The Family Dynamic

If my superpower was gettng fat, I think I'd be a bit depressed.
So... DC's Fantastic Four? Yeah, that sounds about right.

Still, it sounds kind of interesting and the art looks good. I'll probably give it a couple issues.
This is almost as original as "The Sword of Shanara"
I was gonna pass anyhow because of insufficient funds, but it being out of continuity seems an unnecessary reason to me. Care to elaborate guys?
The concept sounded like it'd be a cool addition to the DC universe. I looked forward to an intro story and then maybe seeing the new team interact with other DC characters and just overall livening up the DC universe with their novelty. It's a thinly veiled FF in the DC universe. That sounded like a good source of tongue-in-cheek fun.

If it's out of continuity, I just can't help wondering "why?" What's the point of even making a superhero comic at DC if you're not going to make them mesh into the DC universe proper and bounce them off of other characters and stuff? Why should I even give a **** about a thinly veiled Fantastic Four if the point is literally just for them to be the Fantastic Four as J. Torres and Tim Levins would interpret them? It becomes considerably less novel to me.
I'm gonna pass, if only because I'm tired of...

A. Nuclear family superhero teams. You never see family teams featuring a single mom and 2 kids, or a group of cousins.

B. Earth/Fire/Wind/Water elemental teams. Why doesn't someone try a different elemental grouping? Chinese (Earth/Fire/Wood/Metal)? The Japanese 5th element of void/heaven? The 36 Shaivite-Hindu tattvas?
Depends on whether or not you'd count the Challengers of the Unknown as DC's FF, or possibly the Doom Patrol.

I'm gonna pass, if only because I'm tired of...

A. Nuclear family superhero teams. You never see family teams featuring a single mom and 2 kids, or a group of cousins.

B. Earth/Fire/Wind/Water elemental teams. Why doesn't someone try a different elemental grouping? Chinese (Earth/Fire/Wood/Metal)? The Japanese 5th element of void/heaven? The 36 Shaivite-Hindu tattvas?

You should read Dynamo 5. Best screwed up family in comics.
I'm probably not going to pick it up anyway, my funds are rather tight - but I don't think DC have ever done the family superhero team really well (apart from Flash right now) and I just basically thought after reading through that it would be a nice addition to the DCU.
I'm just getting it 'cause it sounds like Captain Planet banged Sue Richards and came out with this as their bastard child.

I don't really care if it's in-continuity or not. Creator-owned works have a place as well. It's got a poor place reserved only for hippies and poor people, but it's got a place.

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