The Official Lanterns News & Discussion Thread

Same brotha! I think about half of my comic collection is Green Lantern centered at this point. I'm hoping this series really takes off and becomes something us GL fans can be proud to tell others to watch.

Can't wait til we start getting casting news!
Oh, didn't realise you were such a huge fan. I hope it lives up to all your expectations! I'm glad to get a series called Lanterns over a one shot on a specific Lantern. I want to eventually see good coverage of as many of the best Lanterns as possible, and also to see many of them working together and interacting with other characters. I'm interested in the structure and ongoing operations of the Corps.
Oh, didn't realise you were such a huge fan. I hope it lives up to all your expectations! I'm glad to get a series called Lanterns over a one shot on a specific Lantern. I want to eventually see good coverage of as many of the best Lanterns as possible, and also to see many of them working together and interacting with other characters. I'm interested in the structure and ongoing operations of the Corps.

I really started reading comics shortly after the first Iron Man released in theaters. I picked up Iron Man: Extremis & Green Lantern: Rebirth. Fell in love with Geoff Johns run. Then started to go back and read the Ron Marz/Kyle Rayner stuff and really just connected with Kyle as a character more.

I really do hope we get to see all different types of Lanterns. If they delve into the Johns stuff, so much lore to have fun with.

Did they already say that series is set to explore many different types of Lanterns? I just thought it was revolving around Hal & John.
I really started reading comics shortly after the first Iron Man released in theaters. I picked up Iron Man: Extremis & Green Lantern: Rebirth. Fell in love with Geoff Johns run. Then started to go back and read the Ron Marz/Kyle Rayner stuff and really just connected with Kyle as a character more.

I really do hope we get to see all different types of Lanterns. If they delve into the Johns stuff, so much lore to have fun with.

Did they already say that series is set to explore many different types of Lanterns? I just thought it was revolving around Hal & John.
Nice! I did most of my reading before the start of the MCU.

Seeing all kinds of Lanterns is my wish but it’s not something I’ve heard. I’m not up to date on news and just thought the title might suggest they would delve deeper into the lore and multiple Lanterns. If that isn’t the initial idea then hopefully the show is a huge success and continues for multiple seasons and further Lanterns are then considered down the road.
There is no way other Lanterns won't show up. I mean the yellow for sure unless they want to avoid Sinestro...
I imagine this show will be gigantic in scope even if it's terrestrial based. In the True Detective shows typically they do focus in one location only, whether it be Louisiana, Alaska, etc, but here, the equivalent to that in Lanterns terms would be the whole Earth as that is the precinct they're investigating. It would not surprise me if throughout the show we end up seeing Hal and Jon visiting a wide variety of cities in the DCU as well as countries and even seeing places like Themyscira as they did say that they're exploring an ancient terrestrial mystery.
I imagine this show will be gigantic in scope even if it's terrestrial based. In the True Detective shows typically they do focus in one location only, whether it be Louisiana, Alaska, etc, but here, the equivalent to that in Lanterns terms would be the whole Earth as that is the precinct they're investigating. It would not surprise me if throughout the show we end up seeing Hal and Jon visiting a wide variety of cities in the DCU as well as countries and even seeing places like Themyscira as they did say that they're exploring an ancient terrestrial mystery.
Well that sounds super-exciting. I hope you're right.
As always, grain of salt, but…

My Stewart pick (Trevante Rhodes) fits into that age range. Might need to find new Hal candidates, though.
Jeff Sneider said they want a star for the show and to be honest this age range for Hal tracks because most stars they could get for him fit within that age range. I also think the reason it's very specific is probably because they have a shortlist and their youngest is 43 and oldest 49. Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Hartnett, Bradley Cooper, Channing Tatum, John Krasinski, Jamie Dornan feel like likely names to me. Maaaybe Jensen Ackles if they're open to TV stars as well.
Jeff Sneider said they want a star for the show and to be honest this age range for Hal tracks because most stars they could get for him fit within that age range. I also think the reason it's very specific is probably because they have a shortlist and their youngest is 43 and oldest 49. Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Hartnett, Bradley Cooper, Channing Tatum, John Krasinski, Jamie Dornan feel like likely names to me. Maaaybe Jensen Ackles if they're open to TV stars as well.

Bradley Cooper and Jensen Ackles feel the most like what the character needs. They both convey really well that lighthearted, confident, charming, charismatic and sarcastic swagger, play genuine and caring but can also convey that sense of world weariness and a bit of an edge that belies a bit of darkness under the surface.
If they want a star, Bradley Cooper I think is the best choice,

But personally I like Taylor Kitsch (43), from one of the show's influences, True Detective (And one of his co-stars Rachel McAdams is my pick for Carol).


Stephan James (30) from Race, If Beale Street Could Talk, is my pick for John.

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Have the feeling Bradley Cooper could very well be brought in for Hal.
The Coopster already got turned down for GL… fool me once…
If they want a star, Bradley Cooper I think is the best choice, but personally I like Taylor Kitsch (from one of the show's influences, True Detective)

And also from True Detective, Rachel McAdams for Carol.

Stephan James is my pick for John.
I really like the idea of Taylor Kitsch for this.

Good call.
Man, them going for an older Hal, a John Stewart, aged possibly mid 30s... we may actually get Kyle Rayner, if this show takes off...

So, going with actors on the late 30s/early-mid 40s, who do you like as Hal Jordan? Also, same with John Stewart

Whoever mentioned Taylor Kitsch, I can totally see it!tk-062322-01-0673-1657043970.jpg

Bradley Cooper

Chris Pine

Glen Powell (on the younger side, but I can see it.)

For John Stewart, I like Trevante Rhodes!

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I never watched...but I had a lot of friends who did and what James said was...tame compared to them ;)
The series finale of Lost was trash, but Watchmen and The Leftovers more than make up for that. I think I'm in the minority, but I liked Star Trek: Into Darkness as well. Overall, I think he's had a pretty good track record since Lost, and even if the series finale was bad, everything up through season 4 was top notch. I'm stoked that him and Tom King are involved.
The ending of GoT has made me reevaluate all series finales I previously hated, and I will say they all look better by comparison, including Lost. :funny:

Still, Lindelof’s redeemed himself since then in my eyes anyway. Watchmen is easily my favorite CBM show of all-time at the moment. If this can come even close to that - and with this team, it should - we are in something amazing.
The ending of GoT has made me reevaluate all series finales I previously hated, and I will say they all look better by comparison, including Lost. :funny:

Still, Lindelof’s redeemed himself since then in my eyes anyway. Watchmen is easily my favorite CBM show of all-time at the moment. If this can come even close to that - and with this team, it should - we are in something amazing.
I will die on the hill that the final Season of Thrones is in the Top 3 seasons...and every time I say it it upsets someone so badly it brings tears to my eyes! I am not trolling (though my GF thinks I am) I honestly loved almost all of it.

For context I watched the show after it ended so we binged it over the course of a month or so so I didn't have the 1.5 years of anticipation or whatever it was. I almost forced us to quit because I hated a couple of seasons so badly but I really enjoyed almost everything in that season. I might have paced it a slight bit different post An Endless Night but that is about it. The fact that everyone gets mad about who ends up on the Throne is still the best part though. If you are honest with yourself, no one else deserved it. :)
GoT ends much worse then it starts, but it ain't horrible and unwatchable like people like to say. It's just not as incredible as it was the first 5-6 seasons, which is a perfectly valid issue.
The worst season was the one with the stupid cult. That was one of the two rage quit seasons.

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