The Doctor Doom Thread


SHHFFL 2014/2019 Champion
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Aug 17, 2003
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Yeah that is right, I am staking my claim here :o

No one knows as of now if the Latverian dictator will be in this movie or not. But he will arrive eventually. Who do ya'll want to see take up the mask? How soon do you want him on the franchise.

For me, I wouldn't make him villain of movie 1. But I would tease him as the villain of movie 2 post credits.
I would actually start teasing him in the first movie, he just wouldn't be the main villain until movie 3. Establish Doom as a supporting character *first*, before you use him as an antagonist.
I wouldn't wait until a 3rd movie. I think you play that card movie 2. Would you have wanted Joker saved until the 3rd Nolan Batman film?

Plus, on a selfish level....sequels take longer now. So, I don't want to wait like 13 years to finally see a GOOD movie where the FF fight Doom.
I don’t think Doom should be established like Thanos. Rather show his story parallel from the Four so he can be relatable and we can see his own journey. Sort of like an Evil Iron Man of sorts.

Cant wait for the impending

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is Victor Von Doom”
Tom Pelphrey or Cillian Murphy.

The end.
Doom is so hard to introduce in a movie with four major leads.

but he would make an amazing after credits scene
I had a dream the other night about a new MCU FF movie and they introduced Doom in the exact same way as all the other ones with him gaining his powers along with the Four.

Better not go that route again.
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Gillian Murphy are interesting picks. I also like Matthias Schoenaerts, Richard Armitage and Aidan Turner.
I just wanna see Mads Mikkelsen in the role..if not playing as Victor himself, then pulling a Darth Vader role and have Mads voice Doom while another actor is him in the armor
I hope they are getting appropriately ambitious with Doom and setting him up for a long MCU tenure. No trash cans for inspiration this time.
I just wanna see Mads Mikkelsen in the role..if not playing as Victor himself, then pulling a Darth Vader role and have Mads voice Doom while another actor is him in the armor

that might be fun plus he will have the face mask on all the time so I don’t think the fact he was in Doctor Strange should discredit him like in other cases where actors that have appeared in the MCU might get another role
Now that WandaVision confirmed the Darkhold and Doom has a history with it as well, I would LOVE to see him use this to his advantage as well
Now that WandaVision confirmed the Darkhold and Doom has a history with it as well, I would LOVE to see him use this to his advantage as well

Without spoiling anything (and I haven’t even seen episode 9 yet), I’ve been thinking for the last couple episodes that WandaVision seems to be bringing dark mysticism into the MCU in a way that should be very convenient for Doom.:D
Without spoiling anything (and I haven’t even seen episode 9 yet), I’ve been thinking for the last couple episodes that WandaVision seems to be bringing dark mysticism into the MCU in a way that should be very convenient for Doom.:D

I don't think Cynthia Von Doom is going to be trapped in the MCU and needs freeing by Doom using the Darkhold. The only kind of trapped she'll feel is trapped doing housework because her son does not contribute to the household chores:

Friendly reminder that, like Wanda & Pietro Maximoff, Von Doom is Romani, and it is important to his backstory-characterization that he remain so.

If Marvel can search the globe to make sure Kamala Khan is represented correctly as a Pakistani, Muslim teen-- then Doom, arguably their most important villain, should be a no-brainer.

I'd like to think that Feige would've fought for, and cast Roma actors as the twins if AOU were made today
If you insist this casting because of comic book accuracy I totally understand. I am all for comic book accuracy.

However the reality is this:

There are many talented Pakistani actors. There are fewer talented Romani actors. I feel they should pick the best actor for the role and respect the culture. Marlon Brando wasn’t Italian and although he got flack for the role initially you would be hard pressed to find any italian or Italian American who still feel that way. Chadwick Boseman wasn’t even African he was American. Another prime example was Al Pacino an Italian American playing a Cuban as Tony Montana

If marvel wants to be successful they will choose the best actor they will give the fans what they want. People who will complain about the actor playing Doom not being ethnically Romani are in the minority. I think we should stop focusing on race and nationality and simply accept one another as human. The more we bring that up the more we let racism take the spotlight. Again i am totally for comic book accuracy but I would rather have a non Romani who can do the role Justice over a Romani actor that can’t act.
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There are many Pakistani. There are fewer Romani. I feel they should pick the best actor for the role and respect the culture. Marlon Brando wasn’t Italian and although he got flack for the role initially you would be hard pressed to find any italian or Italian American who still feel that way. Chadwick Boseman wasn’t even African he was American. Another prime example was Al Pacino an Italian American playing a Cuban as Tony Montana

If marvel wants to be successful they will choose the best actor they will give the fans what they want. People who will complain about the actor playing Doom not being ethnically Romani are in the minority. I think we should stop focusing on race and nationality and simply accept one another as human. The more we bring that up the more we let racism take the spotlight

Insisting absolutely on the person being the same in real life as the character is how we got the likes of Ruby Rose as Batwoman on the CW instead of letting someone who could actually act take the role.
Well , in terms of casting Doom, I'd want them to go with a larger than life actor much like Downey was since they're going to be in several different MCU hero films , not just the F4.

