Batman Begins The Ten Commandments Of Batman Begins

The Kid

May 28, 2005
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You thought I was joking, didn'ty you, CBB... :cwink:

Welcome one and all. Here's where we the people of batman begins fandom will step forth and declare the TEN HOLY COMMANDMENTS OF BATMAN BEGINS.

All pay heed to the greatness of our director, Christopher Nolan. He has given us such a film that forever will be known as the closest film to capture batman's comic book story. Amen...

First Commandment:

Thou shalt swear to Batman!
Thou shalt make yourself more than just a man.
Thou shalt devote yourself to an ideal.
Thou shalt like fallafel.
Thou shalt seek the means to fight injustice.
Thou shalt come in black.
Thou shalt make yourself more than just a man.
Thou shalt devote yourself to an ideal.
Thou shalt like fallafel.
Thou shalt seek the means to fight injustice.
Thou shalt come in black.

thou shalt what you do defines you LOL
Thou shalt slap your beloved ones' faces twice.
Thou shalt tip better.
Thou shalt give nice coats.
Thou shalt drive sports cars.
Thou shalt date movie stars.
Thou shalt buy things that are not for sale.

Thou shalt not be afraid.
Thou shalt not have to save.
Thou shalt not look like a cop.
1) Thou shalt lower Batman's IQ by 50 points

2) Thou shalt add cheesy love interest

3) Thou shalt show no sign of Bruce Wayne's early commitment to his war on crime

4) Thou shalt burn down Wayne Manor in an origin film

5) Thou shalt use a crappy Batman costume and monster truck Batmobile

6) Thou shalt show Bruce Wayne willing to use a fire arm weeks before becoming Batman

7) Thou shalt show Batman getting most of his skills from a single place and time

8) Thou shalt remove all indication of Batman detective training and skills

9) Thou shalt make all fight scenes blurry and choppy

10) Thou shalt be overrated
- Thou shall be taller than you look in the tabloids

- Thou shalt do what anyone does when a prowler comes around... call the police.

- Thou shalt not think of me as an idiot.
wow, very interesting commandments, blind... :ninja:

2. Thou shalt allow ninjas who know your identity to escape

3. Thou shalt not have the ability to turn thou's head

4. Thou shalt give expensive gadgets to children

Oh one more:

5. Thou shalt not have to save villains
Yeah, I thought you were. goes....

Thou shalt crack man's skull through a cruddy batroom mirror as he pisses.

Thou shalt crack a crazy doctor's skull on a cement wall.

Thou shalt be more like a wraith.

Thou shalt go out on dates with no less than 2 women

Thou shalt go swimming, no matter when or where, when hot european chicks do.

Thou shalt be Batman.
*****ebags(besides CBB) post in ****ty thread

oh sorry that doesn't count
1) Thou shalt lower Batman's IQ by 50 points

2) Thou shalt add cheesy love interest

3) Thou shalt show no sign of Bruce Wayne's early commitment to his war on crime

4) Thou shalt burn down Wayne Manor in an origin film

5) Thou shalt use a crappy Batman costume and monster truck Batmobile

6) Thou shalt show Bruce Wayne willing to use a fire arm weeks before becoming Batman

7) Thou shalt show Batman getting most of his skills from a single place and time

8) Thou shalt remove all indication of Batman detective training and skills

9) Thou shalt make all fight scenes blurry and choppy

10) Thou shalt be overrated

To all the haters(burtonites), please go back to "misc batman films" forum, this place is not for you....
- Thou shalt come in black.

- Thy kids shalt love falafel.

- Thou shalt take a good opportunity for improving the foundations.

- Thou shalt analyze blood and isolate its receptor compounds and its carbon based catalyst.

- Thou shalt... leave me in peace. Thou salt... go. Thou shalt stop smiling. It's not a joke. Thou shalt leave. The party's over. Thou shalt get out.

- Thou shalt thank all people for coming here tonight and drinking all of thy booze.

- Thou shalt get semi-automatics weapons, they shalt get automatics. Thou shalt get kevlar body armor, they shalt get armor-piercing rounds.

- Thou shalt wear a mask and jump off rooftops.
Thou shalt have a taste for the theatrical.

Thou shalt feel the terror cloud your senses.

Thou shalt never get the bridge to work, but verily, this baby works just fine.
To be don't have to be a Burtonite to hate Batman Begins. Really, there are Burton loyalists who don't hate Begins, either. Payaso, for all his charm and grace, doesn't really hate Begins. Atleast, not as bad as you'd think.

It's kinda wrong, I think, to try and create lines of distance between fans within a fanbase. I'm a Burton fan......I ****ing love his Batman films. Keaton was my first Batman. But, I prefer Batman Begins and Christian Bale. Just b/c I do, doesn't mean I'm a Burton hater. Just wanted to point that out.
- Thou shalt... leave me in peace. Thou salt... go. Thou shalt stop smiling. It's not a joke. Thou shalt leave. The party's over. Thou shalt get out.

- Thou shalt thank all people for coming here tonight and drinking all of thy booze.

These are ****ing funny.

It's almost like we're having a conversation with God or something, acting like a filthy drunk.

Man....I'd like to act that way someday, just to piss people off.
I like El Payaso too since he doesn't seem crazy, gives fair judgment.

For me Batman TAS is the best batman thing every created outside the comic book. It could have been a ****ty dumb toon like The Batman, but no. It was treated with intelligence, respect for the character, is well written, and of course has excellent voice acting. After that I put Batman Returns, Batman, and Batman Begins in my mind. Though I know it's unpopular not to view begins as the end all, be all, of batman. I trust my senses more than anyone's though.


Thou shalt rattle the cages
Thou shalt simply walk up behind them, and stab them in the back.

Thou shalt infiltrate every level of an infrastructure.

Thou shalt boost yourself into a rampless jump.

Thy methods shalt be supernatural.

Thou shalt get one of those!

Thou shalt rub your chest.

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