The last issue of "K" was excellent! I found things excellent. Well, and some very weak as well.
I enjoy Superman & Lana talk, that was pretty good even if I kept wondering what the hell is she thinking ?!? Clark is her best friend!!
I didn't buy Lana's bluff, I was sure she wouldn't have done it! Well, I was pretty wrong about that ! WOW. Good surprise ! One of the things I loved the most was Superman's determination ; for once, he was not kneeling while facing a no-solution problem, and I think it's about time to see that !! I've said it and I say it again, I like the portrayal of Superman in this story-arc. At last, at last someone who writes him cleverly. When I saw the different kryptonite places blown away, I was stunned! I was "wow, this is a great idea, I wonder how they are going to fix it this time". Well .... 2 minutes later, if wasn't a problem anymore!!! I think there was a room for a second & great story with the kryptonite atmosphere. that was clever, but come on ; Toy man has the solution in 1 sec it's over ?!?! WTF ???
The best of this issue was the last talk between Clark & Lana, I found it excellent.Truely excellent. I was not sure to appreciate Lana's behaviour, but at the end, I appreciated the fact that she had changed ...... very cool .... until I see the "you did perfect" . Oh no! she was controlled or something. Please.
Overall, I think the writer have excellent ideas, but he doesn't take the time to explore them. Too bad. Anyway, I hope the creativ team is here to stay I enjoy the book again!