Sequels Tim Burton for Spider-Man 4


Dec 2, 2003
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What about Tim Burton to direct the next Spiderman 4 ?

Like he did, direct the original Batman films. That will keep Tobey McGuire company.

And what will keep Tobey is Raimi not Burton. Besides I want a recast anyway
You know what, Imma say yes because I want to see how much of a comedic disaster it will turn out to be.
1) Maguire will only return in my opinion , if sam raimi returns to direct (maybe produce)

2) But... I love Tim Burton's and his work... but i don't see him working with spider-man,,,

But i wouldn't be opposed to such a movie.
Burton would only work unbelievably well had he got the symbiote saga. But alas that ship has sailed.
I'd love it. But it won't happen. And it wouldn't work the way most people and/or fans would want to.
Hmm I don't see this happing, I like a lot of his films and all but I don't think this will happen. Ask for the actors I'd like if Tobey returned but if he doesn't I wouldn't mind a recast.
As I have said maultiple times, I really want Sam to return. Besides, Tim Burton is mainly known for directing dark and fantasy like films.
If you think about it, Tim Burton is perfect for Spider-Man in the sense that it includes themes that are common in Burton movies. Stuff like the loner and misunderstood for example. However...since Burton likes to do his own thing instead of being faithful he'll just piss off a lot of people.

Burton would only work unbelievably well had he got the symbiote saga. But alas that ship has sailed.

I remember back in 2002 when the original Spider-Man movie was released there was a thread discussing the sequels and the discussion of new cast & crew came up. And what you just stated was one of the things we discussed.
Didn't we already have a thread over this?
If you think about it, Tim Burton is perfect for Spider-Man
I have thought about it, and it's yet another fanboy and his horrible ideas. Tim Burton is perfect for Spider-Man like McG is perfect for Terminator.
Didn't we already have a thread over this?
Yes we did. It's like the Black Cat threads, they die, and some MoFo makes another one with sparks in their eyes like it's something new.

And the Mods are asleep at the wheel...again. :dry:
Singer would be waaaaaay better than Stephen Sommers.
I have thought about it, and it's yet another fanboy and his horrible ideas. Tim Burton is perfect for Spider-Man like McG is perfect for Terminator.Yes we did. It's like the Black Cat threads, they die, and some MoFo makes another one with sparks in their eyes like it's something new.

And the Mods are asleep at the wheel...again. :dry:

I had the same thought initially, but then they got Bale on board, surely he would not sign up for something that is going to be a wreck??

As for Burton, I could see him possibly making something special with a rated r reboot of the franchise, but nah, it wouldn't work because we'll never get a rated r spidey film....would we Visionary?:cwink:
I have thought about it, and it's yet another fanboy and his horrible ideas. Tim Burton is perfect for Spider-Man like McG is perfect for Terminator.Yes we did. It's like the Black Cat threads, they die, and some MoFo makes another one with sparks in their eyes like it's something new.

And the Mods are asleep at the wheel...again. :dry:

I had the same thought initially, but then they got Bale on board, surely he would not sign up for something that is going to be a wreck??

As for Burton, I could see him possibly making something special with a rated r reboot of the franchise, but nah, it wouldn't work because we'll never get a rated r spidey film....would we Visionary?:cwink:
I have thought about it, and it's yet another fanboy and his horrible ideas. Tim Burton is perfect for Spider-Man like McG is perfect for Terminator.Yes we did. It's like the Black Cat threads, they die, and some MoFo makes another one with sparks in their eyes like it's something new.

And the Mods are asleep at the wheel...again. :dry:

I had the same thought initially, but then they got Bale on board, surely he would not sign up for something that is going to be a wreck??

As for Burton, I could see him possibly making something special with a rated r reboot of the franchise, but nah, it wouldn't work because we'll never get a rated r spidey film....would we Visionary?:cwink:
I have thought about it, and it's yet another fanboy and his horrible ideas. Tim Burton is perfect for Spider-Man like McG is perfect for Terminator.Yes we did. It's like the Black Cat threads, they die, and some MoFo makes another one with sparks in their eyes like it's something new.

And the Mods are asleep at the wheel...again. :dry:

I had the same thought initially, but then they got Bale on board, surely he would not sign up for something that is going to be a wreck??

As for Burton, I could see him possibly making something special with a rated r reboot of the franchise, but nah, it wouldn't work because we'll never get a rated r spidey film....would we Visionary?:cwink:
I have thought about it, and it's yet another fanboy and his horrible ideas. Tim Burton is perfect for Spider-Man like McG is perfect for Terminator.Yes we did. It's like the Black Cat threads, they die, and some MoFo makes another one with sparks in their eyes like it's something new.

And the Mods are asleep at the wheel...again. :dry:

I had the same thought initially, but then they got Bale on board, surely he would not sign up for something that is going to be a wreck??

As for Burton, I could see him possibly making something special with a rated r reboot of the franchise, but nah, it wouldn't work because we'll never get a rated r spidey film....would we Visionary?:cwink:

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