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This season is getting old fast.


Put a smile on that face.
Feb 24, 2006
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This season is so mind-numbingly cliché it is borderline insulting to the superhero genre.

Here's a quick list of what's going on and what its ripping off in ways obvious to the CASUAL superhero/comic fan.
Let's recap:

We have old bad guys coming back. (Every villain ever)
We apparently have every hero save 3 or 4 now becoming bad guys. (Everyone from the X-Men has turned bad at least 79 times)
Sylar turning good guy/lost brother (Ripping off Dr. Evil from AP3? Wow...)
A 3rd person who gets the same power. (Spiderman/Venom/Carnage)
Peter an absolute mockery of his season 1 self. (Peter Parker and the symbiont, anyone?)

I can't even go on. This little list alone makes my colon hurt.

The writers are so lazy they can't even craft good VILLAINS for God's sake. What happened to the people that wrote "Company Man"?

If they don't get this car in gear soon, we might be seeing the last season of Heroes.

This season is so mind-numbingly cliché it is borderline insulting to the superhero genre.

Here's a quick list of what's going on and what its ripping off in ways obvious to the CASUAL superhero/comic fan.
Let's recap:

We have old bad guys coming back. (Every villain ever)
We apparently have every hero save 3 or 4 now becoming bad guys. (Everyone from the X-Men has turned bad at least 79 times)
Sylar turning good guy/lost brother (Ripping off Dr. Evil from AP3? Wow...)
A 3rd person who gets the same power. (Spiderman/Venom/Carnage)
Peter an absolute mockery of his season 1 self. (Peter Parker and the symbiont, anyone?)

I can't even go on. This little list alone makes my colon hurt.

The writers are so lazy they can't even craft good VILLAINS for God's sake. What happened to the people that wrote "Company Man"?

If they don't get this car in gear soon, we might be seeing the last season of Heroes.


So stop watching it.
You have decades upon decades of stories of super powered heroes and villains....kinda hard not to touch on the same aspects.
I feel disgusted by the Heroes "fan" base who presents their negative two cents at every opportunity. Just stop. If you don't like the direction the show is going, then find something else to watch. In the 26 years of watching TV I've experienced, I've NEVER found ONE show that didn't use recycled themes or plot devices....not ONE TRULY ORIGINAL idea. Why would Heroes be any different?
Heroes die and come back: How many times have Marvel or DC killed off a fan fave character just to resurrect them a few months later and everyone jumps for joy? (Jean Grey or Superman) Where's the hate mail there?
Heroes are good then bad then good then bad etc: I think this describes the human condition we all face. Not one of us could walk a perfect line of being a constant hero. Why should they? I think it makes for great entertainment. Again, how many characters from comics or other action/drama shows have switched sides (24, Alias, Star Trek, X-men etc) without having their momma slapped?
There's too many villains/the same villains/villains are redeeming themselves: Yeah so? There have been plenty of instances in normal real life with massive jail breaks where there's too many rapists, murderers, thieves running free. Maybe if it happens again we can convince a few of them to turn themselves in since it's "not good drama" to have too many running around seeking freedom. (Angola break out 1996, 45 inmates just walked out is one example) Tired of the same villains? Are you tired of Magneto battling the X-men? He's been doing it since 1963. I'll write a letter and tell him he needs to take a ten year breather since the fans are "tired of the same villains". I’ll CC Apocalypse, Mystique, John McCain, Sylar, and the rest of the villains who’ve been doing what they do best for so long. And why do so many people want our villains to remain one dimensional psychopathic killers and not be fleshed out a bit more? I thought the appeal of Heroes was that it's a fantasy set in "real Life"....Aren't we a bit more three dimensional in our personalities "in real life"? Well why shouldn't a show based in the real world mimic that?

Okay, I'm done. I could go on but I’m over this. Next time you have something to say that bashes a show you obviously tune into each Monday, Keep it to yourself. *****ing about a show doesn't change much....it just ensures its neck will be on the chopping block. I'd rather have a show that's entertaining with a few flaws than nothing at all.
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This season is so mind-numbingly cliché it is borderline insulting to the superhero genre.

