The Suicide Squad

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No Limits
Jul 18, 2004
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I think a cool and somewhat original way for DC to get more of its characters on the big screen and play catch up to Marvel in expanding their cinematic universe would be a live action Suicide Squad movie. It my mind it would have the tone of a late 70's/early 80's action movie, comparable to say, Escape From New York. Rick Flag and Amanda Waller would be the government types tasked with putting together and overseeing a team of supervillains tasked with a secret mission by the U.S. government in exchange for amnesty. I would go with a streamlined team of:


Bronze Tiger


Captain Cold

and Vixen

Ideally, it would be a hard nosed, R-rated action thriller with a lot of style, maybe with someone like Joe Carnahan at the helm. What do you guys think? Would you want to see it? Have other ideas? Discuss.
I will not watch it if it is just a R-rated action thriller with blood and cliche style directed by Zach Snyder.

What I will watch tho, is a cartoony, violent, black comedy with everyone being expendable, psychotic (each character with his own issue) and most important of all UNCOPROMISED. DC would never do that.
They could make this easily. Its like the Dirty Dozens
but with a sci fi comic book superhero villain spin.

Comic movies are big right now, and the studios already know how people like the Dirty Dozens all these years later
( I mean they know how it did in the box office and in the long run in terms of money), so this movie would totally work.
They wouldn't even need to introduce these bad guys through other superheroes either, like Superman or Flash or something.
Just use bad guys from the comics, maybe characters who probably wont be in other movies any time soon.
It would be a great idea.
I don't see it being R-rated though. Too risky on the studios part. I see them making it as violent as Blade 2 or 3 almost
but maybe making it PG-13.
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I will not watch it if it is just a R-rated action thriller with blood and cliche style directed by Zach Snyder.

What I will watch tho, is a cartoony, violent, black comedy with everyone being expendable, psychotic (each character with his own issue) and most important of all UNCOPROMISED. DC would never do that.
I wouldn't want a Zack Snyder approach, with an R rating and a lot of blood. Or a cartoony thing. God no.

But i really want this to be a grounded action-thriller. It doesn't have to be extreme, but a kick-ass realistic action flick would be awesome. There's no need for Deadshot in a Batman when you have something like this. Whoever thought Deadshot was perfect for Nolans movies but never got to see him appear? This is their chance to see it but with more fun added to it.

At least, that's what i want with it.
I wouldn't want a Zack Snyder approach, with an R rating and a lot of blood. Or a cartoony thing. God no.

But i really want this to be a grounded action-thriller. It doesn't have to be extreme, but a kick-ass realistic action flick would be awesome. There's no need for Deadshot in a Batman when you have something like this. Whoever thought Deadshot was perfect for Nolans movies but never got to see him appear? This is their chance to see it but with more fun added to it.

At least, that's what i want with it.
its called the suicide squad and you got a huge shark who eats everything delivering some of the funniest one lines in modern comics, a guy who is an expert marksman and cant stand stupidity but has to work with it and a cukoo for cocopuffs who desperatly tries to find her dead psychotic boyfriend and ends up talking to a piece of skin. if you make it realistic and not funny (or even with nolan like comic relief) you are going to ruin it. the comic book is pure fun. violence, dark humour, great characters. all in one.
its called the suicide squad and you got a huge shark who eats everything delivering some of the funniest one lines in modern comics, a guy who is an expert marksman and cant stand stupidity but has to work with it and a cukoo for cocopuffs who desperatly tries to find her dead psychotic boyfriend and ends up talking to a piece of skin. if you make it realistic and not funny (or even with nolan like comic relief) you are going to ruin it. the comic book is pure fun. violence, dark humour, great characters. all in one.
Good for you. I wouldn't care for something like that. I was talking about what i wanted personally.

It depends on what line-up they use. Sure they can go all comedy. But i dont want to see your "huge shark" thank you.
Lineup would be Rick Flag, Deadshot, Bronze Tiger, Enchantress and possibly Nightshade (i guess Vixen can work too) and/or Captain Boomerang. The last couple of names can be moved around a bit to fit whatever the tone is.

I remember reading that the premise was a more realistic, non-superpowered team...for the movie they wanted to do. And i think that's the best way to go. It should still be a fun action flick but i'm absolutely sick of 95 percent of comic book movies having to be overly-goofy, where every character think s they're a comedian. Let Marvel continue in that world since it's all they know how to do. I love humour in these movies, and it should be in Suicide Squad but i just dont see why it has to be cartoony and targeted for that audience. They can do something different with it. It should be like a Dirty Dozen with better technology and skill-set.
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I will not watch it if it is just a R-rated action thriller with blood and cliche style directed by Zach Snyder.

What I will watch tho, is a cartoony, violent, black comedy with everyone being expendable, psychotic (each character with his own issue) and most important of all UNCOPROMISED. DC would never do that.

There's certainly room for humor, especially just in the character interactions. I don't think cartoony is the way to go, though and as I laid out in my first post, I definitely wouldn't go with the current line-up. I still think the best tone is something like Escape From New York, or as someone else said, The Dirty Dozen. Fun, even over the top at times, but still taking the concept seriously.
They should make an adaption of the Secret Six.

Deadshot,Catman,Bane,Scandal Savage, and Ragdoll.
Hmmm could see it but I keep hoping they make a Doom Patrol film
There's certainly room for humor, especially just in the character interactions. I don't think cartoony is the way to go, though and as I laid out in my first post, I definitely wouldn't go with the current line-up. I still think the best tone is something like Escape From New York, or as someone else said, The Dirty Dozen. Fun, even over the top at times, but still taking the concept seriously.
This could work but why bother putting DC characters in it ? you already have movies similar to this (dirty dozen, escape from NY, the wild bunch or even expendables).

imo a secret six movie is more plausible because you can keep it more down to earth.
Secret Six is more interesting, to me...but I don't think you'll get a movie out of either.

How about a TV show?
They should make an adaption of the Secret Six.
I keep hoping they make a Doom Patrol film

Not sure why anyone announces these here, they're different concepts, just cause they showcase so called anti-heroes or characters shunned by society, doesn't mean they are interchangeable.

The Secret Six were (originally good guys) now bad guys who voluntarily band together as mercenaries.
The Doom patrol are "freaks"/"outcasts" who form a superhero team.
The Suicide Squad are prisoners who knowingly opt for shortened sentences in return for acting as Amanda Waller's disposable suicide team.
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There was a Doom Patrol film announced as being in development a few months back, wasn't there?

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