The Mark of the Beast......

Take the discussion which way you wish, but if you read POST #116, it may help you understand the original meaning of this thread and why I bump it back.

Yeah, I read that, and I'm still confused. Darth Elektra made things make a little more sense, but either I'm too drunk, or not drunk enough for this. Considering I can still type, not drunk enough it seems...
It's 'cause Heaven is BO-ring! Seriously, it's supposed to be eternal paradise, but it's like a church service that doesn't end. Doesn't sound like paradise to me. :down've been there?
but either I'm too drunk, or not drunk enough for this. Considering I can still type, not drunk enough it seems...

Your not drunk enough, lol. I was raised with a christian background so its not quite as confusing but its still pretty wierd stuff.
Your not drunk enough, lol. I was raised with a christian background so its not quite as confusing but its still pretty wierd stuff.

So, what it looks like to me is:

People are starting to use chips implanted under their skin instead of cash. These chips are also great for knowing where people are and what they're up to. Come to think of it, I'd love to put a chip in my kids [if and when] so that I'll always know where they are.

Some people are seeing this as the mark of the devil, the beginning of the end and all that...

Am I even close or should I pour another Sake?
This guy Mr. Jones said that one of the reason why this administration is doing next to nothing on the border issue is because of the agreement made with Canada & Mexico, it would be illegal now. Apparently, that agreement transcend American Law. Go figure. He believe the North America Union has started with this agreement.
So, what it looks like to me is:

People are starting to use chips implanted under their skin instead of cash. These chips are also great for knowing where people are and what they're up to. Come to think of it, I'd love to put a chip in my kids [if and when] so that I'll always know where they are.

Some people are seeing this as the mark of the devil, the beginning of the end and all that...

Exactly. You pretty much got it. Some people believe we're coming to the 'End Times' because this chip is becoming avaliable.
And the main poster(First post) just asked... Wether or not you would get a chip.
Exactly. You pretty much got it. Some people believe we're coming to the 'End Times' because this chip is becoming avaliable.
And the main poster(First post) just asked... Wether or not you would get a chip.

I don't think a chip is the sign of the end. I think its a sign that we're taking positive steps to protect ourselves and our children. I'd have caused my mother a lot fewer grey hairs if I'd had a chip as a kid, and I know for a fact that if it was a choice between walking down union or marina in the dark carrying cash, or walking them in the dark with a chip in an unknown location, I know which I'd pick. There are parts of this city that you don't wanna be carrying anything of value.
Your life is the most important comodity you have. Having a chip want stop anyone from killing you, if they so desire or is desparate enough.
Your life is the most important comodity you have. Having a chip want stop anyone from killing you, if they so desire or is desparate enough.

Aye, but if I'm not carrying a wallet or ID they got one less reason to bash me over the head when I'm walking down union. Its bad enough that I wear ID tags just in case I get rolled. They steal those too, I'm totally screwed. Its all on a chip? Those are a lot harder to steal, if you can even find them.
As soon as I saw this thread, I couldn't help but think of Iron Maiden, even though their song is "The Number Of The Beast".
Awesome song. :D

I once soundmaniped the speech at the beginning to make it sound like it was coming through a long tunnel. Creepy, yet awesome. It also sounded pretty good echoing around a metal box and wasn't all that bad slowed right down either.
What did you use for it?

Oh heck, I'm not sure- it was all on my old machine which got ruined when the partitions on the drive broke down. Just a generic sound manipulator though. I'll try and remember but it was about two years ago. Might've been wave or a program like that.
I am the Anti-christ.

Party at my place!
man, I would totally sell me soul to the devi, regardless of the buy/sell thing...anyone who has the balls to stand up to god and be like "you're f**king s**t up, dumb ass" is ok in my book :o

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