Comics The Un-F%$&k Spidey's History Thread!


Apr 30, 2002
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So now that MJ's finally out of the picture (just like everyone wanted!!! :up )
we, the fans, can play the never-ending, headache inducing task of un-f%&#king Spidey's history!

So use this thread to name some events that now (without the marriage) could never have happened!

For instance, Ben Reilly: He simply must be around somewhere now, because Norman Osborn came back to NYC to exact revenge on the death of Harry... right? And Norman is the one who killed Ben... and Ben only came back to NYC to see a dying Aunt May actress that Norman set-up... which Norman wouldn't have done if Harry was still alive and he and Peter are obviously still frineds... right?

Yep, headaches are starting. :cmad:

Now you're turn! :)
I dont think Harry's still around. I think that last part of OMD was a, you know, flash back to what happened to caused the marraige never to happen in this new continuity, specifically. I think BND will jump to the current time.

But the basis of this thread is in fact a good one, as it's very possible for Reilly to still be around now, as Peter never would have left to California with MJ during the clone saga if there was no MJ, making it totally possible that he could have gotten there in time to save Reily from Norman.
Jesus, you guys are getting a bit worked up?

You know its only comics and it only takes one stupid story to set everything back to normal, which will probably happen after all of this backlash.
Well, apparently Pete got busaaay with the Black Cat, because iirc MJ was the only thing holding him back from scoring with her.
Jesus, you guys are getting a bit worked up?

You know its only comics and it only takes one stupid story to set everything back to normal, which will probably happen after all of this backlash.

Then why do it at all? And we have a right to get worked up, because we've been treated like b**ches for 2 years now.
ben might be pulling the same trick norman did fake his death and move outta town in a new id
if he was never married he probably wouldn't of joined the avengers, and never have been involved with civil war. But Joey Q will ignore the impact to marvel U and act like this is OK, because he wanted the marriage gone. But there is way too much that has to cahnge to the rest of the Marvel U for this to really work.

As fo Harry being alive that wasn't a flash back. The already revealed in an interview that at least one character was comming back from the dead at the end of OMD. That God it wasn't Gwen!
Someone on comicboards came up with the theory that if Harry is with a different girl his marriage to Liz is wiped out as well (not a happy time for love-birds, eh?) and by extension his kid, poor innocent Normie Jr is banished from existence. Ah well, dem's the breaks, Har! If he ever found out about Peter's deal retconning his kid and marriage, even if it did resurrect him, that would actually give him a much more legitimate reason to hate and try to kill Peter than the old "you killed my dad" chestnut.
I bet Peter left MJ hangin' at the altar. That's why they included that re-print of the ASM Annual.

In any case, I thought about that, too. It's kinda obvious Harry never married Liz. Therefore, no Normie either.

SSP #200... never happened. What a shame, because that was a great stroy.

Also, no fake robot Parents for Peter, right? Cause harry was behind that one.
Did Kravens Last Hunt happen still? Cause I do remember reading in the Premier Hardcover that J.M. Dematteis said the thing that got Peter out of the grave was his love for MJ. So if they weren't together or anything then would he be able to get out of it? So he now died in Kravens Last Hunt.
There are way to many, what would of happened if they weren't married questions opened up now.

They tried to brush it under the rug by saying that mephisto was just changing one thread. And the rest of thier lives would be the same. BS! It is not possible. No reasonable life long fan will accept that. It is not possible.

and Brand new day? No it's more like Rewind Day!
There are way to many, what would of happened if they weren't married questions opened up now.

They tried to brush it under the rug by saying that mephisto was just changing one thread. And the rest of thier lives would be the same. BS! It is not possible. No reasonable life long fan will accept that. It is not possible.

and Brand new day? No it's more like Rewind Day!

They will address what they want to and ignore the rest. No doubt, whenever fans press Joe Q about hanging continuity issues, he will say: "Continuity shouldn't get in the way of telling a good story!" I wonder how he'd respond if someone made him realise that this was in no way a good story.
Yeh....OMD doesn't qualify as a is an AGENDA plain and simple.

JQ took just took a personal dump on all the brains of spider-fans everywhere with this. Brain Poo Day. Wow. JQ got away with following his personal dream for spidey that he has frankly talked about for years!!

It is the single worst "story" I've read, since the beginning.

I was just re-reading recent comics and tpb's, as it sunk in how MJ was a part of them her love, or actions changed things or helped Pete. So, now my collection means SQUAT...because with her MAGICALLY ALTERED OUT OF THE EQUATION....we're now forced to read either Ultimate Spider-Man.....OR......ULTIMATE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN.

Would spidey even BE an avenger now????

Black cat never had any run ins witht he MJ/BC/Pete triangle.

Civil War happen the same????

