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The Official Superman Thread - Part 6

Bendis accomplished something incredible with his Superman run, he made me drop the Superman books for only the 3rd time in my life and believe me, you're talking to a guy who has read every main Superman title since 1938! (Yeah I'm not kidding or exaggerating).....so well done Brian!! And the fact that his run came straight after the wonderful Superman rebirth made it oh so painful!

Double edged is a good choice of words, I will try to mix it up and add the word mixed. Morrison's Action run was mostly a lot of fun, Greg Pak's solo work was superb and Scott Snyder's unchained was also excellent (didn't stick the landing though), but to be honest, overall the new 52 Superman was abit too much like Snyder's take at times, which naturally made me hate that take, so I say good riddance.

No need to go back that far, there are quite few hidden Superman gems worth checking out:

- The world of new krypton 12-issue series by Rucka and Robinson, my personal favorite Superman take of all time.
- Up, up and away 8-issue arc by Johns and Busiek
- Action comics annual #3 by Roger Stern. Superman becomes the president of the USA and it's canon!...well, kinda.
-Man and Superman by Marv Wolfman, best Superman origin story IMO.
-Superman the odyssey by Graham Nolan, also an awesome Superman origin story, but one that doesn't take place in Smallville or Metropolis and it's in continuity with Byrne's MOS and Loeb's For all seasons.
-Superman and the Legion of superheroes
6-issue arc by Geoff Johns. Johns's run on Superman was a mixed bag for me but IMO this is his best one by far.

No worries. Also try the following:

- Adventures of superman 19-20 (digital first). A great religion based superman story called "saved".

- Adventures of Superman 40-41 (digital first). Joker tries to mess with Superman and gets way more than he bargained for

- Superman adventures 11-12. The title based on the animated series, here Superman is dying the world has to save him, a reversal of roles and it's very refreshing.

- Superman adventures 18. A "Clark Kent journalist" story.

- Action comics #411 This is a real oldie but honestly it's awesome. The premise is that the government finds the fortress and declares the ground it's built on government property, which means superman is obligated by law to give the FOS and all it's content to the government! Superman even goes to consult a lawyer.

Oh Rucka is one of the best, try and hunt up his run on Adventures of Superman starting with issue 627 until 640 I think, good stuff but unfortunately it's gets bogged down by infinite crisis crossovers. The whole BvS plot about bringing lois into Africa to embarrass Superman was taken from his run but Rucka is 10 times the writer that Chris Terrio and Zack Snyder are IMO (yeah and I know that Terrio has an oscar on his mantle but that doesn't erase BvS and Skywalker)

Loving the recommendations... thanks so much guys.
Howdy Superman fans.

I'm going through some of my uncle's old comics and am somewhat confused about something maybe you can help with, google isn't terribly helpful either.

So I've got a Superman 423, "Historic Last issue". Then "The Adventures of Superman" #424, obviously they renamed it cool whatever.. Cute marketing trick. Both around Jan '87.

But then I also have a "It's your first issue, Superman" #1 Jan '87.

So it's like a fork in the character ala Detective Comics and Batman?

Was there some reason behind this besides two different stories?
Speaking of introducing Jon, you should check out Son of Superman, which was the comic that first introduced Jon. The plot was pretty cool, Superman disappears for many years while Lois raises their son Jonathan by herself. Meanwhile Lex finds the Fortress and uses it's tech to transform the wold, sounds familiar? It should because that's the plot for Superman Returns but this comic came out years before SR and it actually tells a son of Superman story properly.

If my memory serves me correctly the kindt story was essentially 2 stories in 1, one with Superman dealing with space adventures (and Darkseid) while the other is a mental joust between Lois and Lex. Yeah I loved that story and the art was bada** too.
Marz's story was the Iron Giant meets Superman right? Man I totally forgot about story, I should check it out again because Iron Giant is my favorite Superman film since Superman II Donner cut. Maybe somebody should've sent a copy of the Iron Giant to WB and Snyder and said to them "watch this!".
Keatinge's story is the Kamandi story right? I honestly can't remember that story at all.
Already have it. Good story.
Howdy Superman fans.

I'm going through some of my uncle's old comics and am somewhat confused about something maybe you can help with, google isn't terribly helpful either.

So I've got a Superman 423, "Historic Last issue". Then "The Adventures of Superman" #424, obviously they renamed it cool whatever.. Cute marketing trick. Both around Jan '87.

But then I also have a "It's your first issue, Superman" #1 Jan '87.

So it's like a fork in the character ala Detective Comics and Batman?

