The Harry Osborn/GG2 Thread


Feb 21, 2006
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Figured I'd just make a GG2 thread since we got threads popping out left and right on Harry... post em all here... or close it for all I care. It's just good to be organized.


Some Questions to consider:

1. Harry's Costume. Is the manipulation above a good picture? Should Harry have swords and a mask on top of his pumpkin bombs and gliders?
2. When will Harry become GG2? Will he fight with SPiderman at some point? What other villains will he tangle with and possibly kill at the movies climax?
3. Will Harry betray or save Peter? Who will he kill to save Peter, Venom? Sandman? Will he just sacrifice his own body by pushing Spidey out of the way of falling rubble?
4. Will Harry have a love interest in the film? Rekindle a relationship with MJ? Perhaps make a stab at Gwen?
5. Will Norman get the best of his son by forcing him into submission and demanding Harry avenges his death? Will Harry be brave enough to finally stand up to his father?
6. Since we all agree Harry should be GG2... should he be purely evil... should he be a hero... what would work better for this movie?

Post opinions and pictures here...
DroolingforGwen said:
Figured I'd just make a GG2 thread since we got threads popping out left and right on Harry... post em all here... or close it for all I care. It's just good to be organized.

Thats a pretty lame manip
nice try
batman7289 said:
Thats a pretty lame manip
nice try

Wasn't my manip... but it fits the profile... Black goggles... green mouth piece... I love it it to be honest... a little touching up here and there and you got an awesome GG2... tell me that's not better than a snow suit...
he looks like reptile from mortal kombat and cmill has the funniest dam avatar ive ever seen...anyways i think they should stick to the same costume as the first one with little to no modifications
I didn't really like the look of the GG suit in the first movie, and I’d like to see changes to it, (preferable to look more goblin like) but I like the idea of him taking up his fathers role, and wear the same thing to kinda mess with Spideys head when he first sees him in full suit, have him all like "but your dead, it can't be." and have them fight alil before he figures out its Harry.
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I personally hope it's mostly black... maybe green gloves and a green belt b/c he is GG2 afterall... if they get his shades right... and a cooler green mouth piece than the one above... I think that would be fantastic...
they should have gone with the concept from sm1.. anyone have a pic of that.. they made a small statue of it and everything.... it's like a better version of the suit that was actually used for the movie?
Reikowolf said:
they should have gone with the concept from sm1.. anyone have a pic of that.. they made a small statue of it and everything.... it's like a better version of the suit that was actually used for the movie?

i know what your talking about...i remember watching it on the second disk of the first spidey. i'll have to watch it again, i don't quite remember what it looks like, but i do know what you are talking about.
if you can find those pics, that would be great. i'm going to watch the disk again.
i hope harry/gg2 gets a lot of screen time.
There needs to be a really cool aerial battle between Spidey and GG2 IMO.
I don't want to see Harry in the costume that's been described in the Q&A's. It just seems half-assed. I think it should be a re-worked suit from the first movie that is made to look closer to the comics and an overall improvement. Though I still don't want a latex mask for him.

I would like to see some figthing between Harry and Peter but I would also like to see some heroic tendancies from Harry as well. I don't mean a team up between them exactly. Sure they could fight together at one point but have it a reluctant one.

I'm not too keen on seeing Harry die. I would like seeing more of Harry's conflicted nature as he spends a longer time as the GG2 and trying to balance that with being Harry Osborn and knowing who Peter is etc. I'm think it would be better if they stretched that story arc to the fourth movie at least.
dr venture said:
Is this the pic you guys are talking about?


That should be GG2! Even though it's technically GG1.

I don't want him to wear a black snowsuit. I want him to look like an orc meets a goblin. Only have Harry tweak his dad's suit to make it look like a different goblin, but still keep the emerald green.
Why doesn't Harry help Peter? Sure it would take the character of Harry a long time to forgive Peter, but, why watch Spiderman fight GG again? I think Harry should initially want to try and kill Pete, but about 3/4 of the way through the movie he changes his mind and helps Pete in a fight against Sandman and Venom, where he'd be mega-SCREWED. Of course, this is all considering Venom is in the movie at all which I hope, and I doubt he'll team up with Sandman. Even still, Spiderman fighting Harry would be like "Um...we've already seen this..."
that GG picture ^ has got a dark cloudy sky just like the official Spiderman 3 teaser. Coincidence?
Does anyone have any links to the rest of the concept art or would be able to post them themselves?
neobido9999 said:
that GG picture ^ has got a dark cloudy sky just like the official Spiderman 3 teaser. Coincidence?

no, this was the first design for the first spidey film, i doubt they were planning ahead with making the sky dark along with the dark raining sky with the black spidey pic.
dr venture said:
Is this the pic you guys are talking about?

that is awesome.

why can't rami and co. just make us happy?

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