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THUS FAR... Your Favorite Film(s) Released in 2006!


Simply Amazing
Jun 7, 2004
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While there are still about two and a half months left in the year of 2006, here's a thread dedicated to the best cinema released this year that you experienced in theaters or caught later on glorious DVD!

I myself am not entirely certain what my favorite movie of the year is at this point... It's probably THE DEPARTED, but there are a few other films that I'm going to have to revisit soon to compare.

1. The Departed
Can't say enough good things about this film. It managed to be one of the most entertaining films I've seen in the last few years while at the same time never losing it's integrity. No small feat for a film these days. Top notch acting, directing, and everything else make this film (most likely) my favorite film of the year thus far...

2. United 93
I was beyond 'moved' by this film. The film was a raw and visceral take on one particular event on 9/11. I don't cry during movies, by the time the passengers put into effect their plan... I was bawling like a baby. Thank god my roommates weren't around that night. ;) If it were up to me, Paul Greengrass would be allowed to make any and every movie he wants for the rest of his days.

3. Little Miss Sunshine
A jem of an independent film that surprised the sh!!t out of me when I saw it. An incredibly simple, yet illuminating and hysterical, script is just one highlight of this well acted and shot film. Abigail Breslin showed how superior she was to Dakota Fanning with this one role; Paul Dano showed that he's going to be one to watch in the upcoming years in any genre of film; Steve Carrell showed that he's not going to be Will Ferrell, he is a true actor of layers and complexities than is capable of many different characters; Greg Kinnear showed that with this and The Matador, he's hollywood's best kept secret; Alan Arkin just showed us how friggin' funny and amazing he still is; and finally Toni Collette is still determined to show the world how vast and unmatched her range as an actress is.

If you haven't seen Little Miss Sunshine, go find it and see it. It's independent filmmaking at it's most enjoyable and accesible.

4. V for Vendetta

I don't think I have to say too much about this film. It's great, it's affecting, and it's here to stay. Thank you, Watchowski Bros. (or is one of them a sister now? i dunno) for putting your man McTeigue on the film and cooking up a script that is powerful, intelligent, and fun.

5. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
Not out yet, caught a preview screening last week. Funniest movie I've seen this year. It's hysterical. Sacha Baron Cohen is a brilliant comedian and is going to be going on to VERY BIG THINGS!!!

6. Monster House
I love The Goonies. I loved Monster House. It's a thrilling fun movie that's jam packed with 80's style humor that doesn't pander to the thought that the youth isn't sophisticated enough to enjoy some rather silly, but intelligent, jokes. It's a blast, an imperfect one, but a blast all the same.

I've still got a lot of films to catch up on and I'm seeing: The Fountain, Dead Man's Shoes, Thank You For Smoking, The Last King of Scotland, Infamous, and The Prestige very very soon...

So this list may change in a week or two.

What are your favorites of the year?
There had been some great ones and some horrible ones this year, but I'll do my best. My top ten are:
1. The Omen
2. Inside Man
3. Accepted
4. United 93
5. The Descent
6. Invincible
7. Scary Movie 4
8. Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
9. Tallageda Nights
10. The Convenant
1. V for Vendetta
2. Revolver
3. The Proposition
4. Munich
5. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

Note: Some movies might be from 2005 but that is because those did not get a theatrical release over here. But a 2006 DVD release instead.

Casino Royale, The Children of Men and The Departed may completely change this list. Atleast I hope so.
Movies I've seen at the cinema this year summed up in one word

V for Vendetta: controversial
The Hills Have Eyes: sadistic
An American Haunting: forgettable
Silent Hill: awkward
X-Men: The Last Stand: condensed
United 93: unsettling
The Omen: creepy
Superman Returns: Yay
Snakes on a Plane: Surprising
The Wicker Man: Anti-feminist
Children of Men: Warzone
1. The Descent
2. The Hills Have Eyes
3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
4. Fearless
5. Silent Hill
6. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
7. The Grudge II
8. See No Evil
9. Feast
10. Peaceful Warrior
1. V for Vendetta
2. Lucky Number Sleven (did it come out this year? I saw the dvd a few days ago...)
3. Miami Vice
4. Superman Returns
Off the top of my head my favorites are Cars, Monster House and United 93. There are others, but those are the ones I truly remember.
The Hills Have Eyes
V for Vendetta
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
Batattack, you liked texas Chainsaw Massacre? Thta's somethin you don't hear everyday.
Vulcan said:
Batattack, you liked texas Chainsaw Massacre? Thta's somethin you don't hear everyday.
Well believe or not, everyone has different opinions.
1.) The Departed
2.) Superman Returns
3.) Lucky Number Sleven
4.) V for Vendetta
5.) X3: The Last Stand

Vulcan said:
Batattack, you liked texas Chainsaw Massacre? Thta's somethin you don't hear everyday.

