The whole game sharing thing?

The Bruce

The First and Best
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Now that the DRM thing is over people are upset about the game sharing.

But I must have misunderstood something? I read it as a feature on ONE central xbox that had one master profile and up to 9 or 10 sharing profiles.

Now People talk about a feature that allowed them to share games with friends?!

Help what's the truth?
It was really sharing hour long demos thats it. Then after the hour is up. They automatically send you to the Marketplace. Where you can buy the game
Some over-excited fans literally thought they could buy an Xbox and zero games and get all the games for free and in an unlimited manner from other people. Naive souls. It didn't help that MS flunkies (from PR man Larry Hryb to Xbox twitter guys) did the worst job of explaining how it actually was supposed to work with vague answers. I suspect the whole thing was just a half-baked pseudo-plan to begin with that got hyped out of control by overzealous fans and now it's been shelved, at least for the time being.

The Verge's sources

but sources familiar with Microsoft's Xbox plans have revealed to The Verge that the company was discussing the idea of limiting each Family Sharing session to one hour and that game progress would be saved so you could play through the hourly caps or purchase the full game to continue uninterrupted.

as well as some random self-proclaimed Xbox engineer, and a well-connected longtime source on NeoGaf, said or implied it was just full games with a timed trial.
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Hourly caps? So if I wanted to play a game that wasn't directly mine I'd only be able to play it for an hour every day or so? Bullllllllllllllllllllllllll****!
It's a moot point now anyway. Why would they admit to it when it's no longer a thing?
Now that the DRM thing is over people are upset about the game sharing.

But I must have misunderstood something? I read it as a feature on ONE central xbox that had one master profile and up to 9 or 10 sharing profiles.

Now People talk about a feature that allowed them to share games with friends?!

Help what's the truth?

You were able to add 10 "friends/family" to a list, and they had access to your full digital library of games from their personal Xbox.

Whether it was the full game or just a glorified demo we probably will never know.
I wouldn't be surprised if their shared games plan being underwhelming is one of the things that made them give up the DRM ghost in the wake of the backlash.

Given how angry people where, the idea of family sharing was the one bright spot people that MS could point to as being a positive of always-online. If the truth was that people were getting to share demos the blow up would have been yet another catastrophe.
They've said they haven't given up on the game sharing aspect. They said people just aren't 'ready for it'.

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