The Villains of Ant-Man Thread


Nov 19, 2010
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Who should Marvel's tiniest hero face in his upcoming movie?

Leave some ideas to discuss.

I'm personally hoping for Egghead as a main villain, with Whirlwind as a bodyguard.
Egghead suffers from the same problem as MODOK, they would look really silly on the big screen. I'd personally not give a crap, but the general audience might not take it seriously. Good call with Whirlwind though :up:
Egghead suffers from the same problem as MODOK, they would look really silly on the big screen. I'd personally not give a crap, but the general audience might not take it seriously. Good call with Whirlwind though :up:

If they were to use him obviously I'd want Edgar and co. to adapt him to work. So, maybe not such a silly looking head.
Korvac would make for an awesome villain, but he's waaay out of Ant-Man's league to take down on his own. Wonder Man too.
Korvac would make for an awesome villain, but he's waaay out of Ant-Man's league to take down on his own. Wonder Man too.
Makes me think that if you introduce one of those popular Ant-Man villains that are too much for him to handle, it would be a great segue into an Avengers sequel... *cough*Ultron!*cough*
Have him like in the avengers cartoon as a good guy to start but a corruption here and there turns him..and have wasp and ant man take him down eventually.
but for the easter egg at the end have him not defeated but him very much alive at the end then pan the camera away to an army of them..ready for the Avengers 2.
The Scarlet Beetle.

Come on. You know it would be hilariously awesome.

On another note, if Wright really does go with Lang as Ant-Man, Taskmaster could possibly be a villain in the film. He and Lang have tangled a bunch of times.
I'd like to see The Living Laser. There is an old Avengers story where he is trying to steal away Janet Van Dyne, and also he is a similar scientific mastermind with his own unique set of cool gadgets.
Korvac would make for an awesome villain, but he's waaay out of Ant-Man's league to take down on his own. Wonder Man too.

Korvac is a classic Guardians of the Galaxy villain. He's even out of the Avengers league since he killed nearly all of them and the the Guardians combined without barely breaking a sweat. Yellow Jacket was one of those he killed. The only ones who survived (barely) were Iron Man, Thor, Vision and Star Hawk. And then they had to face his wife who gained the same cosmic power as him.

So yeah, no Korvac for Ant-Man.

Whirlwind is a regular antagonist. I don't know who added that entry on Wikipedia that "Johnny Whitworth had been casted [sic] as Whirlwind" with no reference whatsoever. As soon as I saw the grammatically incorrect "casted" I discounted it. Where do these people come up with these things? It sounds like wishful fan casting to me.
Whirlwind, Living Laser, and Ultron are the only ones I naturally think of for the Pyms.
Egghead suffers from the same problem as MODOK, they would look really silly on the big screen. I'd personally not give a crap, but the general audience might not take it seriously. Good call with Whirlwind though :up:

If Ant-Man is supposed to be a comedy, Egghead may work best as the villain.
It's not meant to be a comedy anymore than Iron Man is though.
Whirlwind, Living Laser, and Ultron are the only ones I naturally think of for the Pyms.

I'd say Ultron should be a setup for future films (maybe Avengers 2/3?) He should be actively working on the Ultron project through the film and leave a teaser at the end for Ultron.
I say, don't feel restricted to Pym villains. Marvel has an abundance of general purpose villains. Pick a couple and declare them "movie Ant-Man villains." The Fixer might be a good pick.
I'd say Ultron should be a setup for future films (maybe Avengers 2/3?) He should be actively working on the Ultron project through the film and leave a teaser at the end for Ultron.

I personally would want Hank to be working on Ultron in his solo and for him to gain sentience in it as well. Would be cool for Ultron to aid him and Janet in defeating whoever the villain is but as a result he turns on everyone at the end setting up Avengers 2.
I say, don't feel restricted to Pym villains. Marvel has an abundance of general purpose villains. Pick a couple and declare them "movie Ant-Man villains." The Fixer might be a good pick.

Can they use Klaw? I was wondering if his rights are owned by Fox or not.
Klaw is with Marvel but they're probably saving him for BP.
In AEMH's they had a episode with both Pym, and Scott Lang, and they had Crossfire as the villain. They portrayed him a little differently, but here's what he looks like in the comics.

He could be an interesting villain. Maybe not the main villain, but he could be cool to see.
How about Taskmaster? He's the villain that Pym, Janet and Lang all faced together when the character first debuted.
I want AIM (WITH MODOK) in the movie. The group is appearing is IM3, so Marvel's definitely planning something there.

AIM with MODOK as the head villain & Whirlwind as a hired goon.
I want to see:
-Black Knight
I always thought A.I.M would make great Ant-Man villains but it seems like Iron Man 3 is already using them.

Egghead could work. They don't have to give him a head shaped like a egg just make him a bald evil scientist Elihas Starr with the nickname/codename egghead.
I always thought A.I.M would make great Ant-Man villains but it seems like Iron Man 3 is already using them.

Egghead could work. They don't have to give him a head shaped like a egg just make him a bald evil scientist Elihas Starr with the nickname/codename egghead.

AIM are big enough and broad enough to appear as recurring villains in several franchises (Ant-Man, Cap 2 etc). They might not be a big part of Iron Man 3 anyway but just there in the background to show they exist. They can be the villainous counterpart of SHIELD where they keep appearing in different movies.

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