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The X-Men movies were a waste.


Nov 22, 2005
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Over all the whole series was a let down, and a total waste.

I just keep thinking of what might have been had the franchise had a different director, and a team with more imagination.

ever since I was a kid I had such high hopes for these movies getting made some day, and I just envisioned such huge films, and when I heard it was really happening I thought, Wow, this will be the next Starwars, just thinking of all the great big stuff in the Comic Books.

But, all I got was some weak garbage. Singer didn't know the comics and didn't care. The look was all wrong, the costumes were just pitiful, and, it was NOT the X-men.

Wolverine was a little too sensitive, sure he has heart but he is the ultimate bad ass, Storm wasn't even storm, Halle was all wrong, Some casting I liked, like James as Cyclops, Ian as Magneto, and Patrick as Xavier.

But it was a real shame to sit in that theater all three times and wonder if they'll ever bring the comics to life. Because this sure aint' it.

I don't want to see some out sider's thoughts on his own X-men, I wanna' see Stan Lee's X-men, but not this.

They need to remake it, and actually do more than just string along one story through three movies.

Have better costumes something like the comics, made like Spidey's and the FF's, those film's suits are amazing and so faithful.

One movie have Magneto and the Sentinals, 2 maybe Phoenix, in another Apokalypse, I mean there's so much there, and they wasted they're time with the X-men.
IMO, I wouldn't say it was a waste, but I do think there was so much more that could've been done with it. Three films out, and it still feels like we haven't covered enough ground in the X-Men universe. Making X3 'The Last Stand' was a bad mistake, and I hope they realize how many more stories there are left to tell in this franchise (besides orgin spin-off stories). :o

I would've liked to see more elements from the comics incorporated in these films. X3 prob came the closest, but even those things weren't really faithful to the source material. Visually, yes, but not plot-wise.
The first one was on the right track, but the second got too caught up with special effects that the story took a back seat to visual appeal. I think the biggest loss is that we missed out on a ton of cool X-Men villains. Who needs guys like William Stryker? Boooring.
The first one was on the right track, but the second got too caught up with special effects that the story took a back seat to visual appeal. I think the biggest loss is that we missed out on a ton of cool X-Men villains. Who needs guys like William Stryker? Boooring.

I disagree. X2 had a compelling story and good visual effects. It was important to see the human side of the issue and how far some zealots were willing to go in dealing with mutants. Focused a little too much on Wolverine, but what are you going to do about it? Stryker was pretty vicious, though I wish they'd tried to incorporate more of the religious fanatic aspect
Blah... I don't see this thread going anywhere good.

Personally, I don't find thematics of the X-Men to be defined by the silliness of their uniforms (whichever ones those might be)... nor are half of the big "star wars-like" stories even good.

Hell, the X-Men's introduction in the movies is 10Xs more fantastical than their introduction in the books. X-Men #1... talk about bland.

...and forget about directors. What about the studio? Freakin' Ghost Rider (proof that uniforms don't make the movie) gets $110 million for a start-up movie and X-Men (an entire team of superpowered beings) only gets $75 million?

Moreover, wasn't the direction of the franchise originally intended to include Magneto, followed by sentinels, followed by the Dark Phoenix Saga... and who shot those ideas down? Fox. Personally, I would like a different studio in the future.
what would you prefer for the costume yellow spandex?
the movies are meant to be realistic
if they wore the costumes in the comics it wouldnt be taken seriously
See? that's why I asked if people wanted the movie like the comics.

Come on guys, admit it, the plots/dialogues in the comics are really cheesy for a movie.
X1 was a fairly cautious, low-budget affair by a studio that didn't know X-Men would be a big success. For such a puny budget, it managed to achieve an awful lot - Cerebro, the X-jet, the mansion and its hi-tech basement levels, Magneto's machine. At the time it was made, superhero movies were dead in the water, thanks to the Batman movies. Blade had been the first signs of re-emergence of the superhero franchise though I don't really think of him as a 'true' superhero as there is crossover to the horror/gothic genre.

X2 had a bigger budget though still not enough to give us Sentinels (these were dropped from the story, sadly, as were so many other things). Brian Cox is a great actor and brought some real gravitas and malevolence to Stryker's role, although the movie's focus on just one man - Stryker - as some mad maverick individual failed to show the main theme of society's views and prejudices.

X3 did bring us a wider view and its cure storyline was commended by critics (although the execution of that story was also criticised). It even tried to introduce a new X-uniform (as worn by Storm at Alkali Lake). Where it disappointed was in the Phoenix story (more is needed after she joins Magneto and until she lets loose at Alcatraz), the all-too-quick demise of Cyclops (this should at the very least have been a little bit longer, not so sudden; ideally, he would have reappeared at the end) and perhaps the story arc of Angel (which some felt was too brief, and another scene was needed). For some reason, the studio never liked the Phoenix story - the only way it made it into X3 was to be connected to Wolverine just as Stryker was connected to Wolverine in X2.

