, rather than lose him down side-streets he ran down a main road to where he knew he'd find what he was looking for, hoping that people would have already fled. Once again, granted were his small mercies as he found the street deserted in an eerie fashion. Titan made another dive for his person as Fontaine dodged it, veering at right angles towards the shopfront of his destination. Isaac pierced the glass of the front window with the discharge of a bolt and followed through the window himself in dramatic style.


Titan got to his feet, his eyes glued to his prey who appeared to be quite insistent to stretching out the final minutes before his fate. And followed him through the shop front window with the sound of more broken glass and a larger silhouette of his monstrous frame left in his wake.

A black flash darted unseen down an aisle with buckets left swinging behind him. Titan raises his head looking over most of the aisles as the dark figure crouches behind one such aisle, taking the opportunity to reload his bolt gun. Titan begins searching each individual aisle, time and the odds are on his side. With every aisle searched, the odds that he'll find his quarry down the next one increase, a thought which brings a dark smile to his face.

Fortunately, what Fontaine wants is likely towards the back of the store anyway. Staying crouched he runs towards the back of the store. The dark black flash is seen turning back around a corner again, this time leaving chemical cans spilling in his wake. The sound of rattling and falling cans attracts the attention of the paramount predator and he runs to the back of the store, heavy feet shaking and knocking other produce from shelves. Reaching the source of the noise he looks down the aisle.

Nothing. Some cans on the floor, nothing else.

Titan runs back to the front of the store worried his prey may have taken the opportunity to flee.

Then he heard it just as he was pounding past.

Running water.

The fool had stopped short of his freedom and turned on a tap..?

Fontaine crouched by the store's fire hose filling a bucket with water watching the mammoth alien menace approach. "You are a fool! It has been foreseen, nothing from this 'Earth' can kill me! You attack feebly when you should retreat and now you stop for a drink?!?"

Fontaine raised an eyebrow, somewhat ineffectively inside of his balaklava, at the notion that he was stopping for a drink.

"It's a pity Keelan demanded that we exterminate all resistance... you would have made an interesting pet. It would have been fun to see how long it would take to break you..." Titan boomed walking towards Isaac. "Yes. I have orders to kill you, so don't think I plan on going easy on you, even if you have removed that black armour from your hands." noting the fact that Fontaine was no longer wearing his leather gloves, which were now stuffed in a pocket, and only his latex inners.

Standing over the bucket, Fontaine grabbed the can he had procured as the behemoth strode ever closer. Pouring the contents into the water as he turned his head away. Titan began to feel nervous, this tiny opponent was still a wily one, he was up to something even if he himself could not figure out what. Titan picked up pace and started to run towards the little man, who in an instant flung the bucket's contents directly into the beasts face.


"ARRRRRRRRRGH!" The beast let out an apocalyptic scream as the lye-solution began to sear his face and particularly his eyes. Fontaine took one final opportunity before he would run for the exit with the knowledge that whatever the monster did in literal blind rage could still well kill him, he took aim at the most damaged eye and with a discharge of oxygen the bolt permanently removed the eye from the equation.


Titan swung blindly at the direction the source of his pain came from, almost taking Fontaine's head off as he wielded the close range weapon. Staggering wildly as shelves were knocked over and their contents strewn everywhere, Titan howled from the chemical burn as Isaac took the opportunity to run back to the shop front.

Titan's healing ability, which had already been tested from arrows shot courtesy of the Celestial Samurai, was struggling to save his remaining eye. Blurred vision slowly returned, but his sighted eye still sizzled and burned from the lye interacting with his eye's fluids, whilst a sharp pain came as the nerve endings were gradually being fused by his body on the other side, albeit with that eye lost forever.

Fontaine ran back down the streets, donning fresh latex gloves and his leather outers, in the direction of his previously entranced compadre. Now or never, if he hadn't snapped out of it Isaac better find him a decent hiding place in case more troops - or worse, other dreadnoughts - were to stumble upon him at his most vulnerable.

Titan stood fuming at the shop front. The impudent, resourceful little tick dressed in black was long gone. No matter. He knew where he would be going and was faster than him too. He'd be going back to the other from before... looking to protect him. Titan saw now how stupid he had been; willing to pursue this one when he was acting as an obvious distraction, he just didn't care. As he was ran back to where he knew the two would be waiting, probably in hiding, he seethed. The only thing burning brighter than the beasts eyes, was his temper.
Keelan strains slightly to hold the Archangel in his telekinetic grasp as the angel-like figure struggle to get free.

"Very curious indeed, Angel. Why do you continue to fight when you know deep in your soul that you haven't a chance to win?"


He mentally grabs hold of my body with his apparent telekinetic powers and the chunks of earth and rubble I brought to my defense drop like pebbles onto the rooftop as I lose my concentration from the strain he is causing me. I do my best to use the wind around me, pushing in all direction before he finally gives out. Downside is that I don't know which way I will end up flying off to but at least I will be out of his grip.

"Faith...Faith guides me. It's what drives me."

"Faith, you say? But what is Faith, Angel?"

