The Official Michael Shannon IS General Zod - Part 4





Whoa, those are cool... are they from a clip?
Ah, okay. Thanks. Wish they would have included audio with the scene though.
I know, I dislike when they talk over scenes. Annoying.
I know, I dislike when they talk over scenes. Annoying.

Yeah. The worst is when Entertainment Tonight "premieres" a trailer. And by that I mean, they show 30 seconds of it and comment the whole time how HOT the lead actor or actress is.
Looks like its a council scene that takes place under relatively peaceful conditions. So either Zod's trying to convince Jor-El to hand over his son, or they're giving the two a polite respect during or before he conflict for the planet.
One of the coolest things about *that interview is how interested and invested Josh Elliot was. :up:
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One of the coolest things about interview is how interested and invested Josh Elliot was. :up:

Yeah, I noticed that too. He was pretty articulate about why he loved it as well, not just the typical gushing "Oh it was so good! It was so cool!" you normally get from interviewers.

I'm developing a mostly platonic crush on Michael Shannon. I think it's hilarious how monotone and nonchalant he appears in interviews, in complete contrast to most the characters he plays. He cracks me up.
Great clip even without the audio. So much tension. Zod looks calm but also ready to snap.
Yeah, I noticed that too. He was pretty articulate about why he loved it as well, not just the typical gushing "Oh it was so good! It was so cool!" you normally get from interviewers.

I'm developing a mostly platonic crush on Michael Shannon. I think it's hilarious how monotone and nonchalant he appears in interviews, in complete contrast to most the characters he plays. He cracks me up.
Right. Saying that they gave Zod real "motive" and "purpose" showed some real interest that you don't usually see.

And yeah, Shannon does seem super laid back in contrast to his characters, but at the same time very "into" his part. Very hard to convey when you're that even keeled. It usually comes off as apathetic. ie. me. lol
Shannon and crowe killed that scene.It's like a bout of heavy weight actors.
So respect between Jor-El and Zod is confirmed, as is Zod's classic coup-de-tat origin. Now I'm thinking Zod wants Clark because of his unusual birth and its use to him. Anybody else think so?
Dude is fierce, no doubt about that. He can scare even the biggest mother****ers.
So respect between Jor-El and Zod is confirmed, as is Zod's classic coup-de-tat origin. Now I'm thinking Zod wants Clark because of his unusual birth and its use to him. Anybody else think so?

Sounds plausible.
Great clip. By the way, just how freakin' tall does Zod look? He towers over Jor-El so much it's looks like he has to stoop down.

Guy's a monster.

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