If the X-franchise were a new idea, things might well be planned differently now with the greater popularity of (and confidence in) comicbook movies. But it's sort of stumbled along. And now we've had a 'last stand', they are turning to back stories on Wolverine and Magneto.

An X-Men movie looking at the early years of the group (recasting with young actors) might work well if it could be carefully shoehorned into the movie continuity (I predict cries of 'inconsistency' already, that the tone wasn't right, that the director didn't honour everything that had gone before, that this character or that one behaved slightly differently or had a different power level....Heaven help any prequel writers)

An X4 (or a new trilogy) could work well, considering we haven't seen Gambit, Emma Frost, Sinister, Apocalypse, but I have doubts they will bring back all the dead and cured characters. You can't just keep piling on new characters without getting rid of some of the old ones.
IMO, the franchise suffered because they insisted that Magneto be one of the major players in every film. He should have been in the first and then come back for the last. Sentinel should have been in the second and the Phoenix should have been center stage in the last film. It is also sucked bc they changed the story of so many characters when it wasn't needed at all. Why not have Rogue start off in the Brotherhood? Why make Jean a dr?
IMO, the franchise suffered because they insisted that Magneto be one of the major players in every film. He should have been in the first and then come back for the last. Sentinel should have been in the second and the Phoenix should have been center stage in the last film. It is also sucked bc they changed the story of so many characters when it wasn't needed at all. Why not have Rogue start off in the Brotherhood? Why make Jean a dr?

Well, to play devil's advocate, Jean was a doctor because there was no budget for Beast, and to make her more substantial than just an airhead who loves shopping.

Rogue was already in the X-Men in the earliest drafts, although they mentioned she had been in the Brotherhood (in the early version it was Wolverine needed to power the machine). Rogue's story was changed by Singer to create more dramatic tension (one side capturing someone from the other side - kidnap and rescue is more exciting).

Not that I'm saying it was all done right, it all sort of stumbled along and found its own wonky shape as it went along!

The worst thing about X1 (and X2) is the lack of background on the main X-Men members (Storm, Cyclops, Jean). And the lack of camaraderie and warmth between them. Bryan doesn't go for warmth, he likes cold moodiness, so that is down to him.
^I thought the was the worst thing about X3 not too mention the obvious misuse and adaptation of characters. *shrugs* :)

As for the whole wormth issue, i disagree i though SR was far from cold. I loved it something i hardly expected from myself.

I think the real problem was the studio/time/budget issue.

Not too mention there is only so much you can fit in 2 hours, after all last thing i would want is X-men meets Full House.

They're a family i got that......IMO they didn't need to push it. X3 killed that slight hint for a bond i got from the previous.
I think that's when I thank God I'm not an avid fan of the comic books. Simply because i don't judge these films comparing them to comics, but as simple pieces of film. To me, even though X3 dropped the balls a lot and let me disappointed, overall, I'm very proud of this trilogy, and happy to be an X-men fan. Happy that the movies were awesome as a whole, and made justice (in some way) to the characters I love so much. I dare to say I even love them more than before. I became fond of Jean because of X2. Despite all the deviations, I still love some characters, even if they are completely different than what I was used to (Rogue).

These movies brought back the X-men flame I had when I was a kid. If they didn't exist, I would probably have forgotten by now what were X-men.

Do they have defects? Lots. Maybe Storm is not really Storm, Rogue isn't Rogue, Cyclops isn't Cyclops, Logan, Jean etc. But to me, they worked. As an incredible and well-done alternative version. But they worked, they entertained me, and to me, that's what matters. Rogue is even better than cartoon/comics Rogue in some points (though X3 is, once again, my biggest pain about her). Storm isn't as strong and leader, but heck, you know what, I couldn't help but get shivers when I saw a Tornado bonanza or a Lightning Storm become true, like if Storm really existed. Storm has the most beautiful power displays, she's got the ability to make me think I was a child again. So excuse me to be happy that I saw some 2 or 3 awesome displays of power from one of my favorite characters.

Jean made me have one of the best moments I ever experienced in a cinema, right when her eyes glow to destroy the missile. I just can't describe what I felt.

I'm quite happy. I just want one more movie now. :(
^I thought the was the worst thing about X3 not too mention the obvious misuse and adaptation of characters. *shrugs* :)

Well, 'misuse and adaptation' is going to happen in making a movie about such a rich, long-running comicbook series.

Gambit may well not be a Cajun if ever he makes it to the big screen. Outside of the USA, most people have no idea what a Cajun is so they wouldn't understand the accent, culture or dialogue references. Sinister is hardly likely to have a red jewel stuck in the middle of his forehead or to look like something from the Rocky Horror Show - the version in Ultimate X-Men is easier to adapt to the screen.

