SpeedBall? Damn!


Mar 24, 2002
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The New warriors was one of my favorite books, and now they are dead? Nova's in space. Who's idea was it to kill Speedy? How could he even be killed by the blast from nitro when his kinetic field withstood a blast from the Upstart Sienna Blaze in the New Warriors/XForce crossover? Miller isn't doing his homework.
It's indeed probably the Speedball is infact the one that will survive.
He's the one who survives.
Speedball is definitely the one who survives. He gets blamed for the whole Stamford incident. It was right on the last page of ASM #531:

The Story: “Embedded” - Civil War has ignited across the Marvel Universe! Embedded reporters Sally Floyd and Ben Urich are driven into the heart of battle—a battle in which a hero will fall. Their investigations will take Sally into the heart of Captain America’s resistance, while Urich is about to get reacquainted with a certain green friend...
“The Accussed” - Despised by a nation, the lone survivor of the New Warriors’ team is behind bars. Without family, without a friend in the world and without a reason to go on, will this hero make a deal, or take a stand?
“Correspondence” - Juxtaposing stories of war throughout time with the Marvel Civil War, “Correspondence” adapts tales from World War I and more!
32 PGS. NO ADS!/Rated T+ ...$2.99
In Stores: 2006-07-12

Speedball has been Joe Quesada's punching bag for months now at Newsarama's Joe Friday's (a weekly panel where Newsrama interviews Joey Q. Some reader questions are also part of the format) and he's been saying that Speedball is going to die. It's likely that the survivor is Speedball, at least that's the rumor going around.

If you take the solicitation at face value then the only person I can think of that would be "without family, without a friend in the world and without a reason to go on" is Microbe. His "family" was Night Thrasher nad his only friends where the reality show New Warriors. I don't see how it's possible for him to survive, but he fits the bill. I mean, Speedball's parents are still around and he has other friends outside the reality show New Warriors. Still, I think that Speedball was the survivor just so Joey Q can crap on him for a little while more.:(
Don't f#@$ing put that in the title!! That is a slap in the face to how things work on here:(
TheCorpulent1 said:
Speedball is definitely the one who survives. He gets blamed for the whole Stamford incident. It was right on the last page of ASM #531:


He could be considered responsible because it was him that said that they should take on the bad guys. People could still think he's dead.
God damnit! If I hadn't read Civil War yet...
Tropico said:
He could be considered responsible because it was him that said that they should take on the bad guys. People could still think he's dead.
I'm pretty sure the implication is that he was the only survivor and the people have attached the blame to him because of it. Besides, how would people know that he suggested they take the villains down? Presumably, if it was filmed for their reality show, all the reality show crew members were nearby and killed in the explosion as well.
Ha-ha, its like the Hawkeye argument all over again, nobody gave a damn about so and so until he died.
correct me if i'm wrong but doesnt one analyst blame Speedball for the Stamford incident in Civil War and acctually begin his sentence with: "I know its not proper to speak ill of the dead but..."

I for one hope he's dead, besides if he wasnt that would make Civil War really silly. ITs one thing to blame ALL the heroes when you cant blame the people responsible and your anger makes you wanna blame somebody, anybody, but when you have the people whose negligence caused this whole thing right in front of you, wouldnt you go after them instead of say...Johnny Storm, who saved the whole world from Galactus?

just my two cents
It doesn't matter if Speedball is alive or dead. They'll blame him and the other heroes because the Stamford incident will be viewed as merely a symptom of the larger problem, which is superheroes running wild without any accountability.
Darthphere said:
Ha-ha, its like the Hawkeye argument all over again, nobody gave a damn about so and so until he died.
Fan-favorite character who got shafted because all the books he appeared in sucked, driving the fans away and leading to the mistaken perception that no one cared about him... Yeah, it is just like Hawkeye. ;)
TheCorpulent1 said:
It doesn't matter if Speedball is alive or dead. They'll blame him and the other heroes because the Stamford incident will be viewed as merely a symptom of the larger problem, which is superheroes running wild without any accountability.

Fan-favorite character who got shafted because all the books he appeared in sucked, driving the fans away and leading to the mistaken perception that no one cared about him... Yeah, it is just like Hawkeye. ;)

That's why being a fan of a character is a horrible idea.
bkhedr said:
correct me if i'm wrong but doesnt one analyst blame Speedball for the Stamford incident in Civil War and acctually begin his sentence with: "I know its not proper to speak ill of the dead but..."

I for one hope he's dead, besides if he wasnt that would make Civil War really silly. ITs one thing to blame ALL the heroes when you cant blame the people responsible and your anger makes you wanna blame somebody, anybody, but when you have the people whose negligence caused this whole thing right in front of you, wouldnt you go after them instead of say...Johnny Storm, who saved the whole world from Galactus?

just my two cents

It's not just about what happened in Stamford. It's about ALL the other things that have been happening. Stamford was jsut the straw the broke the camel's back. Spidey already spoke up for the heroes at Congress and made the "these people have saved the world numeroud times" argument already; Congress isn't taking it. They want heroes to be accountable for everything they do, from property damage to (I guess) reality alteration. This has been coming to a head for months now.
TheCorpulent1 said:
It doesn't matter if Speedball is alive or dead. They'll blame him and the other heroes because the Stamford incident will be viewed as merely a symptom of the larger problem, which is superheroes running wild without any accountability.

I suppose. I guess I'm more rational than your typical MU human :p
I am pretty sure Speedball lived and the rest ate it. Speedball, wouldn't his powers jetison him away from the explosion.
well they should have backed away from Magog and he wouldnt have split Captain Atom open....huh?
Oh sorry wrong series
Tropico said:
It's not just about what happened in Stamford. It's about ALL the other things that have been happening. Stamford was jsut the straw the broke the camel's back. Spidey already spoke up for the heroes at Congress and made the "these people have saved the world numeroud times" argument already; Congress isn't taking it. They want heroes to be accountable for everything they do, from property damage to (I guess) reality alteration. This has been coming to a head for months now.

I know it wouldnt happen, and they wouldnt be heroes if they acctually went through with it, but Patriot had the right idea.

The heroes should go on strike (again they wouldnt be heroes if they did, i know)

but imagine if they did.

then we'll see how all the ungrateful, excuse the term, $7*)-heads, in the MU, feel about their heroes then.

It just get me steamed up that the heroes are being treated this way. But that's a good thing I guess, it certainly beats a story that gets no reaction at all :up:
roach said:
well they should have backed away from Magog and he wouldnt have split Captain Atom open....huh?
Oh sorry wrong series

you're right
they should have :p
He cannot be dead

Robbie Baldwin's exposure to energy from a dimension of kinetic energy gave him the superhuman ability to create a kinetic field of unknown energy around himself which absorbs all kinetic energy directed against him (what he orginally called the "Speedball Effect.") This absorption can vary from resisting the effects of physical objects such as bricks and rocks to resisting that of energy and fire and even explosions. Within his kinetic field it is nearly impossible for him to be hurt, and he instead bounces harmlessly from object to object, with no loss or transference of momentum.
k so he's not dead
i'm only thinking he might be dead because of a single dialogue bubble in Civil War which implied that he was dead

but I guess he's not

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