The Official The Last Guardian Thread!!!

  • Sony Waiting To "Reintroduce" The Last Guardian, Discusses Vita TV

    tgs 2013

    on Sep 20, 2013 at 12:57 AM

    We asked about the Vita TV and whether there is hope for The Last Guardian.
    ... More
Every last Guardian 'news' item since its reveal has been exactly the same.
The Last Guardian Creative Lead On Why He Left Sony. November 19, 2013 . 9:30am

“It’s difficult to explain, but in a nutshell it was because I felt a sense of crisis within myself about a lot of things,” says Fumito Ueda.

In 2011, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus director Fumito Ueda announced that he had left the employ of Sony Computer Entertainment. Ueda, who was creative lead on The Last Guardian, stated that he was committed to finishing the game, regardless of the fact that he was now working on it in a freelance capacity.

In an interview with Edge magazine, Ueda briefly touches upon the matter of his resignation from Sony.

Regarding why he went freelance, Ueda says, “It’s difficult to explain, but in a nutshell it was because I felt a sense of crisis within myself about a lot of things. It’s hard to [say exactly what], but in terms of my own growth and career and so on.”

Ueda goes on to mention that Sony’s reaction to his departure “was not easy,” but that he is presently unable to provide further details on the subject. He adds, “It will be good to be able to discuss it along with a post-mortem of The Last Guardian someday.”

On the subject of The Last Guardian, Ueda says he’s still working on the game, among other secret projects. However, he adds: “In the case of The Last Guardian, my creative work was mostly finished a long time ago, but the details of when, where and how it will be completed are beyond my control.”


Hard for a game that no one has played to be over rated, no?

Going off the quality games Team ICO has delivered, I still think this one will be worth the wait, however long it is.

The fact that it hasn't been down right cancelled after so long has to mean they are on to something, right?

I agree.

Some "gamers" just like to stick to their unoriginal 1st person shooters that have been flooding the market this past decade. :whatever: Now THOSE are overrated.
what was the point of responding and throwing shade to a conversation from 2 months ago?
Not that I care too much. But he may not have noticed it was two months back cause the date when you post doesn't show up unless you've edited it. So he wouldn't see that especially if he's one of those that doesn't post here often. That may have been a factor. An odd one but may have been.
Not that I care too much. But he may not have noticed it was two months back cause the date when you post doesn't show up unless you've edited it. So he wouldn't see that especially if he's one of those that doesn't post here often. That may have been a factor. An odd one but may have been.
there's a date on every single post
Not from where I'm looking at it and I'm looking at from the forum too.

Well ether way it's a message board he can answer that post at any time it's kind the same mentality your doing even though you made it clear you find the ico games boring. yet you show up in the threads and I bet that'll be the excused used. It's cause " It's a message board. " if that' ll make you be ticked off that I even mentioned it. Oh well.
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Not from where I'm looking at it and I'm looking at from the forum too.

Well ether way it's a message board he can answer that post at any time it's kind the same mentality your doing even though you made it clear you find the ico games boring. yet you show up in the threads and I bet that'll be the excused used. It's cause " It's a message board. " if that' ll make you be ticked off that I even mentioned it. Oh well.
I'm subscribed to this thread so I get notification whenever it's bumped with new content, hence why I'm here

And I don't care if someone responds to anything, new or old. It's just the shade seemed unnecessary and uncalled for especially for something that was discussed and settled months ago
which is odd cause your posting on a thread which you said is boring to you as a game series. when I have that kind of thing as a read from I don't post in a thread to be subscribed . That's what I meant with what I said.

That's why I'm in neather of the saint row or COD or other threads like that. Also I turned that feature off and I post via the forum. as I have enough E-mails to deal with like from work and other stuff in life. Not every one has this messager forum hooked up to their E-mail. which is what I was getting that he could be posting through the forum and he's seeing what I'm seeing . not all of us that post on here come here via our email's when we post in one go doesn't show the dates on forum unless edited.
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which is odd cause your posting on a thread which you said is boring to you as a ame series. when I have that kind of thing as a read from I don't post in a thread to be subscribed . That's what I meant with what I said.

That's why I'm in neather of the saint row or COD or other threads like that. Also I turned that feature off and I post via the forum. as I have enouh Emails to deal with like from work and other stuff in life. Not every one has this messager forum hooked up to their E-mail. which is what I was getting that he could be posting through the forum and he's seeing what I'm seeing . most of the post done in one go don't shoe th dates on them unless edited.
Good for you. I have my settings set that every thread which Ive made a post in is automatically subscribed; I dont manually do it. Ive obviously posted in here, so Im susbcribed. Its as simple as that.

