James Franco has changed alot since SM1- From high school kid, to Oscorp CEO and now to Villian. Well, we just need space to talk about his new identity in SM3 as Harry who knows Peter and the Goblin. Hopefully there isnt a thread on this already.
Idiotic Idiot06 said:From the scenes I was able to see while being an extra in Foley Square in New York City and information which James Cromwell's stand-in gave me. At one point Harry and MJ will do some filrting, and Harry will die. In fact, I'm pretty sure that his death will not occur from the pumpkin bomb because his death scene was filmed in New York.
kal_el_526 said:wow that sounds interesting i wonder how he will die maybe pete kills him from being angry at him for flirting with mj that would be crazy
Idiotic Idiot06 said:I don't think so, there were a lot of different scenes being shot very close together, and I don't think Franco dieng and him flirting with MJ were even close together. In fact, I was there with a friend for four days and on the third day we came up to James Cromwell's stand-in thinking he was James Cromwell and asking for an autograph. Being an old man, he started talking to us which i should've listened more but I was trying to get into another scene. Anyway, my friend asked him if James Franco was on set that day, and he said, "No, he died yesterday." And we got freaked out because we thought he meant the actor but then he said, "They just filmed his death scene." He then went on telling me how he probably shouldn't have said that. I should've got more information out of him, but being stupid I left. On the fourth and last day I was there, we were filming a scene where Spidey is swinging onto a stage and kissing Gwen Stacy (in fact this scene was shot several times with the person he kisses being Gwen sometimes and MJ other times). But for that scene since they were only filming crowd reactions they had the stand-ins instaed of actually spidey and mj/gwen. We were in one of those hoppy-play house thingies (don't ask) and in front of us was filming a totally differnt scene. Harry and MJ were sitting on a bench and I could hear her giggling and flirting/playfully touching (not in that way) Harry. But not to think that she is only with Harry because in another scene on the first day I was 2 feet away from a very magical Peter/MJ kiss.
Mechanix1992 said:I remember I was ten years old when the first Spider-man was released. After exiting the theater I was so excited for seeing Green Goblin 2 in SM2. Sadly, there was no GG2- (But SM3?). His character has matured since the first film. I hope we get a better look at Harry in SM3 possibly a poster showing him with his suit, and glider?
Silverdragon said:Franco is amazing. I can't wait to see in the 3rd movie. He was the right man for the role of Harry.
Indeed he does.theShape said:Jimmy kicks ass.