The greatest, most heroic and profound character to be put on film ever...

This guy has to be the most heroic character to be put on film...


If you remember him, you know why he's on here.
This isn't a poll, or some question asking you who you think the best character ever put to film is... this is simply a true declaration, in and of itself... This thread is devoted to the celebration of this person and honors this character for being such an incredibly positive, touching and motivating inspiration to the millions, if not billions of beloved lives this character has touched... This character taught us not only right from wrong, but also how to understand the true nature of how the world works, the ultimate fusion of how to perfectly deal with the reality of harsh situations and yet keep a jovial attitude towards such hardships... Ladies and Gentlemen... I present to you the best and most influential cinematic character ever... this person will be sorely missed:



Oh man, that guy was epic! I loved how he went from that smug look in the first pic to flashing that ****-eating grin in the second. "I can give 'em to ya." :lmao:
Weyseed, you have the best avatar of all time.

who is this TERRY? and these robots, balls with hair coming out and FISH you depict?

Humanity deserves a true triumphant hero who valiantly tried his best in order to protect us... he did for several years... generations... he is LEGEND


Look at him going through the motions... swinging to and fro through the process of negotiation, with TRUTH and JUSTICE on his side... he keeps it cool, together and calm in order to fight for freedom, morality and liberty... He is the real hero.
Technically Atticus Finch was a book character first. But then again, so was Sam Gamgee... What's this saying about movie characters? :(

That there's more time to develop one well and create an awesome persona in 300 - 500 pages of description than there is in 100 pages of film. It's not fair to say books are better. Of course they are, they're and the greats are written for a purpose, not because a studio demands one for it's summer blockbuster. Just think of how many books are out there, so many more than films... and think of the percentage of books that are actually great... about the same percentage as films... 1%.
This isn't a poll, or some question asking you who you think the best character ever put to film is... this is simply a true declaration, in and of itself... This thread is devoted to the celebration of this person and honors this character for being such an incredibly positive, touching and motivating inspiration to the millions, if not billions of beloved lives this character has touched... This character taught us not only right from wrong, but also how to understand the true nature of how the world works, the ultimate fusion of how to perfectly deal with the reality of harsh situations and yet keep a jovial attitude towards such hardships... Ladies and Gentlemen... I present to you the best and most influential cinematic character ever... this person will be sorely missed



Take some time to absorb this man's capacity for good, his brilliance and how he did his best for humanity, when humanity didn't do the best it could for him...
His laugh inspires us all....

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