The End of the World

The Joker_1000

Jul 29, 2007
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I just want to know what you all think: Will the world come to an end?

Personally, I don't believe in all of the nonsense that "points" to the end of the world. If it does end though, it just ends. The end of the universe, however, just sounds ridiculous altogether.
umm maybe the sun eventually coming to close to earth.

idk i could think of many more, but i dont care at the moment lol
Well, since there was a beginning I think there will be an end. But when that will be, who knows? Newton said 2060 and he was amazingly brilliant. :yay: Maybe he's right.
You can be as brilliant as you want to be but science is basically all theory (at least this kind of stuff is) so for all we know it's all bogus.
It'll end when God realizes he forgot to flush.
You can be as brilliant as you want to be but science is basically all theory (at least this kind of stuff is) so for all we know it's all bogus.

The stuff Newton identified wasn't theory. Gravity, calculus, to name a couple. That's why I wish I knew more about his calculation for the end. I don't know what he based it on.
The world is not going to come to an end for a long, long time. We just aren't going to be on it much longer.
Ill give it about 100 years till we all nuke this place to death
The stuff Newton identified wasn't theory. Gravity, calculus, to name a couple. That's why I wish I knew more about his calculation for the end. I don't know what he based it on.

Newton also spent most of his time and energy doing alchemy and praying, not everything he did was brilliant modern science. God knows where he got any given theory or idea.
The end of the world will come when the sun swells into a red giant swallowing the earth in an inferno...but humans will be long extinct before then.

The order of the universe, as it has been for billions upon billions of years.
Are you kidding me? I can't wait for the Apocalypse! You know why? Because when it does, we're all screwed... so what can you do? NUTHIN!

I love the hell out of my life, I really do, but I guarantee you when that s**t gets here, I'll be the first one standing in the middle of an open field to welcome it with open arms.
The world has been through much, including two major mass extinctions. While humanity may become extinct, I do not believe the world will end. It just seems very unlikely and unrealistic. If it does end, it probably won't be more a few million more years.
the world ends when i die.

i do think there is a good chance we will get taken out by an asteroid
If the Earth "dies", I don't think it'll happen until well after we're all dead.
Well, since there was a beginning I think there will be an end. But when that will be, who knows? Newton said 2060 and he was amazingly brilliant. :yay: Maybe he's right.

He was also a ranging Bible thumper who was obsessed with alchemy. Just because someone’s done some brilliant things doesn’t mean they’re always right.

december 21 2012

Care to state why you believe this to be true? Yeah the Mayans had the mathematical skills to predict solar eclipses and other astronomical events. That doesn’t exactly mean they were able to predict the future.
There's always phony-baloney "magazines" that claim the world will end in like, 10 years. They're pure bs:whatever:but, it'll end when its supposed to end.:o
Newton also spent most of his time and energy doing alchemy and praying, not everything he did was brilliant modern science. God knows where he got any given theory or idea.

I know, the alchemy thing is hilarious. :woot: It doesn't matter that not everything he did was brilliant modern science. A hell of a lot of it was. More so than most, that's for sure. And he got some extremely important things right, so maybe he will be proven right about the end, too.
Wasn't there just a special on how a lost book of Nostradamus was found and he predicted the world was going to end in 2012 or something like that? Or that was Judgment Day or some ****.
nostradamus said 2012 .. they give him credir for more then has was woth though.

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