Was there some reason behind this besides two different stories?
Because TAOS & new Superman title takes place takes place after COIE.
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If my memory serves me correctly the kindt story was essentially 2 stories in 1, one with Superman dealing with space adventures (and Darkseid) while the other is a mental joust between Lois and Lex. Yeah I loved that story and the art was bada** too.
Marz's story was the Iron Giant meets Superman right? Man I totally forgot about story, I should check it out again because Iron Giant is my favorite Superman film since Superman II Donner cut. Maybe somebody should've sent a copy of the Iron Giant to WB and Snyder and said to them "watch this!".
Keatinge's story is the Kamandi story right? I honestly can't remember that story at all.
Yep, those are the ones! Keatinge's was indeed the Kamandi one, a cool little meta-story of Superman through the ages with Mxyzptlk. I'm a sucker for Mxy stories in general, but I thought that one was really nicely done.
All of Rucka Superman stories have been great. Honestly I wish that he would've taken over the book after Bendis. If there is anyone who could've fixed things it is him.
Ditto. Rucka is also one of the only A-list male writers I 100% trust with female heroines, so based on how much I loved his Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batwoman, I really REALLY want to see him do a Supergirl run.
Yep, those are the ones! Keatinge's was indeed the Kamandi one, a cool little meta-story of Superman through the ages with Mxyzptlk. I'm a sucker for Mxy stories in general, but I thought that one was really nicely done.

There is a fantastic silver age Mxy story where he tries to trick Superman into thinking that he has a son and he almost succeeds but then Superman's "son" squeezes a piece of coal into a perfect diamond and Superman figures it out, noting how diamonds never come out pristine from Coal, "that's why they call them diamonds in the rough Mxy" says Superman to him. A really cool story where Superman agonizes about fatherhood and what it means, it also shows how smart Superman can be, which is the one thing I really loved (and miss) about the silver age Superman.

Ditto. Rucka is also one of the only A-list male writers I 100% trust with female heroines, so based on how much I loved his Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batwoman, I really REALLY want to see him do a Supergirl run.

I take it you've already checked out Lazarus and Black magic then? wonderful Rucka comics starring female characters.
I wish Rucka would do Nightwing (my 2nd favorite character), although Taylor's first Nightwing issue was quite solid so I am optimistic.
Chick you should also check out Red mother, Once and future, Something is killing the children and Isola, they're not Rucka stories but they are fantastic stories if you're interested in feminism done right.
To me Rucka, John's, & Jurgens are the best comics fixers. Meaning when a character gets too far off track like what is happening with Superman right now those would be the guys I would call to get that character back on track.
There is a fantastic silver age Mxy story where he tries to trick Superman into thinking that he has a son and he almost succeeds but then Superman's "son" squeezes a piece of coal into a perfect diamond and Superman figures it out, noting how diamonds never come out pristine from Coal, "that's why they call them diamonds in the rough Mxy" says Superman to him. A really cool story where Superman agonizes about fatherhood and what it means, it also shows how smart Superman can be, which is the one thing I really loved (and miss) about the silver age Superman.

I take it you've already checked out Lazarus and Black magic then? wonderful Rucka comics starring female characters.
I wish Rucka would do Nightwing (my 2nd favorite character), although Taylor's first Nightwing issue was quite solid so I am optimistic.
Chick you should also check out Red mother, Once and future, Something is killing the children and Isola, they're not Rucka stories but they are fantastic stories if you're interested in feminism done right.
Thanks for the recs! I have read Lazarus (and that Mxy story) but not the others. Will add them to the list. :up:
Oh and I forgot to mention Postal (by Matt Hawkins) and Alien defiance (based on the Alien series by Brian wood), the latter in particular is the best Alien related material since Cameron's Aliens and it introduces a wonderful character called Zula Hendricks, be sure to check it out.

You know chick, it's kinda funny, when it comes to sales and overall interest comicbooks are essentially on death's door but creatively speaking ever since the early 2000s comicbooks have experienced a sort of a creative renaissance where superb writers like Brian K Vaughn, Matt Hockins, Ed Brubaker and the such took center stage and started writing original stories for adults and the results include Saga, Y the last man, criminal, incognito, think tank etc....stuff that have nothing to do with superheroes but IMO far more creatively satisfying
Oh and I forgot to mention Postal (by Matt Hawkins) and Alien defiance (based on the Alien series by Brian wood), the latter in particular is the best Alien related material since Cameron's Aliens and it introduces a wonderful character called Zula Hendricks, be sure to check it out.

