'Star Trek' ~ I tend to like 'Star Trek' films more so than the TV series in general, but this one... I gotta say, I'm excited for this. J.J. Abrams had me with 'Cloverfield', and, I just like the guy's style because he molds it out of what all the fans themselves really wanna see. 'Cloverfield' could've been a monsterous-disaster if he wasn't listening to the crowd.
'Wolverine' ~ I don't trust this film, nor do I have faith that this film is going to be anything more than "big" in the box-office. I think this film will disappoint a lot of people. Now, I haven't seen this film(and I know I'm going to get hell from the people who are anticipating it, and I personally don't give a %#@&), but this is just my opinion. It may be known as "The Greatest Film of All-Time" on it's release, but, this is just an early opinion. When I saw the trailer, it just seems like they're trying to hard to squeeze in all of these side-characters that fans are dying to see, like: Deadpool, Gambit, etc. It's a nice treat for fans to see them on the screen, but I just think this film will be feeding on what the fans wanna see, but in the opposite way that Abrams has molded that out. I think this is going to be a film that when you go to see it, you discover that it was probably just a studio thing where they sat down and said: "How can we make back the money we lost from Summer 2008?" And then they realize that they can release all of these spinoff movies to make around $200-300M domestically and $500M worldwide, guiness. Right?... Anyhow, alike 'Spider-Man 3', I think 'Wolverine' is going to be garbage, not because of the people working in-front of the camera, but the things going on behind it.
'Terminator Salvation' ~ This could be a good film, but I can't say I'm expecting much. For me, it has a sorta 'Reign of Fire'-vibe(I liked the film, but a lot of people didn't). Now, again, I may be wrong, but this is just my opinion. The cast looks great, the visuals look great, this film is giving us yet another(and final) chance at seeing some of Stan Winston's final concepts, etc. Good be a good blockbuster, maybe more, but I'm not sure.
'Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen' ~ Looks like another Michael Bay movie, congratulations.
'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' ~ Could go either way, but I'm hoping they improve from the last film(which was fine, but you could tell that it was missing heavilly important chunks from the book itself).
'G.I. Joe' ~ Haven't seen much from this film. Saw a couple of posters. Nothing special. Heard the guy behind 'Van Helsing' and 'The Mummy' is behind this movie. Should be fun, I suppose. But nothing spectacular.
'Angels and Demons' ~ You post this and you don't post 'Watchmen'?... What the hell is this movie?!... Another Nicholas Cage film, or something?... Has the 'Constantine' sequel I've been waiting for finally arrived?...