Here's a quick list of what's going on and what its ripping off in ways obvious to the CASUAL superhero/comic fan.
Let's recap:

We have old bad guys coming back. (Every villain ever)
We apparently have every hero save 3 or 4 now becoming bad guys. (Everyone from the X-Men has turned bad at least 79 times)
Sylar turning good guy/lost brother (Ripping off Dr. Evil from AP3? Wow...)
A 3rd person who gets the same power. (Spiderman/Venom/Carnage)
Peter an absolute mockery of his season 1 self. (Peter Parker and the symbiont, anyone?)

I can't even go on. This little list alone makes my colon hurt.

The writers are so lazy they can't even craft good VILLAINS for God's sake. What happened to the people that wrote "Company Man"?

If they don't get this car in gear soon, we might be seeing the last season of Heroes.


The same could be said about almost every superhero cartoon/movie/comic. I know this season isn't as good as a lot of people hoped but that is just generic complaining. At least be a little more specific.
People should be damn happy that you get to see Superheroes on screen for free. Yeah, it may not be grade A superhero action but it's good enough.
I'll be specific.

We are getting lame plots that have been done before...really we get it EVERY season some part of the world will explode. The writers are clearly rehashing things from season 1 and putting them together hoping that it'll work but it doesn't.

The same charecters that have completed their arcs in season 1 and 2 are back and have no purpose....and not only that, they are doing the SAME things they did back in previous seasons apparantly not learning a thing from the past.

The hype that this show was going to be about terrifying villains.....instead we get Sylar most of the times and the villains aren't really villains but rather help out at Pinhearst...okay cool beans! :up: :whatever:

Lame decisions by the writers such as giving Mohinder powers and saying Sylar is evil because of 'the hunger' :down

Useless waste of charecters....putting them on screen and building up to their stories for no apparent reason. For instance, sure...lets put Adam Munroe back into the story only to kill him off five seconds later (They were building up his return since the end of season 2 and this is what they do to the charecter....wow! )

And at last VERY annoying charecters...Im talking about: Hiro, Claire, Sylar, HRG, Tracy, Nathan, Peter, Daphne, Matt, Knox, Maya, Mohinder, etc....the charecters are just so annoyingly stupid that I'm HOPING they die.

The Apocalypse said:
People should be damn happy that you get to see Superheroes on screen for free. Yeah, it may not be grade A superhero action but it's good enough.
You're right...we should but it has to at least be decent. If its a stupid story no matter how you put it...its stupid! Doesn't really matter if its superheroes or not. For instance Batman & Robin and Catwoman are terrible; they give Batman & Robin on cable every now and then but I'd NEVER watch that crap again...they'd have to pay me big money.
I think many people are just worried that with all the evidence they have and forewarning of comic book stuff, that very similar mistakes are being made relatively earlier on in continuity.
And at last VERY annoying charecters...Im talking about: Hiro, Claire, Sylar, HRG, Tracy, Nathan, Peter, Daphne, Matt, Knox, Maya, Mohinder, etc....the charecters are just so annoyingly stupid that I'm HOPING they die.

And these are your personal opinions.....

Nathan, Tracy, Daphne, Noah, Matt are some of the strongest characters this season. I love them.
There are no useless characters who's story arcs are pointless but all the arcs are linked. Mohinders "power giving serum" links to the company and there "power giving abilities" which then links to Hiro and the Codes.
Tracy clone arc also links to this as well.

it all develops the Background info on the The Company.

And all those characters you mentioned are basically the same as they were in S1.

and i dont know why people have such a problem with Sylar's hunger (thirst for knowledge) this has been apparent since season 1 and it gives a realist reason as to why he acts that way.
his power is to understand things, why would he not have the problem wanting to know about everything.
i ask all these 'hunger haters', to think of a realist reason why Sylar's bad without including the Hunger!

We apparently have every hero save 3 or 4 now becoming bad guys. (Everyone from the X-Men has turned bad at least 79 times)

you also contradict yourself... your angry cos Heroes has turned some characters bad but you even state that X-men has turned everyone bad at least 79 times. if they do it and get away with it multiple times why cant Heroes get away with it once.
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There are no useless characters who's story arcs are pointless but all the arcs are linked. Mohinders "power giving serum" links to the company and there "power giving abilities" which then links to Hiro and the Codes.
Tracy clone arc also links to this as well.

it all develops the Background info on the The Company.