I mean, EVERYTHING would be way about THAT.
I don't post often but I wanted to see if other fans felt the same as me after OMD. So what are we gonna do now? Do we support BND? Stick to Ultimate spidey only? I'm curious for BND but I just don't want to support this new status quo. :huh:
not technically pete, but does this mean that gargan isn't venom, cause if norman is still dead, then aunt may is never buried alive and osboune wasnt there to do it and scorpion never got the suit.

dear god this sucks
But Spidey is still in the main Marvel universe, where Civil War did still happen...Spider-Man is still Spider-Man, so wouldn't he have still made the same decisions he did in Civil War?

Queseda wasn't thinking when he did this to Spidey!
not technically pete, but does this mean that gargan isn't venom, cause if norman is still dead, then aunt may is never buried alive and osboune wasnt there to do it and scorpion never got the suit.

dear god this sucks

Why are people saying this....Harry being alive has zero ripple effect to Norman being alive....Per canon Norman's always been alive....the only argument that can be made is that since in current day Harry's alive, Norman may have remained in hiding...but there's certainly no reason to believe he's dead.....and personally I doubt JQ has thought that far ahead....if Harry's alive we'll see him interact with Norman as if he's always been essence retconning the Osborn journals....
mj not being married to pete messes with a lot of continuity but i doubt it reallly will in reall life....

parker's love for mj helped him out in countless situations he may not have gotten out of if not for her, although he would have used gwen or aunt may or something....

What i would like to know is how his spider sense would react to mj and how peter parker could go through life not knowing his female friend is actually jackpot.

It would have been better if she became something like a ghost rider with a flaming skull, a crap mask with golden hair flowing through while still trying to model (aka, when mj gets a model haircut so does jackpot) doesn't really cut it for me.
But Norman is leading the Thunderbolts in current marvel universe

Lol I thought process here was that at the exact time Mephisto worked his magic...the whole time continuum the next time we open a Thunderbolts ish Zemo is in charge and there'll be a little box in the corner referring you to the mess that is OMD

No I don't think that's what's going to happen, I was just addressing this entire "Norman's Dead" stuff that's been popping up that makes absolutely no sense to me at all
None of this makes any sense. All because they couldn't kill MJ or give them a divorce.

Is this really going to sell?

What I hate the most is that all this was done just to save Aunt May's old and boring ass.
Here's one: Without MJ shouldn't Pete be "Back in Black" again? I mean she was the one who got him to get rid of the black costume in the first place.
So if Norman is leading the Thuderbolts and his identity is public knowledge, and Harry is alive, does this mean that Harry knows Peter is Spiderman and is ok with it? so confused.....
I dont think Harry's still around. I think that last part of OMD was a, you know, flash back to what happened to caused the marraige never to happen in this new continuity, specifically. I think BND will jump to the current time.

But the basis of this thread is in fact a good one, as it's very possible for Reilly to still be around now, as Peter never would have left to California with MJ during the clone saga if there was no MJ, making it totally possible that he could have gotten there in time to save Reily from Norman.

I'm really glad that someone else noticed this. Another hint that it may have been from the past is that Flash says, "Things still weird between you and MJ?" As if they just recently broke things off.

It doesn't make sense at all that Peter and Mary Jane not being married lead to Harry Osborn still being alive. Despite the marriage he would have STILL been the Green Goblin. He said he came back from rehab so it could have been back around the time when he was on the drugs. Or it could just be a present day thing. Who knows anymore, hahaha.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if Harry were back and a lot of things were just "magically" taken out and put back in at an editors request.

It just seems to me that hardly any thought was put into this. It's like Quesada sat in a meeting and says, "Well, we'll just retcon the marriage and just WING IT FROM THERE! Ready to go, Dan and Steve?"

I can only imagine poor Dan Slott sitting down at his writing desk trying to wrap his brain around the ass backwards continuity that we now must have. Heh.

And how does this affect the rest of the Marvel Universe? I mean what about when Peter joined up with the Avengers and lived in the mansion with MJ and Aunt May? Did that not happen? The story with the stalker didn't happen? That also means Peter Parker didn't abuse his wife in the Clone Saga, heh. And what OF the Clone Saga? I mean...if Harry Osborn IS back then Norman's reason for returning for vengeance is completely nulled.

There seem to be a lot of indications that the party was set in the past. And once Brand New Day starts we kind of take a leap forward. But...I'm just still a little worried that this is going to be the new status quo because of that blonde with the glasses. It seems like they were already setting up a new love interest for Peter. Jesus Christ...let the MJ/Pete marriage retcon air out a bit before we have Pete hopping in the sack with somebody else.

And what about The Black Cat? In my opinion I think Pete would be nailing her on a daily basis if he didn't marry MJ.

And what of Kraven's Last Hunt? MJ was a huge factor in that as well. There are just too many storylines from the late 80's to the end of 2007 that just have huge holes in them now.

They really REALLY screwed the pooch on this one, folks.

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