Homecoming The Next Spider-Man - - - - Part 13

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I KNOW Sneider is right, he clearly showed that his 5-list is not official, and not final.
Weren't you the one who started to believe RL? Or am I mistaking you with some one else..
Yeah, I was, but remember, that was like three months ago.

The point is, most people gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Exactly, most of the guys here don't want Sneider to be right.

Redditleaker123iknowmyabcs124 says that Dylan O'Brien is the next Spider-Man- people try to search for things that make him more credible and try to prove his credibility.

El Mayimbe, Jeff Sneider, Drew Mcsweeny, Devin Faraci all say that Dylan O'Brien is NOT the new Spider-Man and that Marvel are looking for teens- people aggressively try distinguish all of their credibility and with a very hostile attitude I might add. fans are in denial.

See how that works?

Yeah, which is why I feel the blow will be that much more devastating when we get the official confirmation that he's not Spider-Man.
Exactly, most of the guys here don't want Sneider to be right.

Redditleaker123iknowmyabcs124 says that Dylan O'Brien is the next Spider-Man- people try to search for things that make him more credible and try to prove his credibility.

El Mayimbe, Jeff Sneider, Drew Mcsweeny, Devin Faraci all say that Dylan O'Brien is NOT the new Spider-Man and that Marvel are looking for teens- people aggressively try distinguish all of their credibility and with a very hostile attitude I might add. fans are in denial.

See how that works?
I didn't want sneider to be right before (he wasn't) and I don't want him to be right, now.

I dunno about the rest of these reporters, but I'm not out looking for reasons to discredit them. sneider is a different story but that's not the point.
To me he looks much more like Harry Osborn than Parker.:o
Terrible short-list ...

That shortlist really has met with disdain and ridicule in most quarters. Setting aside Dylan O'Brien for a moment there are clearly a lot more talented young actors out there capable of being considered for the role.
El Mayimbe, Jeff Sneider, Drew Mcsweeny, Devin Faraci all say that Dylan O'Brien is NOT the new Spider-Man and that Marvel are looking for teens- people aggressively try distinguish all of their credibility and with a very hostile attitude I might add. fans are in denial.

I think the fans that "are in denial" might just be more vocal about it. I fully accept that he probably won't get the role, but I'm not trying to ruin people's credibility because of it. I don't want to be lumped in with them.

But most people won't hear me because I'm not screaming my head off about it. Externally, anyway.
it is technically not a real shortlist.
I know, I know, but still.
You see, that's why I can't trust Sneider. Colliderfrosty says he has heard of a 5 actors shortlist. Minutes later, Sneider reads that, make calls ... and wright an article based on speculations, claiming by title that it's a real shortlist.
I mean, come one! Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe you?
Come on guys : you have to analyze those kind of things and have critical thinking!

(Oh and don't start with Talion please, lol. He is as reliable as those he designate as unreliable.)
Do your own shortlists. One for high school, one for college.

(Both in order of preference)

Dylan O'Brien
Thomas Sangster
Logan Lerman
Freddie Highmore

High school
Timothee Chalamet
Tom Holland
Asa Butterfield
Teo Halm
Robbie Kay

(As you can see, I'm pretty happy with the current "shortlist", or whatever one wants to call it)
People that said that Dylan O'Brien and Logan Lerman are not in the race for Spider-Man:

Jeff Sneider from TheWrap
Dave, Umberto and Kelvin Gonzales from Latino-Review
Drew McWeeny from HitFix
Devin Faraci from Badass Digest
Merrill Barr from Forbes and Screenrant


People that said that Dylan O'Brien is going to be cast as Spider-Man:

Daily Bugle Spidey

I know, I know, but still.
You see, that's why I can't trust Sneider. Colliderfrosty says he has heard of a 5 actors shortlist. Minutes later, Sneider reads that, make calls ... and wright an article based on speculations, claiming by title that it's a real shortlist.
I mean, come one! Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe you?
Come on guys : you have to analyze those kind of things and have critical thinking!

(Oh and don't start with Talion please, lol. He is as reliable as those he designate as unreliable.)
I'm not arguing for or against any reporter and I don't even know if RL is trustworthy anymore, but I want him to be right over everyone else.
People that said that Dylan O'Brien and Logan Lerman are not in the race for Spider-Man:

Jeff Sneider from TheWrap
Dave, Umberto and Kelvin Gonzales from Latino-Review
Drew McWeeny from HitFix
Devin Faraci from Badass Digest
Merrill Barr from Forbes and Screenrant


People that said that Dylan O'Brien is going to be cast as Spider-Man:

Daily Bugle Spidey


I don't really know who any of these people are or their credibilities. I'm sure some are wrong and some are right. I know who I'd like to see in the role, though. And it's fun speculating and discussing it with others. So I'm not really worried about who said what.
People that said that Dylan O'Brien and Logan Lerman are not in the race for Spider-Man:

Jeff Sneider from TheWrap
Dave, Umberto and Kelvin Gonzales from Latino-Review
Drew McWeeny from HitFix
Devin Faraci from Badass Digest
Merrill Barr from Forbes and Screenrant


People that said that Dylan O'Brien is going to be cast as Spider-Man:

Daily Bugle Spidey

The list means little. All 5 may test and suck and thus the casting process would continue.