And last time I checked, this thread was about The Last Guardian, not Ico, so however I may have felt about that game doesnt preclude me from reading up on this new one when information about it is presented
and the same should apply to anyone answering another person's post what matters is if that person he's talking to want to respond and tell him how long ago that post was. and is relevant to him now. or he can just leave hanging. Not you.
I'm subscribed to this thread so I get notification whenever it's bumped with new content, hence why I'm here

And I don't care if someone responds to anything, new or old. It's just the shade seemed unnecessary and uncalled for especially for something that was discussed and settled months ago

As Zenith said, I didn't see a date. If I had known your post was months old I wouldn't have bothered to respond. What in the hell are you talking about when you say "shade" though? I'm going to guess I need to go to the Urban Dictionary for that one.

Sorry if you felt it was uncalled for but not only can I not stand people who constantly throw around the term "overrated" for movies or anything else really, but it was the fact that you used it for a game that hasn't even been finished.

I'll stop right here though since your original comment was quite some time ago.
According to urban dictionary:

To throw shade is to talk trash about a friend or aquaintance, to publicly denounce or disrespect. When throwing shade it's immediately obvious to on-lookers that the thrower, and not the throwee, is the *****y, uncool one

Don't bring that **** in here
lol Yeah it's an The Last Guardian thread but seeing you called it over ratted shows to me and others that what ever interest you had was gone when you said that. After this point I don't care you can post here( not that I'm saying leave or anything) cause it's obvious you do have a interest since you seem to really want to keep posting here.
But any one that talks like that saying it's overrated and stuff like that to most means "I've washed my hands off of it. " and that's why I find it "odd" again it's odd that's all when some one still shows up in a thread like this after they say stuff like that. that's all I'm saying when I think that way I don't show up in the threads. That's when I'm burnt out on a genre or say some feel something is over rated.
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What the **** is throwing shade?
in the most simplest terms, its a dig

As Zenith said, I didn't see a date. If I had known your post was months old I wouldn't have bothered to respond. What in the hell are you talking about when you say "shade" though? I'm going to guess I need to go to the Urban Dictionary for that one.

Sorry if you felt it was uncalled for but not only can I not stand people who constantly throw around the term "overrated" for movies or anything else really, but it was the fact that you used it for a game that hasn't even been finished.

I'll stop right here though since your original comment was quite some time ago.
Its cool. It just seemed like a dig with gamers in quotes, the comment about first person shooters and the eye roll. I dont even care about FPSs like that (havent raved about one since KZ2 in 2009) so that was way off in terms of me and what I post about enjoying and wanting more of here. No worries

lol Yeah it's an The Last Guardian thread but seeing you called it over ratted shows to me and others that what ever interest you had was gone when you said that. After this point I don't care you can post here( not that I'm saying leave or anything) cause it's obvious you do have a interest since you seem to really want to keep posting here.
But any one that talks like that saying it's overrated and stuff like that to most means "I've washed my hands off of it. " and that's why I find it "odd" again it's odd that's all when some one still shows up in a thread like this after they say stuff like that. that's all I'm saying when I think that way I don't show up in the threads. That's when I'm burnt out on a genre or say some feel something is over rated.
you say you dont care, yet continue to keep going on about me posting here. If you truly dont care, then give it a rest. My comment about it being overrated was months ago. Theres no point in dredging that up as I haven't and don't continue to come in here to talk negatively about it. The thread was updated with a new article, which I glanced, had nothing to say and went about my way till it was bumped up again with a post pertaining to me, hence why I responded. All this back and forth you seem to want to continue on is unnecessary especially since it didn't involve you and Figs and I have since cleared things up. If you want to talk The Last Guardian good or bad, then fine lets do it. There's no need to derail this thread any further with this nonsense.
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The Last Guardian is still “absolutely in the mix” at Sony Worldwide Studios, according to Sony’s Scott Rohde.
In a recent interview with IGN, the PlayStation-exclusive title from Team ICO came up. ”You’re going to be very frustrated by this answer,” he said, “but it is 100 percent the God’s honest truth, and that is that we want to make great games. And when we see that the public is so interested in a specific game, of course that drives us to want to complete that game. “But it also drives us to want to make it great. We would not want to ship that game if we don’t think it’s great.” When asked if the game had made the move to PlayStation 4, Rhode said that he’s ”not going to announce what platform it’s coming on, who’s working on it, who’s involved. But that is still a title that’s absolutely in the mix at Worldwide Studios. That’s the most you’re gonna get.”

The Last Guardian
has been in development since 2007, and was formally announced at E3 back in 2009. However, since then the game has suffered numerous delays and setbacks.


I swear one could just copy and paste the same articles whenever this is mentioned in the gaming media

I'm crossing my fingers we'll see this game in 2015. If not, I'm giving up on it.

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