You know chick, it's kinda funny, when it comes to sales and overall interest comicbooks are essentially on death's door but creatively speaking ever since the early 2000s comicbooks have experienced a sort of a creative renaissance where superb writers like Brian K Vaughn, Matt Hockins, Ed Brubaker and the such took center stage and started writing original stories for adults and the results include Saga, Y the last man, criminal, incognito, think tank etc....stuff that have nothing to do with superheroes but IMO far more creatively satisfying
I'd say the vast majority of my all-time faves were published post-2000, so I'd agree with that assessment.

Anyhoo, it's that day again:

Thank you for existing, Big Blue! :hrt:
I don't know if you know this Chick but Clark's official birthday is actually Feb 29th, which is interestingly a 4 yr 'skip' date, meaning it occurs once every 4 years, which in-turn means that Clark ages at 1/4 of our speed hence why he's 83 yrs for us but still a young man in his prime youth.
I knew this was going to happen. I just wish they did a Calvin Ellis book or a Conner Kent as Superman book instead. I have said it many times it truly upsets me with what they did to Conner, Cassie, Tim & Bart just to prop up these new people. It's very sad when there was no need for it. They should've let Jon grow under Clark, Kara, & Conner's teaching like they did with Damian. This is what makes me dislike Jon is because it feels so unearned other than the fact that he is Superman & Lois son with Damian at least we got to see him grow and not be forced down our throats.
Ouch, thats not good.
I read the current Superman comics and i couldnt tell you any Character trait or so about jon.
The Character is just there...a far cry from the boy we saw before DC turned their brains off and green lit Bendis absolute stupid idea.

Hard pass from, teenage Jon holds no appeal to me, he is just boring.
*sighs* why cant ge get the superson back...they had god damn Gold and wasted it.
Now we have a boring teenage Jon and whatever the hell damian does.:(
Check out this variant cover for Action Comics # 1033 featuring the various styles of Superman from classic to present day
I knew this was going to happen. I just wish they did a Calvin Ellis book or a Conner Kent as Superman book instead. I have said it many times it truly upsets me with what they did to Conner, Cassie, Tim & Bart just to prop up these new people. It's very sad when there was no need for it. They should've let Jon grow under Clark, Kara, & Conner's teaching like they did with Damian. This is what makes me dislike Jon is because it feels so unearned other than the fact that he is Superman & Lois son with Damian at least we got to see him grow and not be forced down our throats.

Glad to know that I'm not the only one who loves the black Superman from Valtho island, honestly I think the character is just a whole bag of untapped potential. He's not Clark Kent but he's definitely Superman in every sense of the word and he's a president, which makes him very unique in the sense that, unlike Clark, he's neck deep in politics, which means he can be pro-active when it comes to changing policies and thus by extend the world as a whole.

I like Jon Kent for what he brings to Superman/CK's character but sadly not so much as a character on his own. They had a great thing going with the kent family dynamic that Tomasi brought to the books only to bring Bendis and s*** the bed royally.
However saying all that I liked Tom Taylor's first Nightwing issue and if he continues to win me over I might just have to give his Jon Kent a chance.
Lastly I have to admit that the Superman/authority book by Morrison has my super-sense tingling so overall this new direction the Superman books are heading towards seems like a mixed bag but I am willing to take the plunge and give it a chance.
These are the type of Superman stories I like reading especially when Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince are involved.
To me Rucka, John's, & Jurgens are the best comics fixers. Meaning when a character gets too far off track like what is happening with Superman right now those would be the guys I would call to get that character back on track.
I would also throw Mark Waid onto that list. And he was my personal choice to take over on Superman post-Bendis. I’d love to see Rucka take another run on Detective.
I would also throw Mark Waid onto that list. And he was my personal choice to take over on Superman post-Bendis. I’d love to see Rucka take another run on Detective.

Oh yeah Rucka in particular would be rad! I think his AOS run was very solid but sadly got hampered down by Infinite crisis non sense.
I don't know if any of you noticed but Z. Snyder used a very similar plot to Rucka's early run on Adventures where Lois was involved in a political plot in the desert, the difference ofcourse is that Rucka's story was coherent while Snyder's was.....well BvS.
Oh yeah Rucka in particular would be rad! I think his AOS run was very solid but sadly got hampered down by Infinite crisis non sense.
I actually love Infinite Crisis. Definitely one of my favorites.
I don't know if any of you noticed but Z. Snyder used a very similar plot to Rucka's early run on Adventures where Lois was involved in a political plot in the desert, the difference ofcourse is that Rucka's story was coherent while Snyder's was.....well BvS.
I love Doc Shaner.


Notice Bizarro is landing while everyone else is headed upward.
I just discovered DCUI has a Triangle Era collection/reading order. As I've only read a few select stories from that era...helllooooo new project. :D

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