"I don't expect you to understand. You're of an alien species. Heck, I don't even know if you guys believe in religion. But without Faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."

"Ah, so you are a believer. We've studied your species via Ultima's reports...then I think this will be a most delightful bout, don't you?"

"Delightful bout? This some sort of game to you? People's LIVES are at stake here."

And that's when I break hold, with a gust of wind finally pushing me to the right which is fine by me. I zip through the air and summon pieces of rock to confine to my arms and lay a few blows to the enemy before me, striking him in the abdomen followed by his jaw.

"This is SURVIVAL we are talking about!"

There's something familiar about this adversary before me. Cannot quite figure it out...but frankly?

...I'm scared.
"Better late than never. What do you say we put this big boy down, then end this war?" Icon says as he launches himself through the hole in the side of the ruined building toward the giant battle suit.
It's showtime. As Icon flies at the alien monstrosity, the Survivor leaps with superhumanly strong leg muscles towards the giant machine as well.


"I can't count how many broken bones and critical injuries that these sick f**ks have given me, not to mention the millions that have been massacred by their assaults. We will make them pay."

Targeting the elbow joint in the arm of the battlesuit that had the cannon mounted on it, the Survivor's eyes powered up and fired a blast of energy, forcing the entire arm out of alignment and giving Icon an opening to attack the thing with all he's got, without having to worry about being shot at.
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Las Vegas

The ice in my drink melting. Water and condensation coating my hand. Glance out the window - The desert from 50,000 feet in the sky.

Ed: "We've got a problem in Vegas that needs to be sorted out."

Inspector Smith always danced around the REAL reason.

The job: Twenty grand in cold, hard cash to clip one Marcus Albright.

Albright's a southside bookie that shanked a beat cop in the stomach two weeks ago and jetted to Vegas.

Smith forgot to mention the facts. The beat cop survived the "attack": FACT. Albright stabbed him because the cop was demanding Albright pay protection: FACT.

Skimmed Albright's file on the flight Vegas. It helped me from locking eyes at the flirty flight attendent. Don't have the heart to tell her I'm married.

Marcus Leon Albright

Black Male DOB 7/21/71
Prior Convictions: Four H possession charges '93, '96, '97 - all misdemeanors and probation time. Assault With a Deadly Weapon charge in '01 - sentenced to four years in the Maine State Pen. Still on probation.

Quiet since '05. Bookmaking operations kept under the radar, monthly pay-offs to Vice.

Glance out the window again - casinos and fake American landmarks getting bigger.

The job doesn't feel right.

Hunch: Inspector Smith using this as a test to see if I got what it takes to be in the Mob Squad. Smith's speculation: Willy White doesn't have what it takes to beat the snot out of hoods.

Intuition: My father goaded Smith into it. He and Smith go waaay back.

Pilot: "We are now beginning our approach into Las Vegas. Please fasten your seatbelts."

Plane touches down and I'm the first out the door. Claim my bags at the pickup and out the airport doors.

"Sergeant White," a thick southern drawl.

"My name is Detective Fred Holly. Clark County Sherrifs."

Holly: White Stetson covering a pudgy face. A dark gray suit covering his fat rolls - a Glock on his side and leanded against a unmarked Crown Vic. ****-kicking boots clocking across the concrete. Holly reeks - Scotch and Red Man.

Holly: southern drawl and mouth full of caw, "I guess you're in town to kill that black fella."

"I guess so."

"Hell, boy. You can take the money. I'll do it for free."

Holly yucking it up. Tobacco spit in my eye.

Wipe the spit off, fake a smile and laugh at Holly's "joke".


Crusing down the strip in Holly's unmarked. Hick music on the radio: Best of Patsy Cline and Hank Williams.

Dig the strip - tourist snapping photos of landmarks and gawking the casinos.

Eyes back on Holly - spitting Redman and singing along with Hank Williams. Pistol grip sticking out his right boot. Guess: .38 backup/drop piece.

My take: Fred Holly is a righteous ass-kicking redneck people in Vegas don't **** with.

Back out the car - checking out the casinos. Fire leaps from the Mirage's front, a man dressed in a toga walks around the front of Cesar's Palace.

Marcus Leon Albright is out there somewhere.

I pray to God I'm able to get to him before Holly is.

Holly: "You know, son. I know your daddy. Now that is an upstanding American individual."

Redman splats on my face as Holly gets into singing "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry."

Wipe the spit off and touch my gun butt.

The PLAN already forming in my mind.

I get to Albright first: Split the twenty grand and help him get out of Vegas fast and easy.

Holly gets to him first: Happy trails, Marcus Leon Albright. I fly back home with my twenty thousand.

Holly and I get to him at the same time: Albright skips town with ten g's and I shoot Holly in the face. One less redneck cop terrorizing the world.

Viva Las Vegas.
“Now that you have an explanation of your abilities I will now tell you how to use them in ways that you could never imagine. First if you use…”

“Enough.” I scream out load interrupting. “Why do you persist to prolong me? I played your little game at first thinking that maybe what you said was true, that I need to know of my abilities. But what you are trying to do is keep me here, why?”