Except on days when you talk to horror fans.
Silent Hill and Superman Returns, everything else I've seen has been a dissapointment.

Uhh, still haven't seen The Departed.
I didn't see too many films this year, in no particular order;

Silent Hill- I love this film
Crash- Awesome
The 40 Year Old Virgin- I thought it was good
A History of Violence- Excellent
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest- Superb
X-Men: The Last Stand- It's okay
Hostel- It's okay
Tsotsi - absolutely incredible..great look at the redemption of a South African gangster.

The Departed - I'm still debating whether this or "Tsotsi" is my #1 movie of the year. For now, it's #2. This is such a great ensemble cast where everyone shines, even Mark Whalberg. It keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning till end.

The Descent - This and "The Hills have Eyes" are probably the only horror films I really got hooked on for quite awhile. The other recent horror movies have been crap. I loved the references to Joseph Conrad's novel "Heart of Darkness" and the movie Apocalypse Now (which was inspired by Conrad's novel). This movie manages to scare you, while at the same time, providing plenty of gore.

Water - A very engaging tale that showcases the harsh conditions of exile that the widows in India endured in 1938 (and still do today). We get some great performances in a story that ends on a bittersweet note. Lisa Ray is stunning to look at, but at the same time isn't just there because of her looks.

Monster House - This is one of the best and one of the most original animated films I've seen in quite awhile. There's alot of thrills and humor that would delight many adults. It's not for younger children, but I think 10 year olds can handle it. The trio, which consists of Jenny, DJ, and Chowder, are great to watch. They act likes kids and not like grownups in kids' bodies (which you usually see in animated movies). I had a similiar feeling of enjoyment watching this flick when I saw "The Goonies" in theatres (yes, I saw it in theatres for some event in the late 90s).
Superman Returns :cool: (I predict as time passes people will eventually find it was vastly underrated by general audience.)

X-men Last Stand

V for Vendetta
Departed, Crank, Snakes on a Plane. :o I'm sure Prestige is going to be added to that list real soon.
NOTE: Not in any particular order. And might accidentally put some 05's in here... see around 2 to 3 movies sometimes weekly- so very hard to tell the year.

Superman Returns

Bryan Singer has officially brought Superman back in all of his glory!

V for Vendetta

Come on, who didn't feel like they wanted to go around attacking government a couple of hours after this? Seriously, for a couple of hours I was a "born again" rebel against all authority.

Over the Hedge

One of the biggest laughs of the year- Bruce Willis' character's take on food. If you look at it, EVERYTHING -more or less- that we do is about food. Lol.

The Departed

Need I say more?

Man of the Year

Not only was it a great comedy, it brought up alot of interesting political ideas. Was a tense political thriller with a scene that made the audience jump. And was overall a really entertaining film.

The Prestige

Haven't seen it yet. But, come on- Nolan, Bale, Caine, Jackman. Could anything go wrong?


Yet another GREAT Spielburg film. Well, every Spielburg film is great- so, just add Munich to that list.

Monster House

Reminded me of the Goonies- and I liked the Goonies.


I'm a sucker for Capra-form entertainment. Loved it.


Made me reevaluate my life. Sure that's said alot. But, seriously- trying to change. I am very much like Ryan Phillippe's character... I hate racism, yet- I also thought that the guy was reaching for a gun. Just, this film definitely made me see things differently.

Clerks II

Laugh till you drop- litterally.

Hills Have Eyes

Typically I'm not one for slaughterhouse horror flicks. But, this one was good. Seemed like it went back to the old school. That's one of the things that I loved about, seemed like I was seeing a 70s horror film in theaters. I mean, come on- anybody else remember that rocking guitar theme for the heroe's return?

Snakes on a Plane

Pure entertainment. Midnight showing. Great fun.

The Omen

Thrilling- never saw the original before the remake.

Lady in the Water

Loved it. Fairy tale come to life. It was weird, but good.... loved the scene with the guy giving a speech about movies and predictable death sequences before being in turn- killed.

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