The Official Rogue/Anna X3 Thread

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inconspicuous since '03.
Dec 25, 2003
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Since Anna Paquin is the only cast member who hasn't said anything on her status on X3 and Rogue having a intersting role in the movie, I thought it would be appropriate to make an official thread concerning everyone's favorite southern belle. Post you thoughts/ News on Paquin returing to X3 as well as Rogue's role and anything in between.
I think there's been at least three of these.
I think, due to the fact that there is never any news regarding Anna and Rogue, all the threads made for her fade away. Plus, so few people realize there's a "search" function and you can go back through pages on the forums to look for older threads.

At any rate, I just hope she has a touch more attitude and a bit less damsel this time around. It was improved upon slightly from X-Men to X2, so it should further continue. Now, I certainly don't want her wearing butt floss and a tied off shirt, flying around, throwing boulders and tanks and going all "Sugah, ah wanna' go to the fish fry! What in tarnation are y'all doin' in heeuh? Grits!" and stuff. Although, saying tarnation just once might be a good thing. ;)
no i searched and all i found was rogue and iceman roles in x3 so i think its appropriate right now
pejo said:
"Sugah, ah wanna' go to the fish fry! What in tarnation are y'all doin' in heeuh? Grits!"

I remember laughing my ear off when I would watch the 90s cartoon when I was younger. Rogue had some of the funniest and wackiest dialogue, next to Storm whenever she got going. I wouldn't mind if Anna played the character with a little more sass, but let's be honest-- no teenager today, no matter how Southern, talks like Rogue used to in that cartoon (and sometimes in the comics, years back). I think Britney Spears' country-fried self is proof of that.
"What in the world?!"

I think Rogue said that like, every other episode!

I'd kill to hear it in X3 haha
pejo said:
At any rate, I just hope she has a touch more attitude and a bit less damsel this time around. It was improved upon slightly from X-Men to X2, so it should further continue. Now, I certainly don't want her wearing butt floss and a tied off shirt, flying around, throwing boulders and tanks and going all "Sugah, ah wanna' go to the fish fry! What in tarnation are y'all doin' in heeuh? Grits!" and stuff. Although, saying tarnation just once might be a good thing. ;)
She could do with a little more sass. I understand why they made her character as it is in the films. They're following the early years. The years were Rogue is only getting to grips with who she is as a person. Hopefully in X3 she'll be a little more confident in herself, though to be honest, the whole Bobby/Kitty storyline sounds as though it would hurt her confidence more.
Avalanche said:
She could do with a little more sass. I understand why they made her character as it is in the films. They're following the early years. The years were Rogue is only getting to grips with who she is as a person. Hopefully in X3 she'll be a little more confident in herself, though to be honest, the whole Bobby/Kitty storyline sounds as though it would hurt her confidence more.

Or, it could piss her off, hence she starts hanging around the Brotherhood.

While in the Brotherhood, she might find some "not so great" influences to start hanging around with, like them damn Cajun scoundrels that are always causing trouble. Them Cajuns would be a pretty bad influence on her, and could very well give her a bit more sass.
That's what i'm thinking,in x-3 your going to see a more pissed off and kick ass rogue,she'll want to work off her frustrations somehow.
Im hoping she will be stronger and could carry heavy things like cars and trucks.

It's the same old thing on every forum I go to...

Sure she isn't the flying, invulnerable, OTT, southern twanged Rogue from the 90's but then go look at Ultimate Rogue. Or X-Men Evolution Rogue...

Anna does a perfect job of portraying an entirely NEW version of Rogue. It's time people started accepting that the movies are only BASED on the stories and characters from the comics

I also think that Anna is perfeclty attractive, despite a lot of people on several forums bashing her looks.
I love Anna. Anna Anna Anna. I want to Marry her. She goes out with a loser. She goes out with that Tray from the OC. GRR.
NocturnalMadman said:

It's the same old thing on every forum I go to...

Sure she isn't the flying, invulnerable, OTT, southern twanged Rogue from the 90's but then go look at Ultimate Rogue. Or X-Men Evolution Rogue...

Anna does a perfect job of portraying an entirely NEW version of Rogue. It's time people started accepting that the movies are only BASED on the stories and characters from the comics

I also think that Anna is perfeclty attractive, despite a lot of people on several forums bashing her looks.

