The symbiote's weaknesses


Mightiest Mortal
Sep 4, 2004
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Should the film have the fire and sonics weaknesses of the comics symbiotes, if the symbiotes are indeed in the film? (I know they are everything but 100% confirmed, but I'm just playing it safe with my words)

I always thought those weaknesses were a little silly(at least the sonics) but they can make sense if explained properly. What do you guys think? Comic weaknesses, no weaknesses, or completely different weaknesses?
I think the sonic weakness is very plausible and scientific. The weakness to fire of course makes sense too, but I dunno.... it seems a little too "duh".
If Venom has the fire weakness it won't be surprising. Giving that both Spider-Man films has a burning building or some sort. Can't kill him with sonic, kill him by pushing him in the fire.
Probs be Sonic as the church is in the film and all *Bong*
black_dust said:
Probs be Sonic as the church is in the film and all *Bong*

YES........DEATH BY BONG! :eek::up:

THWIP* said:
YES........DEATH BY BONG! :eek::up:

Nope that was a drug ball. coke and herion and what not :p
THWIP* said:
YES........DEATH BY BONG! :eek::up:

ROFL.. yet so wrong at the same time :eek:
I think the sonic weaknnes makes logic so does the fire, but i think he shouldn't be killed by fire if spidey pushes hi minto fire venom should come out of it burning a bit but then put the flames out and proceed to kick the crap out of spidey. if venom isn't the main villain at least make him a strong almost invincible one just like the comics,strong and witty.
ElectroFlare said:
What do you guys think? Comic weaknesses, no weaknesses, or completely different weaknesses?

I think that if Spidey shines a yellow light on the symbiote, its going to revert to its natural form: a pair of corduroys, one of those shiny Quiana shirts from the 70's made of polyester with the "realistic" print on it, and a pair of "desert" boots - you know, those tan suede ankle-boots guys used to wear back then.

You asked, so that is what I think.
Seems like it will be loud sounds,since the bell from the church scene is in it.
I always liked the sonics idea, kind of reminded me of the whole high pitched noise and how dog's react... which for some reason reminds me of the Terminator (have no clue why). Anyhoo, As for fire, I always figured it would be high tempertures of any variety... like the Alien (damn 2 cameron references) extreme cold may work just as well?
If it's indeed a symbiote, why shouldn't they make it as close as possible to in the comics? I mean Sam's probablly going to take a few liberties here and there anyway. So why not make certain things stay true?

Sonics and Fire should definately be a weakness. I think weaknesses make a character stronger. Venom would be incredibly freaky if nothing seems to be able to kill him, and then Spidey happens upon a bell tower or intense fire or something. Because then you'd be thinking "Well what if he didn't push Venom into the fire?" or "What if The bell tower couldn't stop him?"

If he doesn't have a specific weakness like that, then when Venom is defeated it would seem cheesey. Ah...he drowned. WTF Eddie can't swim? He got shot by police...WTF why didn't they shoot him to begin with? ETC etc..
I think the symbiote should be invincible to fire and some what to electricity. I've always liked the soonic idea. Something like what he^ said.
I don't see why he wouldn't have the same weakness. I like the sonic idea. The fire I'm not a huge fan of but whatever.
I think the syms weaknes should be more complicated than fire because think about it pete woulndt want it if he cant save ppl from a burning building. The sonic wave or boom or breakfast borrito is a better idea.
The sonics weakness is going to be hard to pull off convincingly IMO. A church bell? Are you kidding me? So Spidey and Venom are fighting somewhere in NYC and WHOA LOOK there's a church with bell! Explain to me why/how the bell would be struck.

There needs to be a better way to pull off the sound-wave that separates the symbiote from Brock.
Asr said:
The sonics weakness is going to be hard to pull off convincingly IMO. A church bell? Are you kidding me? So Spidey and Venom are fighting somewhere in NYC and WHOA LOOK there's a church with bell! Explain to me why/how the bell would be struck.

There needs to be a better way to pull off the sound-wave that separates the symbiote from Brock.

There are more churches in nyc than mcdonalds.
Asr said:
The sonics weakness is going to be hard to pull off convincingly IMO. A church bell? Are you kidding me? So Spidey and Venom are fighting somewhere in NYC and WHOA LOOK there's a church with bell! Explain to me why/how the bell would be struck.

There needs to be a better way to pull off the sound-wave that separates the symbiote from Brock.
Im guessing the bell would be used to get the symbiote from Peter, then it goes onto Brock (in the curch below) then peter figures the whole thing about after about an hour, and asks Conners for help and he gives him a gun like off terminator :D
Spawn187 said:
There are more churches in nyc than mcdonalds.

Wow, my point flew past your brain completely. I was asking what would cause the bell to be struck, and be convincing.
Asr said:
Wow, my point flew past your brain completely. I was asking what would cause the bell to be struck, and be convincing.

You must not know how bells work well, the bells at some churches ring every hour on the hour. They also ring for weddings funerals and other religious ceremonies.
He should have both weaknesses.

I don't see why the Symbiote should be invulnerable to fire or extreme heat. It's a black, gooey, alien parasite. If he gets near fire it gets burned, as simple as that.
Asr said:
Wow, my point flew past your brain completely. I was asking what would cause the bell to be struck, and be convincing.

Spider-Man and Venom have only fought in the bell tower once and Spidey wasn't able to ring the bell... also.. you're refering to the time Spidey removed the symbiote from his body... He rang the bell himself.. there was no Venom then.

But if you want convincing all that has to happen is one of them gets slammed against it in the course of the fight.

It's totally plausable for the fight to take place at a church... just like the final fight between GG and Spidey took place in an abandoned warehouse & ock vs spidey in an abandoned pier.

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