The Resident Evil Thread - Part 3

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Yep, that's correct. And I felt the same way you did in the demo Pat but it hasn't felt as odd in the final game. It's more like gears, a full tilt is a light jog and you want that speed and mobility with the number of fast zombies.
Yep, that's correct. And I felt the same way you did in the demo Pat but it hasn't felt as odd in the final game. It's more like gears, a full tilt is a light jog and you want that speed and mobility with the number of fast zombies.

Yea i just cant stand that control scheme. I always feel the default speed for a character should be a walk. I hate tilting the analog stick a little just to walk, as i tend to explore everything in games like these. Thanks for the heads up tho man.
You get the hang of it all pretty quickly. I hated the walk speed and the cover system in the demo and now I barely notice it.
You get the hang of it all pretty quickly. I hated the walk speed and the cover system in the demo and now I barely notice it.

Oh i got the hang of it in the demo, still hate it, but again, u said this game feels more narrow so maybe i wont really have the urge to explore.
I just don't understand how having to slightly tilt the stick, would ruin the exploration for you.
I just don't understand how having to slightly tilt the stick, would ruin the exploration for you.

I dont like holding the analog stick to walk, in ANY game, not just RE. I tend to take my time and eventually my thumb will kinda cramp(i prefer the classic RE scheme or that of say a Red Dead Redemption). Going further, its just yet another change to this franchise i dont agree with. So theres that too. Im getting the game regardless albeit not at launch, but id of liked if there were alt control schemes. Kinda like how 5 had some alt schemes.
I guess I'm too used to slightly tilt my analog stick to walk in tons of games. In fact, I wanted this kind of control scheme in RE5. It's like the norm nowadays. Slight tilt to walk, full tilt to run, button press to sprint.
I guess I'm too used to slightly tilt my analog stick to walk in tons of games. In fact, I wanted this kind of control scheme in RE5. It's like the norm nowadays. Slight tilt to walk, full tilt to run, button press to sprint.

Yea it's pretty much the norm. I always applaud the devs that go the other direction tho. Rather it be Rockstar with Red Dead or Visceral with Dead Space, I prefer the designated 'run' button.
It seems a waste to use a whole button for running when that could be assigned to the analog stick.
Trust me, you'll want better speed than that, more often than not. You need that sprint button to get past huge crowds of zombies and that jog is great as a default for the big areas.

In some more atmospheric areas, it forces you to move at walking speed, so it kinda evens out
It seems a waste to use a whole button for running when that could be assigned to the analog stick.

Not if you are constantly walking. People like Rockstar and Visceral understand this, other wise they wouldnt put it in their games. Theres a reason Dead Space and GTA or RDR use that setting. Its not an oversight.
Trust me, you'll want better speed than that, more often than not. You need that sprint button to get past huge crowds of zombies and that jog is great as a default for the big areas.

In some more atmospheric areas, it forces you to move at walking speed, so it kinda evens out

Speaking of that. How have you found the ammo to be? I just finished RE5 and the game pretty much wanted you to kill everything you came across. RE6 the same?
Not if you are constantly walking. People like Rockstar and Visceral understand this.

It's still a waste because you can put walk and run on the same thing. The way they do it, they're dividing up very similar actions and needlessly taking up more buttons than they need too.
The ammo is decent enough in supply but not enough to kill EVERYTHING. For the Leon campaign anyway, you've got enough to keep yourself alive but it's basically Raccoon City 2.0, you're not going to kill everything and if you stay in the one spot for too long, you'll probably get overrun.
Racoon city 2.0 scares me! I have played the demo a few times I like the 3 separate story lines that I assume will tie together or have some sort of effect on each other. That's it, otherwise its a 3rd person call of duty with zombies as the protagonists. I will buy it, play it and accept I'm a slave to this title that really only had 3 great games in its entire series
Racoon city 2.0 scares me! I have played the demo a few times I like the 3 separate story lines that I assume will tie together or have some sort of effect on each other. That's it, otherwise its a 3rd person call of duty with zombies as the antagonists. I will buy it, play it and accept I'm a slave to this title that really only had 3 great games in its entire series

RE6 costumes in action.

Okay so I played the demo and wow. Really this is the direction RE has gone in? Dissapointed with Chris' segment bc it did feel like a generic third person shooter. They werent even trying to be subtle about it. I know people had issues with RE5 but playing as him in that game felt more like "RE" than this small bit I just tried out. Ditto for the Jake scenario.

Thank god for Leon's portion which felt the most like a traditional RE section. Not a big fan of the controls but overall I liked the feel of the environment here. Graphics seemed really good too.

I know they have 3 campaigns to cater to 3 playstyles but i fear the final product might feel disjointed bc of it. Almost makes me wish RE6 had just been a more expanded scenario of Leon's with the other 2 being a spinoff title and/or an expansion pack. After playing the demo, Im actually not upset about not getting this anytime soon
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As much as I dislike the direction RE has taken, I must admit that you can't always be isolated and be in a situation where every single bullet counts. You'd think at some point they are prepared for this kind of stuff and take the fight to the enemy. Just from a story point of view, it's a natural progression.
As much as I dislike the direction RE has taken, I must admit that you can't always be isolated and be in a situation where every single bullet counts. You'd think at some point they are prepared for this kind of stuff and take the fight to the enemy. Just from a story point of view, it's a natural progression.
Im not a fan of fighting humans and well now zombies (or whatever you want to call them) with guns. That was like the first issue i had with Chris and Jake's parts and of course the big open battle areas. Playing that made me understand what people meant about it feeling like a generic third person shooter
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