Here's what I said in another thread.
I know I'm gonna get alot of flak for this, but this movie is alot better with all the Lex scenes cut out of the first half of the film, but leave in Supes saving Kitty, when Supes sees her at the end of the film it works. The first time we should see Lex in the film is when Lois meets him on his yatch. From there on Lex explains his whole plan, why should we see it all earlier when he just explains it all later. The film should start out with Martha on the farm, it's alot better (than Lex with Mrs. Vanderworth) because Supes just traveled from Krypton to Earth perviously and now he's crashed on the farm, the continuity is better. The blackout and the plane crash is more interesting and suspensful without the Lex scenes which breaking up the suspense and excitement of the scene, and the mystery as to why it's happening is ruined. See by cutting out all of Lex Scenes until Lois investigates and discovers it is Lex is like an old Superman comic, where Lois and the characters do thier investigations and Lois gets herslf into trouble. We should as an adience go with the characters to figure it all out and be surpised as they do when they find out too. Leaving out that we know Lex's plan makes him less menacing, but by revealing him later on we're not sure what he's going to do is scarier. The less you know about the villian the better, he's impredictable. The first half without Lex is great because the focus is on Clark and what's going on with him and lois without distraction, and there's no complaint from me that there's not enough Clark in the film if the first half is carried by him without Lex. The movie is then in two parts, wich in my opinion is a better film. Try it out, skip the Lex scenes.
Here's some more changes I'd make.
I'd also get rid of the stapler bit, where Lois barrows Clarks stapler and later when she's upset with him she give it back. I'd remove the Jor-El vioce overs. I'd also remove the young Clark on the farm scene and the ball throwing scene too. Also the moment where Superman is disappointed that Lois didn't kiss him. I'd remove the line of dialogue Superman says to Jason, "You will be different, sometimes you'll feel like an outcast." I'd also remove the scene where Clark puts his suitcases in the closet. I'd also remove the TV footage of the war on Martha's TV, it just begs to wonder why Superman isn't spending the rest of the movie stopping it. I'd add in the scene where Martha goes on her date with Ben Hubbard, add in the dialogue where she says to Clark that not even he can stop the world from spinning, and that Jonathan said he's been brought to Earth for a reason. I'd like to have the Return to Krypton scene to open the movie. I'd also color correct the film, instead of everything looks orange like smog it's supposed to be Metropolis not Los Angeles, lol. With all these changes I think I'd be happier with Superman Returns.