I'm tempted to think they should go with an actor who is already epic and badass in the eyes of the audience. Now if the best choice is a lessor known then so be it , but I can only suggest names of actors I know.

In terms of The type of actors or model of actors I wouldn't mind seeing as Doom , some of these actors are alive , some are too old, and some are of a different era.

But again, these are Models of the type of actor I would want , NOT, casting suggestions. With that disclaimer:









I have no idea who those two are after Christopher Lee.
Claes Bang could possibly work:




He has that Romani look having played Dracula before. The only thing I'm unsure about him is whether his voice is strong enough for Doom. Sometimes it feels a bit weak and doesn't have that booming authority about it but sounds more soft spoken.
I could potentially see Claes Bang or Viggo Mortensen, but they always seem so soft-spoken.

I could see Fassbender, but I don't think he'd be Doom after already being Magneto.
I could potentially see Claes Bang or Viggo Mortensen, but they always seem so soft-spoken.

I could see Fassbender, but I don't think he'd be Doom after already being Magneto.

That's why I suggest Mortensen and Fassbender as the type of actors I would want, not as actual casting suggestions.

My hope would be that Fassbender reprises his Magneto role as an alternate version in the MCU.
If you insist this casting because of comic book accuracy I totally understand. I am all for comic book accuracy.

However the reality is this:

There are many talented Pakistani actors. There are fewer talented Romani actors.
How could you possibly know this (there being "fewer" talented Romani actors) when we haven't seen Marvel's pick for the role? You just don't know any Romani actors. The absence of knowledge isn't the absence of existence.

Kamala Khan's cast process was long and arduous, taking around 5-6 months, because it was such a specific set of qualities demanded by the character. But nevertheless, Feige and his team buckled down and searched for the right actress, even if it meant searching the entire globe, which they did.

[P.S.Marvel audtioned thouands of actors for the role of Spider-Man because of how important he was)

I feel they should pick the best actor for the role and respect the culture.
The best actor for the role is Romani. Blatantly erasing a Romani character's race and ethnicity is not being respectful to their culture

Marlon Brando wasn’t Italian and although he got flack for the role initially you would be hard pressed to find any italian or Italian American who still feel that way. Chadwick Boseman wasn’t even African he was American. Another prime example was Al Pacino an Italian American playing a Cuban as Tony Montana
The Roma are a racialized minority group who face racism (on top of Xenophobia) for being Romani, just as Doom's family did.

It's not a matter of a different nationality playing another nationality, it's a matter of changing a character's racial identity e.g. Angelo-izing Doom, and forgoing a great opportunity to represent a minority that has virtually no representation in media.

If marvel wants to be successful they will choose the best actor they will give the fans what they want. People who will complain about the actor playing Doom not being ethnically Romani are in the minority.
Well, the reality is, most people are not aware of Doom's race or ethnicity. But somebody has to say something about it to let people know who this character is, and why his cultural background matters.

Just because some people may not care, doesn't make it right. I will always care about a marginalized minority being ignored by mainstream outlets. I hope, if Doom really is in Black Panther II, Coogler will similarly care.
I think we should stop focusing on race and nationality and simply accept one another as human. The more we bring that up the more we let racism take the spotlight
But that's not how racism works in the real world. Just "not talking about it", doesn't make it go away; doesn't change the material reality of people's lives

And arguing that a racial minority's rep doesn't matter because no one cares, is perpetuating a cycle of discrimination and erasure-- that Romani people often find themselves the victim of, unfortunately.

I am totally for comic book accuracy but I would rather have a non Romani who can do the role Justice over a Romani actor that can’t act.

It's not a mutually exclusive deal. There are Romani actors in the world who can act, and can do this role justice. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Doom being an unknown, and I'd argue that it's beneficial for Doom to define the actor as opposed to the actor defining Doom.

(See: Hugh Jackman's Wolverine)

Anyway, I suggest you watch this
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I’m wondering, maybe then Doctor Doom, a super villain with a name like that, isn’t the best place to introduce a Romani actor if it means stereotyping and vilifying them? Controversial point, and I’m not saying don’t have Romani actors in the mcu, I just mean maybe don’t portray them with a super villain?

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