Now that I caught on to what she is up to there was a long pause before she answered.

“My son, believe me when I tell you that everything I have done is for your welcome being. I only wish to protect you.”

Protect me? She has to be kidding how could she possibility be protecting me by keeping me here against my will?”

“What you are doing I wouldn’t call it protecting. If you are truly my mother and you do wish to protect me then you should already know that by keeping me here isn’t the way. Why would you keep me here being useless to help anyone? You know what I have already been through. If I stay here and more people that I have been trying to protect die, how do you think I would react to something like that? You would be dooming me to a life of pain and more remorse. If you want to keep me here it’s obvious I can’t stop you but know this. If you do I will never forgive you for this.”

By the look on her face I can tell that my words weight heavy on her. If I didn’t know any better I would almost think that she is about to cry by the look on her face.

“You have no clue of the dangers you have brought yourself and this world now that you have obtain your true powers. There is nothing more that I would like to do than keep you here. However I do understand your situation I just wish you could understand mine. Is this truly what you want my son?”

“This planet is the only place I know that is home. I always kind of felt like I was different than the others but even still I felt like one of them. But now I know that I’m not. Even though I am new to this superhero thing I do have powers and with this power I can do great things. My mom raised me to always do right by people and always try and see the good that’s there. She really thought me a lot.” I say as a tear begins to roll down the left side of my cheek.

I take a moment to get myself together and whip the tear from my face.

“This is my home and I’m willing to give my life for it. This is what I want.” I stand tall more willing than ever to die for what I believe. At first she says nothing she only looks me in the eyes and begins to cry. She slowly walks up to me and rests her right hand on cheek. And while looking into my eyes she says.

“You truly are your father’s son. You have his looks, his kind heart and most importantly you have his valor. Go my son and be the hero that your father knew that you would be.” After she said that she fallows it up my leaning in close to me and place a soft kiss on my forehead.

As she pulls away she says “Now go.”

I open my eye’s and see that I’m back and there’s only one thing on my mind, stopping titan.

“Did you think that would work? Your petite little tricks can not harm me. Don’t you know who I am? I…” Before Titan could finish his sentence I appear out of the blue and delivered a hard uppercut to his chin. The impact of the blow lifts him off of his feet sailing through the air.

For a second I just stood there taking in what just happen. I wasn’t expecting for that punch to have so much power behind it.


A couple of moments later I could feel Titan’s body hit the ground. It had sent a shockwave throughout the area. I flew over to the location that Titan had land. I watch as he makes his way out of his own crater. As he steps all the way out I stand in front of him floating in the air with my arms cross and a smile on my face.

“Would you care to continue?” I ask. So say that I’m feeling a bit cocky would be… correct. At first he was beating me like a rag doll but now the tables have turn. Now I’m going to end this.

He mentally grabs hold of my body with his apparent telekinetic powers and the chunks of earth and rubble I brought to my defense drop like pebbles onto the rooftop as I lose my concentration from the strain he is causing me. I do my best to use the wind around me, pushing in all direction before he finally gives out. Downside is that I don't know which way I will end up flying off to but at least I will be out of his grip.

"Faith...Faith guides me. It's what drives me."

"Faith, you say? But what is Faith, Angel?"

"I don't expect you to understand. You're of an alien species. Heck, I don't even know if you guys believe in religion. But without Faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."

"Ah, so you are a believer. We've studied your species via Ultima's reports...then I think this will be a most delightful bout, don't you?"

"Delightful bout? This some sort of game to you? People's LIVES are at stake here."

And that's when I break hold, with a gust of wind finally pushing me to the right which is fine by me. I zip through the air and summon pieces of rock to confine to my arms and lay a few blows to the enemy before me, striking him in the abdomen followed by his jaw.

"This is SURVIVAL we are talking about!"

There's something familiar about this adversary before me. Cannot quite figure it out...but frankly?

...I'm scared.

Keelan is stunned by the blows landed by his foe. He stumbles backward, trying to regain his composure as the Archangel continues to take the fight to him. The Archangel lands several more punishing blows that sends the Admiral to the ground.

Feeling something warm running down his face, Keelan touches his fingers to his nose, which are then covered in his own silvery blood. For the first time that he can remember, a challenger has shown the Admiral his own blood.

Keelan watches as his enemy continues his advance. In a way he is impressed with his foe, this angel fights with an intensity that he has rarely seen in an opponent. And he realizes that it this being...this angel battles not only for himself, but for his entire race....and yet more importantly he fights for his convictions.

As Michael closes in on the Admiral, Keelan focuses his energies and with a wave of his hand produces a bright light that momentarily blinds his foe.
Taking advantage of his opponent's sudden impairment, Keelan once again grips the Archangel with his telekinesis, lifting him into the air and spinning him around so that he is once again facing him.

"You have fought well, Angel. Unfortunately for you, your 'faith' will not be enough to save you this time." He gloats before slamming Michael hard, face-first into the pavement.
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