Also worth bearing in mind, it will probably more about what Marvel and Sony are looking for rather than what the individual actor brings to the table. For instance the actor my go for subdued but Marvel may be looking for extrovert or vice versa.
I know, I know, but still.
You see, that's why I can't trust Sneider. Colliderfrosty says he has heard of a 5 actors shortlist. Minutes later, Sneider reads that, make calls ... and wright an article based on speculations, claiming by title that it's a real shortlist.
I mean, come one! Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe you?
Come on guys : you have to analyze those kind of things and have critical thinking!

(Oh and don't start with Talion please, lol. He is as reliable as those he designate as unreliable.)
We can only trust that Sneider is right when he makes claims showing that it is unofficial. :cwink:
I don't really know who any of these people are or their credibilities. I'm sure some are wrong and some are right. I know who I'd like to see in the role, though. And it's fun speculating and discussing it with others. So I'm not really worried about who said what.
No matter what one thing is certain: NO ONE IS OFF THE TABLE!
Whether the list is real or not, from what I have seen it's around 50% of the time that an actor on the list gets the role. Maybe a higher 75%, but that still leaves it very likely someone else gets the role. We also know that IF the official list had included Dylan on it, Sneider would likley have admitted that he was wrong. Doing so would be stupid on his part, because Dylan is just as likley as any other guy, therefore there are enough others that Dylan is therefore Dylan will not likely get the job anyways.
The list means little. All 5 may test and suck and thus the casting process would continue.

Also worth bearing in mind, it will probably more about what Marvel and Sony are looking for rather than what the individual actor brings to the table. For instance the actor my go for subdued but Marvel may be looking for extrovert or vice versa.
Exactly! I'm glad that some of us can not be so close-minded on the issue.
I do think that it will be what Marvel/Sony are looking for, but they will probably ask for the actor to act as PP or SM, and the actor will act in the way they want so if he does a good job, he will be doing what M/S want.
Film his CW scenes simultaneously with Deepwater Horizon (which he has a smaller role in), and film Teen Wolf 5B in the fall.

Though to be fair, there's a really good chance he won't be returning for 5B.

I say that with the mindset of a Teen Wolf fan (which I was long before this reboot was announced, and I even considered him as a candidate), and as someone who has followed along with the production and rumors of the new season.

Has nothing to do with my wanting him for the role.

Isn't filming of 5B supposedly being pushed back for him though? I thought I heard Ryan Kelley said that at a con recently.

I've also heard a lot about him not being in 5B--mostly from people who don't want him back, but I still don't get where people are getting that. Is it because of promo for Scorch Trials?

And the there's the whole thing about Death Cure getting pushed back.

I don't know.

I do agree that he might be able to do it during Deepwater filming, but that all depends on the size of his role, location shoots, how much shooting can be arranged for him, etc.

It's not a bad problem for him to have though. I think most actors would rather be busy than not. I do like him (even if he's not my choice--nor it seems Marvel's--choice for Spider-Man) and I'm glad he's doing well.
Well, Sneider said that the actor has to be cast before June. so Sony & Marvel have to decide soon.

Didn't he also recently say that the actor will be announced around the May 8-12 time range?
Look at Jackman's audition. Really subdued when the other actors were probably doing 'berserker rage'. Jackman gave Fox a performance they were looking for. Another casting agent may have wanted a different performance.
See, heres the thing:

El Mayimbe, Faraci, and Sneider all said (on numerous occasions) that they were looking for teen actors, aged 15-16. However, that's clearly not true, since Sneider's own "shortlist" severely contradicts those comments since all of them are 18+.

Now I'm not saying they aren't looking at 15 and 16 year olds, but I think its safe to say they aren't ignoring actors into their early twenties (20-24) either.

That's no excuse to attack those reporters, but they clearly got their facts wrong.
Not that I have anything against him (I've liked him in his films that I've seen), but I still can't believe Asa Butterfield is actually in the running for this role. That actually blows my mind. What exec looked at him and thought PP/Spider-man? out of every young actor on the planet
Not that I have anything against him (I've liked him in his films that I've seen), but I still can't believe Asa Butterfield is actually in the running for this role. That actually blows my mind. What exec looked at him and thought PP/Spider-man? out of every young actor on the planet
Seems like the best possible choice to me from the list we got...
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