And all those characters you mentioned are basically the same as they were in S1.

and i dont know why people have such a problem with Sylar's hunger (thirst for knowledge) this has been apparent since season 1 and it gives a realist reason as to why he acts that way.
his power is to understand things, why would he not have the problem wanting to know about everything.
i ask all these 'hunger haters', to think of a realist reason why Sylar's bad without including the Hunger!
maybe they just don't understand the hunger for more knowledge, which is a very natural thing, of course, if you like to think, learn, understand and stuff
maybe they just don't understand the hunger for more knowledge, which is a very natural thing, of course, if you like to think, learn, understand and stuff

Thats ironic... if thats true then theyre acting like Sylar and Peter.

These fans dont understand something, so they get angry. isnt that basically what the Hunger is.

Sylar doesnt understand things so he (Hungers) to learn, but to do so he goes to the extremes (get angry/bad).
We apparently have every hero save 3 or 4 now becoming bad guys. (Everyone from the X-Men has turned bad at least 79 times)

I would like to know more about this. What Heroes are becoming "bad guys?" What constitutes a bad guy?

Not everything is so black and white on this show, people are very morally grey at a lot of times, and I like it like that. I hate that everyone always wants things to be so cut and dry with villains on one side and heroes on the other.

Sylar doesnt understand things so he (Hungers) to learn, but to do so he goes to the extremes (get angry/bad).

It's the complete opposite. Sylar's Intutive Apptitude helps him understand things, a side effect of having this is that has a urge to want to know EVERYTHING that drives him to do the things that he has done in the past. Not to mention his "I want to be special" complex added into that mix.
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I would like to know more about this. What Heroes as becoming "bad guys?" What constitute a bad guy?

Not everything is so black and white on this show, people are very morally grey at a lot of times, and I like it like that. I hate that everyone always wants things to be so cut and dry with villains on one side and heroes on the other.

But is it such a bad thing to want those definitions? Those barriers? While morally grey may make for interesting stories, sometimes it's good to know where people stand. To see truly altruistic people (like Peter and Hiro have been for the most part) and nefarious power-mongerers that are clearly out for their own ends whatever the cost. One of my gripes about this show is that it's trying to force morally grey in our faces with the vast majority of the characters. There really are good people in this world and there are bad people in this world and should we have to suffer everyone playing both sides of the thick black line, all the time? Perspective is a huge part of this show, and I get that, but I think it's a perfectly valid complaint to see that everyone at the moment seems to be dipping liberally into the grey area side of the pool. I just keep waiting for the adult swim to come and clear a bunch of those people out and force the sides they choose. If anything, THAT'S what I'm waiting to see this season. Not who muddles the waters enough, but who comes out black or white when it comes down to it. If it doesn't happen, then oh well. It's a TV show. Life goes on.
And that's what's being setup right now. Pinehearst vs. The Company, Angela vs. Arthur, good vs. evil - what side will everyone choose?

The characters are on that journey right now.
Yeah i was thinking that too. Im on Mama Petrelli's side all the way.

People should wait till the finale before making huge complaints, alot of the stuff does become clear in time.

I do agree there maybe little things that annoy people e.g. a certain character. but its still too early to start hateing the show and getting overly passionate, practically changing ones whole life because the writers made an ill fitting decision.
Is it just me or has Noah not been featured alot this season so far?
I know... i miss him lol.

im hoping we see some more scenes between Noah and Angela.
Sylar turning good guy/lost brother (Ripping off Dr. Evil from AP3? Wow...)

Wait a minute, did you just credit the creation of the "long lost brother angle" with f * cking Austin Powers 3

How old are you?
Wait a minute, did you just credit the creation of the "long lost brother angle" with f * cking Austin Powers 3

How old are you?

In case you hadn't garnered this information from my original post, I'll make it more obvious to you:

I'm being over-the-top with some of my analogies to overemphasize my point.
Well you failed miserably then, sorry. :(

Those analogies make you seem very childish.
And deciding I'm childish for orating why I am being turned off by this show makes you judgmental.

Let's share cookies?
And deciding I'm childish for orating why I am being turned off by this show makes you judgmental.

Let's share cookies?
actually, it does make you seem childish, but it's fun, that's one of the reasons I love the show: it's planted on the real world, with a realistic perspective, dealing with very realistic problems and such, which satisfies the adult in me, yet, there's people flying, time traveling, reading minds, absorbing powers, etc. which satisfies the child in me

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