Changes will happen. And when a new creative team comes in, characters we already know will act a bit differently. Wolverine will probably be different in his own movie to the way he was in the X-movies. It's unfortunate but pretty much unavoidable.
I don't think they were a complete waste because when X1 first came out the new world shocked me....and surprisingly I watched it over like 100 times......The X-men in this world looks and works much better than the idea of the comic world......The major problem for the movie was that I had to look around Wolverine to find the X-men...
Overall these x-men films were a letdown for me. Mostly b/c all they did was take liberties form the comics and they didn't focus on every major character equally!:o Many blindly fail to see how selfish that is.

I'm glad X3 was called the Last Stand b/c I don't wanna see a fourth movie made and I hope they don't make a fourth Blade movie. Soon after I did all this comic research on X-Men and Blade a few years back, I finally realized the directions their film versions went in gave them no potential to go further than 3. That should be the end for them b/c they failed to beat the trilogy curse. I would rather wait about 10 years for Blade and X-Men to be rebooted and this time look like real Blade and X-men films and NOT spoofs.
Well, 'misuse and adaptation' is going to happen in making a movie about such a rich, long-running comicbook series.

Gambit may well not be a Cajun if ever he makes it to the big screen. Outside of the USA, most people have no idea what a Cajun is so they wouldn't understand the accent, culture or dialogue references. Sinister is hardly likely to have a red jewel stuck in the middle of his forehead or to look like something from the Rocky Horror Show - the version in Ultimate X-Men is easier to adapt to the screen.

Changes will happen. And when a new creative team comes in, characters we already know will act a bit differently. Wolverine will probably be different in his own movie to the way he was in the X-movies. It's unfortunate but pretty much unavoidable.

Call me insanse if you feel, but i hardly doubt they would ever do a non Cajun Gambit, it would be like taking away Cyclops leadership (while he's on the team) or Beast's intelligence. It's a signature thing about his character.

Believe me I PERFECTLY UNDERSTAND CHANGES WILL HAPPEN i don't need the lecture. :D After all i still love X1 and X2 but X3 made drastic changes i just couldn't find myself to accept.
Gambit didn't stop being Cajun in Brazilian comics, he didn't stop being a Cajun because the whole world buys those comics, so I think while his Cajuness won't be a huge part of a possible movie Gambit (and it shouldn't be, his personality is way more important), I think he will still have a cajun (or at least a Southern) accent, although not as prominent as some fans want it to be. I see him saying one or two french words throughout a movie, but not in every end of every line he has.
I don't have the energy to get into this debate...maybe not tonight, maybe not ever (in terms of the X-movies, anyway), but I've enjoyed reading the passionate and well executed opinions :up: You don't all agree on very many things, but there is a clear message that I find refreshing amongst comic fans & movie goers alike. It doesn't mean anything will necessarily change because of this thread or others like it, but it does give me the satisfaction that the human spirit is still alive in folks, and hollywood's hogwash propaganda doesn't have as strong of an effect as it used to....and that maybe the best message of all.
Gambit didn't stop being Cajun in Brazilian comics, he didn't stop being a Cajun because the whole world buys those comics, so I think while his Cajuness won't be a huge part of a possible movie Gambit (and it shouldn't be, his personality is way more important), I think he will still have a cajun (or at least a Southern) accent, although not as prominent as some fans want it to be. I see him saying one or two french words throughout a movie, but not in every end of every line he has.

Clearly his personality is more important but it's his roots that add that extra charm to his personality that to me atleast make him so special.

I agree he would probably have a southern accent with a couple of french words, but that's still Cajun i was opposing the idea that it would be gotten rid of almost entirely.
Rogue is even better than cartoon/comics Rogue in some points (though X3 is, once again, my biggest pain about her).

How Rogue even remotely better in these films than in her other incarnations?:huh:
How Rogue even remotely better in these films than in her other incarnations?:huh:
Yes. This one I do have to hear.

Whiny sniveling girl better than fiercely sad, but just as fiercely strong flirty young Southern Belle of a woman who is a major asset to the X-Men team?

I'm not seeing it. Hell, the only adapation of Rogue that was different that almost came close to beating the original adaption was Evolution Rogue. I didn't even really like Evolution as a series, but Evolution Rogue was great.
X1 and 2 were just too damn god for the comic genre. Those were amazing very grounded, dramatic, strong acting just amazing really and shows how much of a brilliant director Singer is. X3 was a complete sell out popcorn flick which is soo sad because the first two were amazing and I was really looking forward to Singer's X3. At this point, I think this franchise is done with unless they redo X3 and I think they should wait 10-15 years and do a reboot just like with Batman Begins. I'm just glad that x1 and 2 were made because those two films really made my dreams come true and were great moments in my childhood.
by the way i do want to pose a question: i know a lot of the hardcore comic fans are not too happy with x1 and x2 as well which i can understand because i myself think singer didnt get the characters. so my question is this: what do you think the "costumes" should have looked like on film? i really dont think the comic costumes would work well in the films since they are too well..comic booky and that's the one thing i think doesnt work when it comes to comics to movies (spider-mans for example). i would go uniform since they are a strike force.

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