The Official Young Avengers/Runaways Thread


The Last Fan
Jan 9, 2006
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I decided to make a thread for the upcoming Civil War miniseries of Young Avengers/Runaways. Two great books, one great miniseries, right?

All I've heard so far is on Wikipedia, and basically the mini will bridge the gap between 2006 and 2007 for the Young Avengers (Allan Heinburg is taking time off :confused:). This ticks me off a little bit b/c I just sent in a re-subscribe order for Young Avengers, so now I have to wait until next year for issues. But anyway, check out the Wiki entry which can be viewed by searching for "Marvel Civil War". It'll make you a better person.

I'm curious as to who'll do the art/writing for this and for the X-Men/Runaways crossover. Vaughan/Heinburg and Vaughan/Whedon collaborations would be sweet, and I'd like to see alphona and Cassiday do the art chores respectively. These crossovers are potential dynamite for me- 3 of my favorite teams, 3 of my favorite writers, and 2 of my favorite artists.
I believe both Heinberg and BKV have said they're not writing it
It's not that I dont understand the point of this book..

its that i dont understand why YA needs to 'take a break'...

I mean id settle for some lesser art/lesser writing fill ins if this is a dead line issue...whatever happened to a decent "stand alone" story...
you've a point, but I guess this is just Heinberg's baby and he doesn't want anyone interferring with plans he may have, and marvel is respecting that
Elijya said:
I believe both Heinberg and BKV have said they're not writing it

They probally get Way to do it. He's the new CHuck Austin, only with more talent.
Not enough for a YA/Runaways mini thats for sure.
I think Way has a serious case of Ennis envy. He so wishes he were Ennis.
You only say that because of his team ups with Dillion. I don't know about you, but everything I read with Dillion on art duties seems strangely like Preacher for some reason.
Maybe because Dillon's style hasn't changed at all. But more than just the Dillon team-ups, he really does wish he were Ennis. Even if you somehow ignore the art and read Supreme Power: Nighthawk, it sounds like he's channeling Ennis with every curse word and every gruesome act of violence.
Did have an early Marvel Knights Punisher feel to it.
Elijya said:
I believe both Heinberg and BKV have said they're not writing it

:down Downgrade. I'm not sure who I trust as an author when it comes to these teams. It takes a special kind of man to be able to write an eleven year old, a robot, a gothic chick, a wanksta, a smartmouth chubster, a perfectionist, a juvenile delinquint, a junkie, 3 queers and a... a really, really tall girl. ;)
TheCorpulent1 said:
I think Way has a serious case of Ennis envy. He so wishes he were Ennis.

I sense that also, although his Nighthawk mini was pretty good! I think he's one of those guys who will get better gradualy, Austen stunk from the get-go.
Bullseye's Greatest Hits was my first exposure to Way, and was quite excellent, so I definitely give him the benefit of the doubt
:down Downgrade. I'm not sure who I trust as an author when it comes to these teams. It takes a special kind of man to be able to write an eleven year old, a robot, a gothic chick, a wanksta, a smartmouth chubster, a perfectionist, a juvenile delinquint, a junkie, 3 queers and a... a really, really tall girl. ;)
who's the third one?

and as eagerly anticipated as this team up is, I'm sure Allen and Brian will try to let it fall into the hands of someone they think will do a good job. I get the feeling the books are their babies and either one of them probably would have written it in a heartbeat if they had the time in their schedual to allow for it.
Elijya said:
who's the third one?

You mean "gothic chick"? Presumably the asian one with the magic staff. What's her name, Nico?

As far as Way, really I think he reads a little like Ennis except not so caught up in his own bull****. Which I'm okay with.

But yeah, not sure how that'll translate to the Runaways. Ah well, either he gets the chance to show he has range... or it'll suck, and I can just ignore it.
no, I meant the third gay character

I guess he means Karolina, but she left
Aint she supposed to show up in Annialation or something?
That'd be weird. Cool because it'd signify an actual attempt from Marvel to make their universe more logically cohesive, but weird nonetheless. Maybe she'll be in the Super-Skrull mini or the Kree/Skrull War II arc in Young Avengers...
Anubis said:
Aint she supposed to show up in Annialation or something?
hadn't heard about that, but if it's true it's very cool and I can't wait for it
That would would be pretty cool. Karolina showing up in YA. At the very least the two best titles Marvels putting out could have a shared continuity.
Anubis said:
That would would be pretty cool. Karolina showing up in YA. At the very least the two best titles Marvels putting out could have a shared continuity.
Even better if she shows up in the Super-Skrull mini, as well. Then there'd be a shared continuity between two of Marvel's best titles and the upcoming Marvel event that's shaping up to actually be good.
Anubis said:
Aint she supposed to show up in Annialation or something?

I think so. Giffen said it would conect to what's going on in YA.
Anubis said:
That would would be pretty cool. Karolina showing up in YA. At the very least the two best titles Marvels putting out could have a shared continuity.

It's a cool way for an YA/ RWYS team-up.
Yeah, I did mean Karolina. I know she left and all, but I still think of her as part of the team. It doesn't feel right without her. Well, it also felt like more of a team with
Alex, when he was the legit leader.
I'd actually be all for adding Cloak and Dagger as Runaways. The only problem'd be their age.

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