I agree.
Anna is definately growing up well
i recently saw her in after ashley, an off broadway show, and she looks gorgeous. she has lost all baby fat and looks amazing. i think she is great as rogue and i think this time around we will see more of the rogue we know and love.
spark627 said:
i recently saw her in after ashley, an off broadway show, and she looks gorgeous. she has lost all baby fat and looks amazing. i think she is great as rogue and i think this time around we will see more of the rogue we know and love.

Wait... shes in After Ashley? You know how many times I pass bye that, EVERY day! My school even gave out free tickets one day and I declined. *****!!
yep she was, its over now. it was a good show
pejo said:
I think, due to the fact that there is never any news regarding Anna and Rogue, all the threads made for her fade away. Plus, so few people realize there's a "search" function and you can go back through pages on the forums to look for older threads.

At any rate, I just hope she has a touch more attitude and a bit less damsel this time around. It was improved upon slightly from X-Men to X2, so it should further continue. Now, I certainly don't want her wearing butt floss and a tied off shirt, flying around, throwing boulders and tanks and going all "Sugah, ah wanna' go to the fish fry! What in tarnation are y'all doin' in heeuh? Grits!" and stuff. Although, saying tarnation just once might be a good thing. ;)

lol.I think youve become my favorite poster.
NocturnalMadman said:

It's the same old thing on every forum I go to...

Sure she isn't the flying, invulnerable, OTT, southern twanged Rogue from the 90's but then go look at Ultimate Rogue. Or X-Men Evolution Rogue...

Anna does a perfect job of portraying an entirely NEW version of Rogue. It's time people started accepting that the movies are only BASED on the stories and characters from the comics

I also think that Anna is perfeclty attractive, despite a lot of people on several forums bashing her looks.

I'd prefer to see something similar to evolution Rogue.Angry,detached,bold,and confident in her use of powers.It's not as if RogueAnna is absorbing their memories as well.
wow. she looks great...

rogue and iceman better still be full fledged team members in X3...
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
Or, it could piss her off, hence she starts hanging around the Brotherhood.

While in the Brotherhood, she might find some "not so great" influences to start hanging around with, like them damn Cajun scoundrels that are always causing trouble. Them Cajuns would be a pretty bad influence on her, and could very well give her a bit more sass.

Well i hope she explores the powers of the dark side - joins the brotherhood -steals powers from Ms. Marvel (aka Carol Danvers)who'd be played in a cameo by Gwyeth Paltrow. hangs out with an older hottie Remy ( Oliver Martinez or Jonathan Reyes Meyers please)and starts talkin'bout how she really needs some southern fried chicken.

This would be funny as hell and I'm sure will send Bobby's horny butt in the other direction -toward shadowcat who I hope gets played by Emmy Rossum or Rachel Bilson. This will be much more interesting than having all the teens be wannab hero dogooders...Nuff said!

Good Luck Brett your gonna need it!
moonstar said:
Well i hope she explores the powers of the dark side - joins the brotherhood -steals powers from Ms. Marvel (aka Carol Danvers)who'd be played in a cameo by Gwyeth Paltrow. hangs out with an older hottie Remy ( Oliver Martinez or Jonathan Reyes Meyers please)and starts talkin'bout how she really needs some southern fried chicken.

This would be funny as hell and I'm sure will send Bobby's horny butt in the other direction -toward shadowcat who I hope gets played by Emmy Rossum or Rachel Bilson. This will be much more interesting than having all the teens be wannab hero dogooders...Nuff said!

Good Luck Brett your gonna need it!
*starts to say something*

*stops himself*
NocturnalMadman said:
Sure she isn't the flying, invulnerable, OTT, southern twanged Rogue from the 90's but then go look at Ultimate Rogue. Or X-Men Evolution Rogue...
Even X-Men Evolution Rogue has a good deal more to her though. Now, I'm not desperate to see Rogue flying around and such, but I would like to see her a touch more offensive. More in touch with her powers. In Evolution she used them in a much more offensive manner, and I'd like to see that in X3.

The problem is, movie Rogue appears to need to hold onto her 'victim' if she is to use their power. This limits the usefulness of stealing an opponent's power if you're right next to them.
Yeah I know what you mean, it's unbelievable how long she held onto pyro when putting out his flames yet he wasn't even particularly weakened afterwards where as Wolverine was knocked flat out cold and nearly killed...

Same thing when she kissed Iceman, it just shocked him wheras "Cody" (or whatever they called her boyfriend in the first movie, it wasn't Cody, who knows about not doing your research!) was put into a coma...
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