The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - - - - - - - Part 139

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Plane: 10/10

Bank: 10/10

I can't choose and I don't have to.

They are both awesome for different reasons.
i like them equally for different reasons.
Shpati said:
Hahaha, I tried going that for X-Men 3, Spider-Man 3, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I did not work.

No kidding, I never tried to that with The Dark Knight Rises. :)
Oh, I definitely don't think TDKR was anywhere near as bad as those movies. But ROTJ, when you're a younger kid and the idea of disappointment in the film hurts, that could be different.
Can anyone tell me what was so bad about Bane's prison. We are told various times that the prison is hell on earth. It's the worst place man can find themselves in. All I say was a harshly lit place. It wasn't even dirty. It had a nice man helping you out and telling you (back)stories, it even had a elderly gentleman that can amuse you by speaking in a funny tongue (until magically speaking English later). Hell, the prison Bruce was in at the start of BB seemed worse; having to deal with your already terrible breakfast being taken away by a big, ugly looking man. Is this another one of Nolan's "tell, don't show" episodes?
Can anyone tell me what was so bad about Bane's prison. We are told various times that the prison is hell on earth. It's the worst place man can find themselves in. All I say was a harshly lit place. It wasn't even dirty. It had a nice man helping you out and telling you (back)stories, it even had a elderly gentleman that can amuse you by speaking in a funny tongue (until magically speaking English later). Hell, the prison Bruce was in at the start of BB seemed worse; having to deal with your already terrible breakfast being taken away by a big, ugly looking man. Is this another one of Nolan's "tell, don't show" episodes?

I don't know, you seem to have it figured out already.
Can anyone tell me what was so bad about Bane's prison. We are told various times that the prison is hell on earth. It's the worst place man can find themselves in. All I say was a harshly lit place. It wasn't even dirty. It had a nice man helping you out and telling you (back)stories, it even had a elderly gentleman that can amuse you by speaking in a funny tongue (until magically speaking English later). Hell, the prison Bruce was in at the start of BB seemed worse; having to deal with your already terrible breakfast being taken away by a big, ugly looking man. Is this another one of Nolan's "tell, don't show" episodes?

Its a whole in the ground, in asia somewhere with no judicial system, the only way out is to try and climb out by risking your neck in doing so. All you can do is watch a rubbish tv that shows them hanging people in your home town and it being held to ransom. Looked plenty dirty, sandy and grubby to me, not a place I would holiday in anyway!

And as for the magical English thingy, I'm not sure you have to be Harry Potter to speak it, but I could be wrong I haven't read the books.
Can anyone tell me what was so bad about Bane's prison. We are told various times that the prison is hell on earth. It's the worst place man can find themselves in. All I say was a harshly lit place. It wasn't even dirty. It had a nice man helping you out and telling you (back)stories, it even had a elderly gentleman that can amuse you by speaking in a funny tongue (until magically speaking English later). Hell, the prison Bruce was in at the start of BB seemed worse; having to deal with your already terrible breakfast being taken away by a big, ugly looking man. Is this another one of Nolan's "tell, don't show" episodes?

Did you miss Bane's speech about hope making it the worst hell on earth?

It wasn't much to do with the people.
Hide your young children!!! He's coming for them.

That's a funny face they out on that. Looks like it needs the milk-mustache. :O
Haha, I've been resisting making jokes about that Bat figure in the merchandising thread for days, Excelsior.
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I believe it is this -


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I kept on searching for Immediate Music Redemption, Two Steps of Hell Redemption :doh: Forgot about Zack Hemsey :(

Thanks! :up:
Can anyone tell me what was so bad about Bane's prison. We are told various times that the prison is hell on earth. It's the worst place man can find themselves in. All I say was a harshly lit place. It wasn't even dirty. It had a nice man helping you out and telling you (back)stories, it even had a elderly gentleman that can amuse you by speaking in a funny tongue (until magically speaking English later). Hell, the prison Bruce was in at the start of BB seemed worse; having to deal with your already terrible breakfast being taken away by a big, ugly looking man. Is this another one of Nolan's "tell, don't show" episodes?

Just imagine yourself being born in it...lovely place right ?
Also, his
has a weird angle on that figure.

Lol young Michael Caine + Batman & Robin at the Olympic closing ceremony :woot:
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